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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Easter Island PN.PALE.1A Pa/pae Door, shield, stone or rug used as a door Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island OC.MAGOO Maŋoo Shark (sp.)
Easter Island EP.TUMU.1 Niho tumu Molar tooth
Easter Island PN.TAFITO.A Niho tahito Molar tooth
Easter Island OC.LUA.2 Haka/rua/rua To spit (food or some other un-pleasant thing, e.g. stomach acid etc.)
Easter Island OC.LUU.3 Ruu-ruu Shiver, tremble (from fear); shake (i.e. sift dry goods)
Tongan PN.RAQA-KAU.B Aców Wood; any sort of club
Easter Island TA.KOO-PANI ʔOpani Door, gate Borrowed
Easter Island FJ.KOFE.A ʔOhe Bamboo Borrowed
Easter Island PN.FATU-TILI Hatatiri Mushroom Problematic
Easter Island OC.FATI.A Ha/hata Break (by snapping?, e.g. a plant, wood, knife, sawblade, etc.) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island OC.LIGI Haka/pa/riŋi Pour (emptying completely a container of liquid or dry goods)
Easter Island TA.TII-RAFA Raha Bend, duck down (so as not to bump head, as e.g. to go thorugh a low doorway, under a tree, into a cave)
Tahitian EP.SOPE.2 Hoope/ʔa Fin, extrémité, aboutissement (d'une action)
New Zealand Maori PN.QA Aa, a Of, belonging to (used in speaking of transitive actions, movable property, instruments, food...)
New Zealand Maori PN.O Oo, o Of, belonging to (used in speaking of parts of a whole, names, qualities, feelings, places occupied...)
Easter Island MP.PIKO.A (Pi(ko))piko Crooked
Easter Island EO.LAQU.1 Haka raʔu Hook
Easter Island CE.PAU.1E Pau/roo Every
Easter Island OC.LOA.1 E ko roa Soon
Penrhyn EP.FAKA-FOQOU (H)akahoou To do anew, again
Easter Island OC.LAPA.2 Rapo-rapo Shine, shimmer (light on water on overcast cloudy days, and also moonlight on water) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.POO-QULI Pooʔiri Dark Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.QIGO.2 Eŋo-eŋo Dirty, stained (e.g. page of a book, clothes from lack of care, etc.) Problematic
Easter Island PN.MATE.2 Mate Luck (good or bad) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian PN.FAKA-WALE Haavare To lie, deceive, impose; lie, deception, falsehood of any kind
Tuvalu MP.MATA-WAI Mataavai Floodgates, springs (Bib.)
Tuvalu NP.SAWANE Savane, havane Type of fish: moonlighter
Tuvalu PN.OQO Oo To surround, enclose; pen, coop, enclosure Problematic
Tuvalu PN.PEKE.2A Peke Crooked
Tuvalu PN.PEKE.3 P/peke To dip food into fluid, spread, drink
Tuvalu PN.SEGI.B Hegi Dazzled, dazed, crazy, stupid, foolish
Tuvalu PN.TAUSI Tausi Keep, care for, look after; obey (keep) a law
Tuvalu PN.WALE.2 Vale Drunk; fool, idiot, lunatic, retarded person
Tuvalu PN.MAALOOLOO.B Malooloo To rest, take a vacation
Tuvalu SO.TATA.2 Tata Pull out (as of knife from sheath, tooth from jaw)
Tuvalu PN.TOFI-QA Toofiga Appointment, the act of appointing, assignment
Tuvalu SO.PAA.7 Paa Slight depression in a tree trunk; defects or blemishes in a canoe due to using misshapen wood; defect in a family group
Tuvalu PN.GA-LUE Galue/lue Swing to and fro; loose
Tuvalu PN.FANO-GA Fanooga The act of going somewhere
Tokelau PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale/a Be made a fool of, be fooled, be cheated
Tokelau PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale/vale Do something to distract someone, fool
Samoan PN.FAKA-WALE Faʔavale To act foolishly; applied to one who has a defect, as a mutilated arm or a blind eye
Tongan PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale Foolishly, in a foolish way; causing to be foolish or to act foolishly
Tongan PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale/a To bewitch, to cast a spell over, or to exercise a strong influence over, and so lead to act foolishly
Easter Island MP.MAMA.2 Ma/mama Bait (specifically, loose bait scattered or submerged to attract fish) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island MP.PUSI.1 Pu/puhi Shoot (v)
Tahitian PN.KA-KAU.2 Aau The handle of a tool; the stalk of fruit
Tahitian SO.KINA.2 Ina The edge of a tool; sharp, keen
Waya AN.AKA.A W/aka Root or roots of a plant