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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua MP.QASU Asu Scoop up
Luangiua NP.SAPA Haa/sapa Look out [of] side of eye
Takuu AN.KIKILA Kkila Shine, glisten, be oily, covered with oil (as hands after eating fried food)
Takuu EO.KINA.1 Kina Sea worm (echiurid or sipunculid) used for food or bait; (of sea cucumber, worm etc.) become thin an elongated Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu OC.KILI-KILI Kirikiri Surface, gravel flooring
Takuu FJ.KOFE.A (Sa)kohe Shrub (Miscanthus floridulus), a swamp-growing indigenous bamboo...
Takuu NP.KONA.2 Kona Burp and partially regurgitate one's food
Takuu NP.KONA.2 K/kona Have food stuck in one's throat (or the feeling thereof), have heartburn; belch up a bitter gastric fluid, belch, hiccough
Takuu TA.KOPA.3 Koopa/na Broadly-curved indentation along the perimeter of an island; inlet, bay
Takuu NP.KOPI-TI K/kopi Narrow (as of canoe), too small, of insufficient size to accomodate an object
Takuu PN.KOWI.B Kovi Any insect which typically remains inside a house; by extension, a man habitually staying indoors instead of working
Takuu CP.QUMITI Kur/umiti Crave, long for (a food)
Takuu PN.LAMA.2A Lama Black dye used in tattooing, made from the fruit of the hetau tree
Takuu SO.LEKA.3 L/leka Burp and partially regurgitate one's food; hiccough
Takuu OC.LOO Loo, roo Fly sp....; maggot, internal parasite (e.g. of a fish) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.LOTO.B Loto, roto Lagoon; place where turtles are commonly found; encirclement of a shallow area with coconut leaves and progressively reducing the enclosure to catch the small fish
Takuu PN.LOHU Lou, rou Long stick with a hook for picking fruit; use such a stick
Takuu MP.MAMA.2 Mama Chew, masticate (food for an infant); masticated food intended for an infant
Takuu OC.MANUKA.1 Manuka Accidental injury (polite); scar; scratch or crack on a wooden object
Takuu CE.MA-RIU Mariu Capable, skilful, good at something Problematic
Takuu PN.MAALOO.A Maaroo Forceful, hard
Takuu FJ.MALU.B Maru (of a canoe, roof, etc.) Watertight, not leaking
Takuu PN.MATA-FENUA Mata(a)henua Peninsula, point of land (the narrow points at each end of the lagoon side of Takuu's islands)
Takuu EC.MIO.1B M/mio Whirlpool, water spiralling behind a ship's propellor, eddies, wake
Takuu PN.MUQA.B Moo (Postposed particle) indicating a degree of politeness...Please, go ahead and, go on and; first of all
Takuu PN.QISI Moo/isi Few, small quantity
Rennellese PN.MO-QI Moʔi Fine, as hair, sennit, mats or print in a book
Takuu PN.MOTO.2A Mooto/iake Be a virgin
Tuamotu TA.KOO-UA Kooua A coconut at the first stage of development
Tuamotu PN.MEQA.B Mea To do, deal with, perform (a non-descript predicative substituting for any action mentioned, understood or implied)
Sikaiana OC.GAU N/nau Tough to eat, of food
Takuu CP.NOQA N/noa Knot; tie a knot; noose for shark fishing
Takuu OC.QOHO Oo Provisions for a sea journey, comprising coconuts, but no cooked food
Sikaiana PN.OO.2 Oo Yes (declarative statement)
Takuu PN.OO.2 Oo Exclamation of surprise Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.OKO.1 Oko Gather or collect scattered items to be picked up one or a few at a time (e.g. shellfish, ripe coconuts, firewood)
Takuu PN.OSI Osi Young shoot of a plant that has developed from a sucker of an old plant
Rennellese PN.QOTA-QOTA ʔOtaʔota Goods, articles, possessions, property
Takuu AN.QATO Oto Length of sennit cord long enough to attach one vertical row of thatch panels to a roof Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.PAPA.1B Ppaa Flat surface, floor of a house, flat rock, reef flat
Takuu PN.PAKI.2 Paki Men's dance using stylised wooden clubs; club used in this dance
Takuu MP.PAKU.B (P)paku Burnt; dried out from overcooking
Takuu MP.PAKU.D Paku Burnt, hard part of a food (e.g. rice); outer part of the core of a tree where the wood is dry and hard
Takuu NP.PAKU.C P/paku Indelible stain from the blood of a fish, turtle or human
Sikaiana XO.PAQIOLO Paolo A shovel like tool formerly made from the chest bone of turtle, used for sweeping and shovelling
Takuu OC.PALAGI Parani Blue-dotted Hairtooth Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) and other spp.
Takuu OC.POO.2 P/poo Cup one’s hand, slap with a cupped hand, clap cupped hands
Takuu EP.POTI.2 Poo/poki Marine creature: sand bug, mole crab Problematic
Takuu PN.POTU.1 Potu Section of coconut-frond dragnet which may be opened to insert a mooise net; point at rear of mooise net toward which fish are driven; point on shank of fishook where the curve starts; corner of a house
Takuu MP.PUKU.1A Puku/puku Bump, swelling, knot (in wood) or any other rounded protuberance