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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Emae PN.LOO-LOO Ro/roo Wet
Emae XO.TO-TOKA Totoka Door; area under eaves of house; room
Emae PN.TUQA.1B Tua/vae Top of the foot
Pukapuka NP.QASA-GA.B Aayanga/yanga Roomy, spacious
Takuu PN.AFAGA Ahana Formerly the space between the lagoon foreshore and the first row of houses; front yard, where canoes are kept
Takuu MP.AFE.1A Ahe Return; go/come back immediately; turn away from something (as a school of fish from a net)
Takuu PN.QAFII Ahii Wrap a seafood parcel (prior to placing it in an earth oven)...
Takuu AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi Late afternoon, evening, when the sun is half-set
Takuu OC.HAKAU Akau The coral reef, exposed at low tide, which encircles Takuu...; isolated coral head in lagoon
Takuu PN.-AGA.3 -Ana Particle creating nominalisations referring to location of, occasion of, incident of, state of something identified in verb root
Takuu PN.QALI.2 Ari Shave off (e.g. one's whiskers); scrape up a substance with a long sweeping stroke; scoop up something with the finger; lick off (a substance)
Takuu SO.QALOFI Arohi Sandy area of beach on lagoon side of each island
Takuu AN.HAU A/au (Obs) Tattooing needle, set of tattooing combs
Takuu PN.EQA.A Ea Shallow water inside the lagoon where the bottom is clearly visible
Takuu PN.FAFAI Ffai Gut a fish; clean a fish prior to cooking or eating raw; remove contents of turtle's intestines... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.FAFALI F/fari Scoop up faeces or vomit; wipe the bottom after defecating
Takuu MP.FITI.1A Hiti (pl. ffiti) Race on foot through shallow water Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu AN.FAFO Haho Exterior, outside, outdoors
Takuu PN.FAA-ITE.A Haaite Horizontal bar used in setting up a backstrap loom
Takuu PN.FAKA-ROGO Hakannoo Listen to, listen for, feel; show respect for, believe, obey; understand (what one hears) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu MP.FAGA.1A Hana Free edge of a canoe sail, leech; remove, let loose a string when making string figures
Takuu PN.FAALOO.B Haaroo (of arm or neck) Stretch, crane the neck, raise hand to reach something
Takuu MP.FATA.1 Hata Shelf, outdoor platform with holes in its base, wire rack for smoking fish
Takuu NP.FATA.2 Hatahata Uneven surface of two badly joined pieces of wood or the ground where a bed is spread
Takuu NP.FENUQU.A* Henu/i A loose leaf inserted into material being plaited or woven...
Takuu OC.FIGOTA Hiinota Various kinds of shellfish having edible contents, seafood gathered by women
Takuu AN.FILI.1 Hiri Choose, select
Takuu PN.OO.1 Oo Fish taxon, very small fry of unknown species
Takuu FJ.FOO.1 Hoo Kind of small silver fish caught in hand nets, commonly used as bait. Possibly Siganus fry or Caesio sp.
Takuu PN.FOKI.2 Hoki Again, also, too; indicates continuation of verb action
Takuu AN.FOAKI Hookii Hand over, lend, give with expectation of return, pass something to someone Phonologically Irregular
Takuu OC.TA-FOLA.1 Taahora Very smooth or flat
Takuu AN.FOQOU Hoou New
Takuu PN.FUKAFUKA Hukahuka Tree with soft white wood that drifts to Takuu
Takuu MP.FULU-FULU Huruhuru Body hair, skin of a bird or pig, hide of an animal, fine rootlets covering a taro corm, downy feathers
Takuu NP.LOA.2 I/loo Postposed particle: intensifier, immediately
Takuu EO.INO-QI Ino (of the sun, moon, etc.) Be past its vertical position in the sky; slant or slope downwards, tilt to the side
Takuu EO.KUMETE Kamete, kumete Wooden food bowl; constellation: four stars within Delphinus...
Takuu NP.KANOFI Pu/kanohi Animal flesh, meat; inner wood of a tree, cortex
Takuu OC.KAPOA Kapoo Fish sp., Snake Mackerel (Promethichthys prometheus)
Takuu CP.KAALEWA Kaareva Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)
Hawaiian EP.KALU.D ʔAlu/ʔalu Loose, flabby; misshapen, as a premature baby; slack, as a rope; wrinkled, uneven, rough, lined; foetus
Penrhyn EP.KALU.D Karu To loosen a rope
Sikaiana PN.KALU.C K/kalu Thick, of coconut oil in cooking
Tuamotu PN.KALU.A Karu Loose flesh; a fold of loose flesh; cheek, as of face or buttock; lips, as of the cunnus
Tuamotu EP.KALU.D Karu/karu Wrinkled, baggy, hanging in folds (of skin); slack, loose (as rope)
Takuu PN.KAU.4 Kau Umbilical cord; loop of fishing line tied to the base of a tuna fishing pole to which the hooks of the several fishing lines are attached when not in use
Takuu PN.KAU-QULI Kaukau uri Tree sp. having black wood that drifts to Takuu and is used for carving canoes
Luangiua AN.AGO.1 A/aŋo Kind of plant (ginger or turmeric), roots used for a soothing ointment
Luangiua FJ.KALOLO Alolo/lo Bow; to shoot bow