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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu PN.PUNOU Punou (of a person) Stooped, bent over with age or infirmity
Takuu PN.PUTO Puto That part of a net or sail that balloons outward from the wind or water; (of a sail or a fishing net) to balloon outwards
Takuu OC.PUTU.1 Puutu/na Large group of people gathering for work or entertainment; An afternoon of storytelling, singing and dancing organised as an entertaining distraction for mourners (obs.)
Sikaiana PN.RAFO Laho Root of pandanus {paku} tree, sliced and then left to dry, used as house walling slats
Takuu OC.LAPA.2 Rapa Speak too fast to be understood Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu EO.LAWA.1A Rava Full, enough, have eaten enough food
Takuu FJ.LII.2 Rii/rii Wind (e.g. fishing line around stick), tie (bait onto hook)
Takuu PN.LIFU Rihu Tire of doing something; lose patience with someone; (of a fish) refuse to take the hook, not bite; start to eat something. then realise you do not want to eat it
Takuu PN.LIU.1 Rui Bilge of canoe; groove, depression, or inner concavity of an object (such as the grooved surface of a curved adze or the hollow of a cup or bowl) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu MP.KILA.2 Saa/kila Look or glance once out of the corner of one’s eye
Takuu EO.SAQALO Saa(o)roo Scrape something (with a knife, etc.) in order to soften it
Sikaiana SO.SA-SALA Sala kai To harvest, to gather food from the bush
Takuu NP.SAWA.1 S/sava Covered or smeared with an undesirable substance (e.g. paint, blood, faeces)
Takuu NP.WEKU.1 Seku/seku Dishevelled, disarranged in appearance, messy or untidy looking, unkempt Phonologically Irregular
Takuu MP.SELU Seru Comb; long tail feathers of rooster and some other birds
Sikaiana CP.SEU S/seu To fish with a bamboo rod using a casting motion that pulls the hook over the top of the surface of water
Takuu CP.SISI.3 Ssii Scoop out the flesh of coconuts, clams, etc.
Takuu CP.SILA.1A S/sila Slanted, crooked; bent; (of one’s eyes) cross-eyed
Takuu NP.SUMU.1 Simu Lash or tie a three-legged stool (tuai) or oilfish hook (maatau hakasoro) in a prescribed manner Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana CP.SINA.2 Sina The central character of many of the traditional fairy tales {tala}. By legend, a woman who lives on the moon; she can be seen weaving her mat when the moon is full
Takuu PN.SILI.1 Siri (of sleepiness, hunger, etc.) Decrease, wane, disappear, be gone; (of an entire coconut tree) too old to bear more fruit; (of a coconut, coconut embryo, giant taro, etc.) matured past the point where it is good to eat or drink, overripe
Takuu FJ.QAA-SIO-SIO Sisioi, siosio/lloa Waterspout, typhoon; dragonfly
Sikaiana PN.SUKE Suke Rummage about as when looking for something
Takuu PN.TAFITO.A Tahito Foot or base of a tree or pole; beginning of a story, history; cause of a problem
Takuu FJ.TAFU.A Tahu Kindle a fire, light a fire, add wood to a fire
Sikaiana PN.TAKAI Taakai A belt (woven on the loom, or store-bought)
Takuu MP.TAKUU Takuu unamea (obs.) Hatchet whose blade is made of turtle bone set into a wooden handle, used for scraping swamp taro
Sikaiana PN.TAGULU Tallu Make a dull booming noise as waves do when they break, or pounding of a hammer Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.TAPU-WAQE Tapuae Foot print, tracks of animal
Takuu SO.TAPU-VAQE Tapuvae Heel of the foot
Takuu PN.TALA.4 Tara hora Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata)
Takuu PN.TALA.4 Tara moana Sooty or Bridled Tern (Sterna sp.) (not usually seen close to Takuu)
Takuu PN.TALA.1 Tara Barb on a fishhook, spear, etc; thorn; spine(s) on the fin of a fish
Sikaiana CP.TAUME Taume Shoot of a coconut branch
Takuu PN.TERE.A Tere (of a canoe or ship or its occupants) Sail, travel over water; (of a car or other land vehicle or its occupants) go, drive; (of fish) run as a school
Sikaiana FJ.TILI.3 Tili/tili Knock, as in knocking on a door
Sikaiana PN.TOO.3 Too To fall, of rain
Ifira-Mele PN.TOO.3 Too (of rain) Fall
Sikaiana PN.TOTO.1 Toto (rare) Blood
Takuu AN.TOFI T/tohi Split or tear something apart (e.g. an item of food)
Takuu PN.TOGI.1A Toni Open coconut for drinking by cutting an opening in the pointed end; cut a wedge from a branch (e.g. to check on the quality of the wood); lodge a machete in a coconut trunk
Takuu XO.TO-TOKA Tootoka Door, doorway
Sikaiana XO.TO-TOKA Tootoka Door of a house
Luangiua AN.TOA Ki/koa Ironwood (Casuarina equisetifolia)
Sikaiana NP.TUQU.2 Tuu Strap of a back strap loom
Sikaiana PN.TUQA.1C T/tua Open ocean, ocean outside the lagoon.
Sikaiana EO.TUFA.1 Tuha (rare) To divide food unevenly
Mangareva PN.TUKU.C Tuku atu Lâcher, loosen
Takuu PN.TUGI.* T/tuni Set fire to, burn (e.g. grass, rubbish); heat up rocks, shells, or similar hard materials;cook (coconut cream) by inserting hot stones or by heating over a fire; (of the sun) burn fiercely, be uncomfortably hot
Takuu MP.HIKO-FI Ukohi Wooden tongs for removing hot stones from fire; remove (e.g. hot stones) from fire with tongs