Reconstruction Level: PN - Polynesian
Reconstruction | Description |
NEWA.A | Wander, move aimlessly or unsteadily |
NIKO | Circular or curved; to go in circles or in curves |
NIMO.1 | Vanish, forget |
NIMO.2 | Vertigo: *(ni-)nimo |
NINI.3 | Smear, daub, rub on |
NOA.2 | Postposed particle signifying non-restriction; just, only, without limit, without result |
NOFO-A | Seat: *nofo-(q)a |
NOGA | Tranquil and at ease |
NOU.1 | To make a jerking movement |
NUMI.1 | Fold, crumple, crease |
QO | Sequential same-actor verbal particle: *(q)o |
OO.1 | Tuna baitfish, such as the fry of Siganus or Caesio spp. (Hpr) |
OO.2 | Yes, response to call: *(q)oo |
OO.3 | To go (plural subject) |
OQO | Able to enter or be contained |
OQA | Topstrakes of a canoe |
OFO.A | To wake up (early or suddenly), regain consciousness |
OI.2 | Exclamation of surprise or distress |
OQI.A | To mash, knead, mix food |
OKI.2 | To rest: *(q)oki |
OKO.1 | Gather something |
OLA.1 | Be alive, well, healthy (not dead, ill) |
OLA.2 | Shrub sp |
QORA | Fishing basket |
OLA-WAI | A tree (Psychotria sp.) |
OLI.1 | Move (esp. back and forth, to and fro): *oli(oli) |
OLO.2 | Low-pitched sound; coo (of pigeons or doves) |
OMA.1 | Be swift |
OMA.2 | Sponge |
QOMAKI | Eat and drink at the same time |
ONA-POO | Days, times |
QONO.2 | Mend (net) |
QONO.3 | Look at; stare at |
QOPO | Put things together in contact with each other |
OSI | Young shoot, sucker |
QOSO | Rush, dart, charge, pounce on |
QOTI.B | All |
PAA.4 | Plate, platter, bowl |
PAA.5 | Burst, explode, sudden loud noise |
PAQA | Barren (of a woman) |
PAE.2 | Mother |
PAQE | Be cast ashore, drift |
PAE-GA.A | Stone platform; stone pile for retting coconut husk |
PAEKO | Feeble, shaky |
PAE-PAE | Stone surround of a structure |
PAGOGO | Fish sp. (Clk) |
PAQIKEA | Crab sp |
PAKA.2 | Crab |
PAKA-.3 | Lower part of trunk |
PA-KAKA | Dry, stiff |
1845 entries found