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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu NP.KAU-TALIGA Kautarina mouri General word for fungi (including mushrooms); fungus sp. shaped like an ear
Takuu FJ.KOFE.B Kohe-a Peel (skin); scrape (a koo [digging stick])
Sikaiana NO.KUNU Kunu A species of oyster, popular food on Sikaiana
Sikaiana AN.KULO Kulo A multi‑purpose basket made of coconut leaf {paakele} that can be used as a hat or for carrying food
Takuu EC.MA-FAGA Mafana Loosened, unfastened, removed
Nuguria EC.MA-FAGA Mahana Loose, free (e.g. rope); take off (of a bird)
Nuguria PN.MAQOLI Maauri-loo Truly, really Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana EO.MA-LAMA Malama The moon; a month
Sikaiana CP.MA-MATA Mmata Look, examine, inspect
Sikaiana PN.MATAQU.1 Maatau A fish hook (archaic); to fish with a hand held line
Takuu OC.FAQU.1 Me/fau Native loom; fabric woven on loom
Takuu PN.GAQA Naa Fish sp., approx. 250 mm. long, blue and white, found in schools...
Nuguria PN.IO.2 Ioo Brain Problematic
Sikaiana PN.NAO L/lao To feel something without looking at it; put finger down throat to induce vomiting Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana CP.NOQA N/noo (pass. noo/tia) To tie a knot
Takuu PN.PAPA.1B Ppaa Part of loom: cloth-beam; scraping-board
Takuu PN.PAGOGO Pannoo Fishing technique: standing in waist-deep water and casting a line among the rocks for small fish; Golden Spinefoot (Siganus guttatus) or rabbitfish, typically caught by this method
Nuguria XO.PAQIOLO Paoro Turtle bones on the back, turtle backbones; stirring rod for hot food, made of turtle bone
Nuguria NP.PAKI-AKA Patiaka Surface root Phonologically Irregular
Takuu SO.LAULAUFAU Ppee laurauhau Moorish Idol (Zanclus canescens); type of large butterfly
Takuu PN.PITO.2 Pitoo/mee Little thing
Takuu PN.POO-GIA Poonia Continue past dark, be overcome unexpectedly by darkness
Tokelau PN.POO-GIA Poogia Be benighted, be late
Sikaiana PN.POO-GIA Poonia To be caught at sea when it is night, under unusual or unpleasant circumstances; not to reach a destination by nightfall
Nukuoro PN.POO-GIA Boongia Be caught by darkness unexpectedly
Tahitian PN.POO-GIA Pooia Dark as the sky
East Futuna PN.POO-GIA Poogia Etre pris par la nuit
Nuguria PN.POLA-POLA Porapora Basket plaited of coconut leaves (for carrying food, tubers, etc., quickly woven, used and thrown away)
Sikaiana PN.PORO-QAKI Poloaki To say goodbye
Takuu PN.PULE.2 Pure/pure Farewell, say goodbye
Takuu XO.GALO.3 Lano, rano Molar tooth Phonologically Irregular
Takuu FJ.RAU.3 Naa rau Thatch panels on a roof
Takuu FJ.RAU.3 Kkahu rau Old, frayed thatch on a roof
Sikaiana PN.LAU-PATA Laupata A tree species (macaranga?) used for some woodworking and firewood
Sikaiana OC.LELE.A Lle To fly; to flow, as a river flows; to bleed, as blood
Nuguria XO.LII.3 Rii Young coconut (not yet motomoto) -- children suck its sweet husk and it is given to sick people who cannot eat hard food
Sikaiana PN.LOFI L/lohi The spreading of a smell, either good or bad Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.SAKO Sako Sprout of a young tree near the roots of its parent
Takuu EO.SAU.6 S(s)au/makallii Cold; feel cold (of someone else's body, food, air temperature)
Sikaiana NO.SEE.4 S/see To seek, search for, look for
Nuguria NO.SEE.4 Hee/hee Seek, look for (food, fish, firewood)
Tokelau SO.SIKI.3 Hiki Heavy wooden club carried in a fishing canoe for killing large fish...
Samoan PN.SIKI.1D Siʔi To quote from a book
New Zealand Maori PN.SIKI.2 Hiki The join or seam between two widths of a floor mat
Takuu FJ.MAPO Sii/mapo (of wood) Rotten on the outside while the inner wood remains sound
Sikaiana AN.TAA.1B Taa/taa To cut wood with an adze, as in shaping a canoe
Sikaiana PN.TAFE-GA Taahena A flood or overflow of water, a flow of water
Tokelau PN.TAFE-GA Taafega The strong flow of sea on the reef during a rough sea, flooding
Tokelau PN.TAFE-GA Tafega A small flow of water during low tide which is used by fish either to go outside the reef or come into the lagoon
Niue PN.TAFETA.A Tafeta Pool (of brackish water above high tide mark)