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204 Results matching "-i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori PN.-QI.3 -i Frozen suffix on many transitive verbs e.g. horoi "wash" < *solo-`i
Nuguria XO.QILAAMOTU.* Ku/ila-motu Daughter-in-law
Rennellese PN.QILAAMUTU ʔIgaamutu Son-in-law, daughter-in-law
West Futuna PN.FUGOWAI.* Sina/havai Mother-in-law (man speaking)
Emae MP.LAKA.1 Raka-ia Step over
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.LAKA.1 Laka-ia Pass, be beyond, overtake; pass (of time)
Rarotongan MP.LAPA.1A Rapa/rapa Blade-shaped, flat-sided and tapering to an edge; fallen-in, not rounded (e.g. cheeks). To be of an oval shape, with somewhat flattened sides (Sve).
Easter Island CE.REIRA A-ira There Problematic
East Futuna CE.REIRA Le-ia That yonder Problematic
Nuguria CC.KAPU-LOLO Te-ipu-lolu Skull Problematic
West Uvea PN.LUPO Lupo Poisson gros et large, non-id.
Ifira-Mele SO.MAQAA Maa Brother-in-law
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.MAQAA Maa Sister-in-law, brother-in-law
Rennellese SO.MAQAA Maʔaa Classificatory brother-in-law (am speaking), sister-in-law (woman speaking)
Tikopia SO.MAQAA Maa Affine of same grade and sex; brother-in-law, sister-in-law
Easter Island PN.MAQOLI Maʔori Name of the native land of Hotu Matu`a and of his people who migrated, following a cataclysm on the continent of Hioa, to the island; expert, wise, intelligent; tangata maori rongorongo, literate person (who knows how to read the inscriptions of the kohau motu); maori-ika, surgeon [dead body-expert]; maori-hare, house-builder (Egt). (Of manual training) dexterity, handy, industry, artisan; (Of mental training), erudite, finesse, cleverness; (the resultant) memorable, renowned, of good reputation; tagata maori, carpenter; rima maori, left (sic) hand; tae maori incompetent; maori ke, judicious, sly; maori ke avai, adroit (Chl). Skilled, old (Fts)
Tongan PN.MATA-A-PULE Mataapule Man of honourable rank or station; minor chief; chief's attendant and spokesman; sibling-in-law of same sex
Penrhyn AN.MATUQA.C Matua Parent, esp. father; father-in-law, mother-in-law; any member of the first ascending generation
Rotuman FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Mantis, stick-insect, grasshopper Borrowed
New Zealand Maori ??.MOKO-FULUFULU Moko-huruhuru "Hairy grub", the form assumed by Maaui when he attempted to enter the body of Hine-nui-i-te-poo
New Zealand Maori CK.MOKO-ROA-I-ATA Te Mokoroa-i-ata The Milky Way (Best 1955:39)
Mangaia CK.MOKO-ROA-I-ATA Mokoroa-i-ata The Milky Way (Makemson 1941:185)
West Uvea MP.MUU.2 Mu(u) Poisson non-id. (ressemble au bec de canne)
West Futuna PN.NA.4 -I Third person singular preverbal enclitic pronoun
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.NAMU.1A Namu-ia Smell (n,v)
Anuta XO.NAU.2 Nau Title for a married woman; kinship "title" for mother-in-law or daughter-in-law
Tikopia FJ.NEE Ne Exclamative-interrogative particle: eh? wasn't it!
West Uvea OC.NOFO (H)noo-ia Rester, demeurer, être assis (sur)
Rarotongan PN.PAA.2B Paa-ia Touch, strike
Rarotongan NP.PAA.2C Paa-ia Be buffeted by wind
Tikopia PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia-ina Wound, cut, stab
West Uvea FJ.PAAPAA Paapaa Poisson noir non-id
Fijian FJ.PAATUKI Paatuki (Cirrhites sp.) (Ono-i-lau)
Marquesas NP.PEE-FEA Peehea. Peheʔa, peheka (1ŋ04). Pehea (Mtu). Comment? pourquoi?. Interrogatif: de quelle manière? comment? qu'est-ce? est-il possible? (Lch).
Anuta NP.PEQE-SI.B Pee/pee, pepe, pei-ia To throw; be carried away by wind or tide
Tikopia NP.PEQE-SI.B Pee-ia Throw; place away
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.PEU.1 Pe/pio-ina, pe/peo-ina Liar; to lie (about)
Tuamotu CE.POO-TAGOTAGO Poo tangotango Intensely dark (of night); Kiho dwelt in the Poo-tangotango-i-Hawaiki (Stimson 1933:12)
Rarotongan CE.PURUGA Purunga Parent-in-law (Etn)
Tahitian CE.PURUGA Puruʔa Parent-in-law (Burrows 1938:56)
Easter Island PN.SAQA.2 Haʔa/na Old term for brother-in-law of a woman: the husband of a woman's sister (now ta`okete) (Mtx 99) Problematic
Ifira-Mele AN.SASA Saa-ia Hit, beat, thrash
New Zealand Maori CP.SEQE.1 Whee Stick-insect, mantis Phonologically Irregular
Samoan CP.SEQE.1 See Stick-insect
Takuu CC.SEMA.2 Sema Jellyfish sp., Sailor-in-the-wind [Velella sp.]
Penrhyn OC.SIKA.2 Sika-ia To rub to make a fire
West Uvea PN.SOLO-QI.* Solo-ia Masser (pour faire absorber); essuyer, nettoyer (Heo dialect)
New Zealand Maori MP.SUA.2 Hua-ia A lever; raise with a lever
Marquesas NP.FUGAO-NA Huóna A son-in-law or daughter-in-law
Rarotongan EO.TAA.1A Taa, ta-ia Hit, strike, fight, attack