Tuvalu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.NEI Nei Here; this (near me); now (Rby)
PN.NENE Ma/gene Orgasm (Rby)
EC.NI.1 Ni Past tense marker (Rby)
SO.NI.2 Ni Plural indefinite article (Rby)
AN.NIFO Nifo Tooth (Rby)
PN.NIMO.2 Ninimo Vertigo, giddy (Rby)
PN.NINI.3 Nini Smear, daub (Rby)
EC.NINO.* Nino Fine strand used in rope-making (Rby)
MP.NIU.1 Niu Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) (Rby)
CP.NOQA Noa To bind, tie (Rby)
PN.TAMA-TAQANE Tamataane Young man (Rby)
OC.NOFO Nofo Sit (Rby)
PN.NOGA Noga Relieved of pain (Rby)
MP.NONO.1 Nono Small flying insect (Rby)
OC.NONU Nonu (Morinda citrifolia) (Rby)
EO.NUANUA. Nuanua Rainbow (Rby)
NP.NUI.1 Nui Full (of belly) (Rby)
FJ.NUKU.1 Nuku Country (Rby)
PN.NUMI.1 Numi Tangled (of a line) (Rby)
CE.NUMI.2* Numi Wave goodbye Problematic (Rby)
PN.QO O Marker of non-finite verbs (Rby)
PN.OO.1 Oo Small reddish baitfish ; tiny fish on which the bonito feed (Hpr)
PN.OQA Oa Topstrakes of a canoe (Rby)
EO.OFAGA Ofaga Nest (of birds only) (Rby)
MP.OFI.A Ofi To fit, be roomy (Rby)
TU.OFI.B Ofi Have room (of container), fit (of thing to be contained) (Rby)
OC.QOHO Oho Food taken to sea by fishermen (Rby)
PN.OI.2 Oi Exclamation of surprise (Rby)
EC.OKI.1 Oki/oki To whistle (Rby)
PN.OLA.1 Ola Alive, healthy, recover from illness (Rby)
PN.OLA.2 Ola Air Plant (Kalanchoe pinnata) (Rby)
PN.QORA Ola Basket for fish (Rby)
PN.HOLI Oli To be in expectation, to wish something will happen (Jsn)
NP.OLI.3 Olioli Prayers said on shore for the success of fishermen (Rby)
OC.QONO.1 Ono Barracuda (Rby)
PN.QONO.3 Ono/ono Look, watch, consider (Rby)
PN.QOSO Oso Spring up, pounce, charge (Rby)
AN.QOTA.1 Ota Raw fish or fruit; eat fish raw (Rby)
PN.QOTAI Ootai A drink made from the meat of the motmoto coconut, toddy, water and milk of the motomoto (Jsn)
EO.QOTA.2 Ota Grated coconut residue (Rby)
MP.PAA.1 Paa Fence (Rby)
AN.PAA.2A Pa/paa, paa/paa Slap (Rby)
OC.PAA.3A Paa Trolling hook for bonito (Rby)
OC.PAE.1A Pae Stones round an earth oven (Rby)
PN.PAE-GA.A Paega Strips of coconut husk to be buried in preparation for sennit-making pile of stones used to make lau - kafa (local rope) (Rby)
PN.PAQIKEA Paikea Landcrab sp. (Rby)
PN.PAKA.2 Paka Crab sp (Rby)
NP.PAKA-PAKA Pakapaka Emaciated (Rby)
PN.PAKEE Pakee Bang (Rby)
CE.PAA-KEKE Pakee Scissors; cut hair Problematic (Rby)

1930 entries found