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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu NP.TAKAA Takaa Rope or string lashing used to join two pieces of wood flush together; lashing in this manner to join two pieces of wood or rope; rope binding used to attach the barb to the shaft of a wooden fishhook; (obs.) plank tied to the side of a traditional canoe to cover the caulking material
Samoan PN.TAKAFALU Talafalu Small tree or shrub (Micromelum sp.) with oil glands on its leaves which are used for medicial purposes Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia NP.TAKA-FULI Takafuri/nga Large pandanus mat used as a basis for gifts at initiation, marriage, funeral Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese PN.TAKA-GA Takanga Married couple
Tongan PN.TAKA-GA Takanga Number of persons or animals that go about together
Penrhyn PN.TAKAI Taakai Bundle, roll, make a bundle, wind; bundle, roll (n)
Anuta NP.TAKALO Taakaro The game of making string figures ("cat's cradle")
Marquesas CE.TAKAO Tekao (MQN), teʔao (MQS) Parole, discours, parler; récit, conte, conversation; mot, phonème, langage; doctrine, commandement; avis
New Zealand Maori PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Plaited floormat
Ifira-Mele PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Coconut-frond mat (placed under other mats)
Niuafo'ou PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Floor mat
Nuguria PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Kind of mat (of coconut fronds, two-sided, for sitting on)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Mat made from coconut leaves
Rennellese PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Coconut-leaf mat
Takuu PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Coconut-leaf mat used for sleeping
Tongan PN.TAKAPAU Takapau Coconut-leaf floormat
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.TAKAPE Takape Lutjanus kasmira (Taumako)
Rennellese FJ.TAKAPE Takape Small striped and brightly coloured fish, probably yellow and blue sea-perch, blue-banded hussar (Lutjanus kamira) [Forskal]
Rapa SO.TAKA-WIRI Takaviri Eel, generic name; also a certain small eel Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori CE.TAAKEKE Taakeke Net; cord from which snares for birds were suspended; to make a net
New Zealand Maori FJ.TAKELE.A Takere Bottom [ex. of sea, basket]; main part of the hull of a canoe; keel; centre of a pathway worn by foot traffic
Hawaiian PN.TAAKELO Kaaʔelo A star, perhaps Betelgeuse ; May or January
Kapingamarangi EO.TAKI.1 Dagi Lead, leader; supervise, manage; tow (a canoe)
West Uvea PN.TAKI-.2 Taki- Préfixe des noms de nombre marquant une succession de groupes dont chacun comprend le nombre d'unités indiqué par la base
New Zealand Maori CE.TAA-KIRI Taakiri Draw away suddenly, strike (a match), pull up/out, pluck; start convulsively; make return stroke in paddling canoe, fly back as a spring
Luangiua PN.TAKOTO Kaʔoko Remain (things), leave, lie down (?)
Pukapuka PN.TAKOTO Takoto Remain, be left over, be established
Takuu PN.TAKOTO Takoto Be lying down, reclining; remain, be left over
Tongan PN.TAKOTO Taakoto Lie down (Plural), of persons and animals
New Zealand Maori PN.TAKU.1 Taa/taku/ Utter slowly or deliberately, recite; saying, direction, command, any deliberate utterance
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAKU.1 Taku-a Say, tell, plan, think, decide ; order, command
Tahitian CE.TAKU.2 Taʔu Posessif: mon, ma, mes, sans préciser le mode fort ou faible de possession
Pukapuka MP.TAKUU Takuu Cutting implement made from backbone of turtle
Kapingamarangi OC.TAKUA.1 Dagua Yellowfin Tuna (Neothynnus macropterus)
Tokelau RO.TAKU-HALI Takuali Small but dangerous sea-eel which attacks
Hawaiian PN.TAKULUA Kaulua Month name, June-July or February-March; a star, Sirius Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu PN.TAKULUA Takuruua Star name; it may be Venus, Jupiter or Saturn
Fijian FJ.TAKUPU Takubu Pacific Harrier (Circus approximans) (Lomaivitilevu)
Waya FJ.TAKUPU Takubu Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans approximans)
East Futuna PN.TALA.1 Tala Ronce, épine, corne d'animal
East Uvea PN.TALA.1 Tala Corne d'animal
Mangareva PN.TALA.1 Taara Epines en général; cornes d'animaux; crête de coq; arête du dos des poissons...
Rapa PN.TALA.1 Tara/roa Small mud crab with large red claw
East Futuna FJ.TALA.2 Fakama/tala/ Expound, narrate
Samoan FJ.TALA.3 Tala Unfold, undo, open out, dismantle
Luangiua PN.TARA Makaa/kala Front of house
Samoan SO.TALAE Talae Small mangrove fish (Periophthalmus sp.)
Tongan FJ.TAA-LAFU Taalafu Fireplace on canoe or other small vessel
Hawaiian NP.TALAGA Akalana Husband of Hina-a-ke-ahi, mother of Maaui (Beckwith)
New Zealand Maori NP.TALAGA Taranga The mother of Maaui-tikitiki