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1651 Results matching "ala" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Uvea PN.KALA.2 Ka/kala Sour, bitter, salt (Hadfield 1888)
West Uvea SO.KALAQAFAU Kalafau Mâchoire (y compris le menton)
West Uvea AN.SALA.1 Kata/sala ina Dévier, perdre le chemin
Nuguria MP.QATULE Ature Fish sp. (Tok Pisin malambur)
Nuguria MP.FETAQU Hetau Tree sp. (hard, heavy wood; its flowering marks the time of yellowfin) (Tok Pisin kalapulin)
Nuguria OC.KAFIKA Kahika Malay apple
West Uvea OC.MAKO.3 Mako Plante: (Elattostachys apetala) (Sapindacées)
Fijian AN.LAWA-LAWA Viri/taa/lawalawa Spider
Tikopia AN.LAWA-LAWA Paka/lavalava Large black spider Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.MALA.1 Mamala A shrub (wands of which are used as the shafts of tika)
Tahitian PN.GASUE Ahue/hue To be in confusion, alarm, on account of being unprepared
Luangiua RO.MALAU.1 Pu/malau Red bull's eye
Rarotongan TA.KOO-TAFA.B Kootaʔa Two species of bird's-nest fern (Asplenium nidus and A.australasicum).
Luangiua PN.PALA.1A Pala/pala Soft
Nukuoro PN.PALA.1A Bala. Para/para (Crn). Soft, mushy
West Uvea PN.PALA.1A Pala Mou
West Uvea PN.PALA.1A Pala/pala Trop mûr/mou
Niue PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malaga To be levered up, uprooted
Luangiua PN.PULE.2 Pole/pole Watchers, protectors -- officials who patrolled the malae and punished trespassers Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.WALA.2 Vala/vala Small pieces, crumbs
Hawaiian PN.KAU-TAA ʔAukaa Wood woven through sticks in 'ie kala fish trap; long stems, as of some species of mangoes; bar, as of soap or gold; ridge or strip between the flutes of a column; facet, fillet, capstain bar, bar across a roadway; stump
Easter Island EP.PAKU-SIWI.* Kapuhibi Hombro (Actualmente se usa con más frequencia la palabra hóto). Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.TOE-GA Toega Remainder, balance
Hawaiian PN.TOE-GA Koena Remainder, residue, remnant, surplus, scraps, leftovers, balance (in accounts), remains, ruins
East Futuna PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale Excessivement; follement (postverbe); être maladroit, être inexpérimentée; être incontinent (pour les personnes agées)
Easter Island PN.E.3 Interj. de vocativo, a la cual se le intercala el substantivo
Nukumanu PN.LAKA-LAKA Lakalaka Walk (over), step (on), trample Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana XO.KAI-LALAO Kailaalao To lie, cheat, steal
Tokelau CP.FAKA-MATALA Fakamatala Explain, describe; translate, interpret
Tokelau PN.KALALAA Kalala Sizzle, hiss (of fatty food on hot stones or a frying pan)
Tokelau CE.KA-RAPA Kalapa Flash, glitter Problematic
Tokelau PN.KALAWA.1 Kalava The outer skin of the top surface of the leaf stalk of a coconut frond (used for stringing fish, straining vaihalo, etc.)
Tokelau EO.LALAFI Lalafi Early growth stage of Napoleon fish (Cheilinus undulatus)
Tokelau NP.MALA.5 Ma/mala Bitter or harsh in the mouth
Tokelau OC.MALAQE Malae Space of cleared, level land near centre of village, reserved for communal use...
Tokelau EO.MALALA Malala Charcoal; be burnt to charcoal, be charred
Tokelau EO.MALALA Maalala (of burning oven etc.) Glow
Niue TO.MERARI Meai Five-striped surge wrasse (Thalassoma quinquevittatum)
Tokelau PN.MATA-QARA Mataala Be alert, watchful
Tokelau PN.PAQALA Paala Fish sp., Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)
Tokelau MP.LAFA-LAFA Paa/lafalafa Flat (of tables, boards, etc., but not land)
Tokelau SO.PAA-LAPU Paalapu Traditional name given to the north-west by west wind which blows during the laki or hurricane season
Samoan SO.PAA-LAPU Palapu A wind from the land
Tokelau OC.TALAI (Tala)talai Chip, adze, cut; make something out of wood by hewing and chipping with an adze
Tokelau XW.TALAKI Taalaki Tell the people one by one of an authorized instruction or request; preach, teach
Tokelau PN.TOTOGI Totogi Pay for; wages, salary; cost, price
Tokelau PN.WALA.2 Vala (of a road or path) Branch off; be different, be separate
Pukapuka PN.RAQA-RAQA Laalaa Having many branches
Pukapuka EC.PA-LAFA Paalawa/lawa Splayed, rent in two. Of the broad splayed tail of the right whale (Sby).
Pukapuka PN.LAKA-LAKA Lakalaka Step out with long strides