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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan PN.POO.1B Poo Special day, celebrated occasion: poo kai, a day of feasting
New Zealand Maori CE.POO.1C Poo Place of departed spirits
Rarotongan CE.POO.1C Poo The Polynesian underworld; the Christian hell
Rarotongan CE.POO.1C Poo Days of yore, the distant past: mei poo mai, from long, long ago Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian CE.POO.1C Po The unknown world, or hades; the place of punishment in the other world
Tahitian CE.POO.1C Po Antiquity, unknown, ancient date Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka CE.POO.1C Poo The Underworld; burial ground...
Hawaiian CE.POO.1C Poo The realm of the gods; pertaining to or of the gods, chaos, or hell
Ifira-Mele PN.POO.1B Poo- Prefix to numerals: in (so many) days, (so many) days from now (in the future): pootoru, three days from now
Marquesas MP.POLA.1 Póa A branch of the cocoa nut tree designed for thatching
Marquesas EP.PAKA.1B Pokka/pókka Crust of baked fruit &c.
Marquesas PN.POKO.3 Póko To smite one arm with the other hand open
Marquesas NP.POKO-POKO Poko/póko, po/pó For a woman to arrive at the age of maturity
Marquesas NP.POKO-POKO Poko/áihhu A young woman who has not borne a child Problematic
Marquesas MQ.POGI.3 Pone/hhó Quick
Marquesas NP.PAU.1C Pou To finish
Marquesas MP.SINA.1 Pava/hina Ornement en barbe blanche; espèce de poisson à longue barbe
Marquesas PN.POO-QULI Powe/óa Slow, tedious, loitering Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas OC.PUU.1 Pu/kava, pu/áva Genre de coquillage
Marquesas FJ.PULEWA Pu/évva To itch; itching pustules between the fingers Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MP.PUSI.1 Puhi/nau Sel; brouillard salin sur le rivage de la mer
Marquesas PN.FAQA.3 Pu/hwáu A chink or fissure; to crack or break to pieces
Marquesas EP.PAKA.1B Pukka/púkka Small bits
Marquesas MP.PUSI.1 Pu/puhi Bouillir, être en ébullition; fermenter; jaillir, se répandre, sortir, couler, éjaculer; crever, se percer (en parlant d'un abcès, d'une tumeur)
Marquesas CE.PUTA.1B Púta To arrive by land, to reach a place
Marquesas FJ.TALA.2 Ta A call from the hills; to call Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.TALA.1 Ta A thorn; prickle or splinter; a needle; a fish-gig; a rod; to sharpen to a point
Marquesas NP.TAFO-LAQA.* Tàhóa A porpoise
Marquesas EP.TAFUQA Tàhóuwa Square, level places, where Koénas are performed; the deck of a ship
Marquesas CE.TEKA.2A Tàika A strong reed used as a dart for amusement; to miss a mark
Marquesas EP.SEI.1B Takke/éi A string of teeth worn round the neck
Marquesas CP.TAGI.B Táne To make any sort of noises; the noise
Marquesas MQ.TAU.13 Táou To carry a person, or to be carried, on a man's back
Marquesas PN.PALA.4 Ta/paí Barbouiller, enduire, teindre; coller
Marquesas PN.PALA.4 Tapí To anoint or daub; to stick on
Marquesas PN.TAPU-WAQE Tappuwí The foot, the sole, footmarks, stilts
Marquesas PN.TAPA.4 Tà/táppa To adopt, to proclaim a name
Marquesas AN.TAA.1B Ta/ttá To take the pulp off from the core of the ripe breadfruit
Marquesas AN.TAA.1B Ta/ta Enlever l'épiderme d'une écorce; couper le fruit à pain pour mettre dans le silo
Mangareva CE.RIRE Rire Accueillir cordialement, faire bon accueil Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.RIRE Ié/ié Orgueilleux; élégant, gracieux Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.RIRE Tava/íé, tava/rire Net, propre, blanc, clair
Marquesas CE.RIRE Tàvíeei White, fair
Marquesas PN.TII.2 Te/á To heat water or pudding, by putting hot stones into it Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori CE.RIRE Rire/rire Adjective used to intensify words indicating beauty
Tuamotu CE.RIRE Riire To be perfect, unblemished, splendid...bright, shining...
Hawaiian CE.RIRE Lile Bright, shiny, dazzling, sparkling
Tahitian CE.RIRE Rire The yellow vi-apple; to be in a state of fear Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.TIFA.1B Téfa, téhha To cover or close up; a lid or stopper; enough
Marquesas CE.TEA-TEA Teiatéia Animal seed