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2392 Results matching "ake" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas FJ.LEPA.1 ʔEpaʔepa (MQS), kepakepa (MQN) Chair flasque, chair pendante des veillards; crête des volailles
Marquesas PN.PALE.1A Ko/paʔe (MQS), ko/pake (MQN) Allié, protégé
Marquesas NO.PA-TAKE Pahake/hake (Ua Pou), paʔakeʔake Peu profond, bas Problematic
Marquesas CC.SAKE.2 Ta/hake Distrait, distraction, divertir l'attention Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu Make something lax, limp, flabby, yielding...; coax, cajole, flatter, persuade
Marquesas PN.TAWAKE Toake (MQN), toaʔe (MQS), tavake (Ua Pou), tovaʔe, tavaʔe (MQS) Phaéton, paille-en-queue, oiseau de la famille des phaétontidés
Takuu PN.TO-TOLO Ttoro (of a child, crab, etc.) Crawl, creep; (of a snake) slither; (of grasses or weeds) overgrow a location
Emae PN.TO-TOLO Totoro Crawl (e.g. baby, lizard, snake, snail, crab); walk on hands and knees, drag oneself, creep. Marcher en crabe (walk sideways) (Rve).
Marquesas OC.FAGU.2 Haʔu i te pake. Haku i te pahe (1ŋ04). Faire sortir la fumée du tabac par le nez Borrowed
Hawaiian MQ.KUKINA ʔUʔina Sharp report as of a pistol; to crack, snap, crackle, creak (as joints); to make a splashing sound; glottal stop
Tuamotu MQ.TAKEO Takeo Poisoning; an illness due to poisoning; poisonous, deadly, causing death (e.g. food)
Penrhyn MQ.TAKEO Takeo To be intoxicated, poisoned, drunk
Rarotongan MQ.TAKEO Taakeo Poisoned, stupefied; poisonous
New Zealand Maori MQ.TAKEO Takeo Wearisome, trying, tedious Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori CE.FAKA-RITE Wha(k)arite Make like; compare, liken; balance by an equivalent; put in order, arrange; fulfil, perform
Marquesas CC.SALI.3 Haʔi (mai, atu) Apporter, emporter; bring, take away. (En plusieurs voyages).
Tahitian PN.FAKA-KITE Faaite To teach, make known, produce knowledge; teacher
Tuamotu PN.FAKA-KITE Hakakite, fakakite To inform, show, reveal, disclose; announce, proclaim, make known, bear witness to....
Marquesas MQ.FUKE.B Huke i te umu. Huke ʔi te umu (Lch). Take revenge. Se venger (Lch).
Marquesas PN.ALEALE.A Aʔeaʔe (MQN), akeake (MQS). ʔAkeʔake (1ŋ04). Gauche Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas OC.LUU.3 ʔU(u) te henua/fenua (MQN/MQS) (Terre) trembler; quake
Hawaiian PN.MATE.1E Kai make Low tide
Hawaiian PN.MATE.1E Make/na Calm (of sea, atmosphere)
Marquesas MQ.KO-TAKE Kotake, pirake (NKH), tutake (Ua Huka), inake (Ua Pou), otaʔe, kotaʔe (Hiva Oa), otaʔe (Fatu Hiva) Sterne blanche; Common Fairy Tern (Gygis alba)
Moriori PN.FAKA-AGI Hoka/a/angi Shake in the wind
Mangareva FJ.QARA Ara S'éveiller, être éveillé. Se réveiller, wake up (Atl).
Mangareva EO.QAFU.2 Aʔu/aʔu ake Croître, grandir Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva PN.HAKE.C Av/ake Après-demain
Mangareva PN.AKIAKI Kiakia Le cri du *kotake* (Gygis alba) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.KITE-A Takeʔa See (discovering) Phonologically Irregular
Samoan NP.FENUQU.B Fenuu Make a join in plaiting etc.
Mangareva PN.HAKE.A Mo/ake Vent d'est Problematic
Tuamotu CE.OE Oe To sough, murmur (as the wind); to make a whizzing, whishing sound; to expell the breath in a hissing whistle, as after a deep breath; to ring, clink, tinkle, as hard rock struck with metal
Tuamotu CE.OE Oe/oe To make a purling, murmuring, tinkling sound, as running water; to make the sound of waves on shingle stones; to make a splashing sound...
Mangareva NP.PAKE Pake Dur; exhorter au bien ou au mal
Mangareva PN.PUSAKE Puʔake Air odoriférant; exhaler une très forte odeur Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori NP.TAKELE.C Takere Partly filled
Penrhyn NP.TAKELE.C Takere To consume nearly to the bottom (usually of something in a sack)
Marquesas NP.TAKELE.C Takeʔe Se désemplir, se vider, perdre, diminuer, baisser (pour les liquides)
Niue FJ.TAKELE.A Takele. Taakele (Sph). To dwell, be based upon Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu NP.TAKELE.B Takere ppaa Foundation of an island, the solid base upon which an atoll rests...
Rennellese NP.TAKELE.C Takege To be slightly full
Takuu NP.SUE.2 Sue Rotate...shake (something) around; rest a paddle handle agains the hull and then push the blade away, in order to move the canoe sideways (sue te hoe)
Easter Island EP.MAMAIA Mamaía Equivocar, equivocarse, errar. To err, make a mistake.
Tahitian EP.PUUKAO Puao Cartridge of powder; any small wrapper, or thing rolled up, as paper, cloth &c.; to make cartridges, to wrap or roll up small things Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu SO.MAAFULU Maahuru (pl. maffuru) Awake; woken up (by o.s.)
Nukuoro SO.MAAFULU Mahulu Wakefulness
Rennellese SO.MAAFULU Maahugu To stretch, as when awakening
Mangareva MP.SAPAI ʔApai mai, ʔapai atu Apporter, bring. Emporter, take away.
Niuafo'ou PN.SAKE.3 Hake Ascend