Reconstruction Level: PN - Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
MARAWA Rabbitfish (Teuthis rostratus) (Hpr)
MALE Cough
MA-LELE Be in motion from previous stationary position; fall, deteriorate, collapse
MA-LEMO Drowned
MA-LENA Smooth, stretched
MALIE Sweet-tasting, delicious
MAALIE.A Good, worthy of approval, propitious: *ma(a)lie
MAALIE.B Calm, gentle, peaceful, slow
MA-LIKO Half-light, twilight
MALILI.2 Goatfish (Hpr)
MAALILI A tree (Terminalia sp.)
MA-LIU Change direction, turn
MAROO Hard (not soft), stiff, dry
MAALOO.A Strong, unyielding; victorious
MALOAQA Uncomfortable, unhappy
MA-LOFA To be spread out
MAALOLO Flying-fish spp. (Hpr)
MAALOOLOO.A Healthy, well, strong
MALU.C Protection, protected, protector
MAALUU.1A Damp, moist, cool
MAMA.1 To leak
MAMA.3 Limpet or chiton
MAMAE.2 Be concerned about a treasured possession
MAMAGI A plant: Ma(a)ma(a)gi
MAMAHI Painful; pain
MA-MALU Enviable, respected, because possessing prestigious qualities
MAMAQO Far off, distant
MA-MATE.1 Be numb
MA-MATE.2 Die (of more than one person)
MAMO.2 A small species of fish
MANAFA Open ground
MANA-QIA Attractive (person): *ma(a)na`ia
MANAKO To desire
MANA-PAU Tree sp
MANATU Remember, think of
MANEGA Parrotfish sp
MANIA.1 Shudder, be set on edge (of teeth)
MANO A thousand counting units
MANONO A tree (Tarenna sambucina): *manon(ou)
MANUU-QIA Successful, fortunate
MANU-MAQA Many-coloured Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus perousii)
MANU-MEA A bird species
MANUNU.1 Burnt off, of vegetation
MAO.1 Cease raining
MAO.2 Do something by chance (and unfortunately), accidentally

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