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2396 Results matching "ake" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan FJ.TAKELE.A Takele Base, bottom, keel
Tuamotu FJ.TAKELE.A Takere A keel
West Futuna FJ.TAKELE.A Takere/vaka Bottom of the canoe; said of big men
Waya FJ.TAKELE.A Takele Keel of a boat
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TAKELE.B Takele Bottom of the sea
Rennellese NP.TAKELE.B Takege Bottom...of...ocean
Tuamotu NP.TAKELE.B Takere The bottom (of sea)
West Futuna NP.TAKELE.B Takere/vaka Bottom of the canoe; said of big men Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.TAAKELO Taakero An unidentified star ; Mercury
Marquesas PN.TAAKELO Takeo June-July
Marquesas PN.TAAKELO Takeʔo A star (unidentified) (Buck 1938b)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAAKELO Takelo Evening star
Tuamotu PN.TAAKELO Takero Orion's Belt
Waya PN.TAAKELO Taakelo Bent, curved, crooked Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.TAKE-TAKE Taketake Red-billed Gull (Larus scopulinus)
Niue PN.TAKE-TAKE Taketake White Tern (Gygis alba)
New Zealand Maori CP.TAQAKI Taaki-na Take out (food from fire, eel-trap from water)
Tongan PN.RAA Aa Adv. used for the sake of politeness or emphasis. Là (Btn).
Hawaiian CE.TAA-KIRI Kaaʔili Snatch, grab, take by force, sieze, abduct, usurp; gasp for breath; cast a net
New Zealand Maori CE.TAA-KIRI Taakiri Draw away suddenly, strike (a match), pull up/out, pluck; start convulsively; make return stroke in paddling canoe, fly back as a spring
Rarotongan CE.TAA-KIRI Taakiri Whip, lash, flick; jerk, shake (head); cast fishing line etc.
Fijian RO.TAKU-HALI Da(da)kulaci Black and white banded water-snake (Saticauda colubrina)
Niue RO.TAKU-HALI Katuali Sea-snake Phonologically Irregular
Rotuman RO.TAKU-HALI ʔUahgia Very long kind of sea-snake (Cwd>, Problematic
Tongan RO.TAKU-HALI Tukuhali Sea-snake with transverse black and white bands
Rennellese FJ.TALA.3 Taga Take off (loin garment, etc.)
Niue PN.TALA.4 Tala A seabird (grey, about the size of a taketake [white tern], flies in a flock). (Rarely seen (Sph.).
Luangiua SO.TALAFA Kalake Beard (always in plural) Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi OC.TALAI Dalai Axe; to make a long stroke with an axe or knife
Tongan XW.TALAKI Talaki Announce or make known, especially by going from house to house
Rarotongan CE.TAA-REFU Taareʔu Cause dimness or obscureness (Mka); make gray or dark (Bse)
Emae FJ.TALI.4 Tari/a Take, get (several things)
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.TALI.4 Tali/-a Bring, carry, convey; take away
Penrhyn TA.TAA-MAA Taamaa To make clean
Tuamotu TA.TAA-MAA Taamaa To remove the tapu from; to purify; to make clean
Hawaiian PN.TAA-MATE-A Kaa make loa To dash to death, hurl down...; to doom to death
Luangiua PN.TAA-MATE-A Kaia make Kill Problematic
Niue PN.TAA-MAU Tamau Make fast, fasten
Anuta EO.TAQO.1 Tao Bake in earth oven
Kapingamarangi EO.TAQO.1 Tao Bake
Niue EO.TAQO.1 Tao To bake
Nukuoro EO.TAQO.1 Dao Bake
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.TAQO.1 Tao/na Bake
Pukapuka EO.TAQO.1 Tao Bake in oven
Takuu EO.TAQO.1 Tao Cook in earth oven, bake
Tikopia EO.TAQO.1 Tao Bake food
Tongan EO.TAQO.1 Taʔo To bake
Mangareva PN.TAAQOFI Taohi Preserve, take care of; foster, guard. Soigner, préparer; personne qui assiste à préparer un mort pour les funérailles; soin, attention; observer, remarquer; pratiquer des préceptes (au sens moral) (Rch).
Penrhyn PN.TAAQOFI Taahi Hold, seize, take; adopt
Rennellese PN.TAAQOFI Taaʔohi Make fast (as a line); necktie