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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua NP.SAE.3 Sai Appear Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria MP.SAQI Sai ki luna Hang (vt)
Nukuoro MP.SAQI Sai Wrap, cover up
Luangiua MP.SAQI Sai Bind
Luangiua MP.SAQI Sai/sai Tie up
Penrhyn MP.SAQI Sai To be stopped, blocked
Samoan MP.SAQI Sai Tightly-bound bundle; pigsty
Sikaiana MP.SAQI Sai A rope used to hold a person to a tree when he is trying to catch birds
Takuu MP.SAQI Sai Tie, bind; join (as two pieces of wood)
Tikopia MP.SAQI Sai Block, close, fence off
Kapingamarangi MP.SAKU-LAA Hagulaa Sailfish, (Istiophorus albicans)
Nukuoro MP.SAKU-LAA Sagulaa Sailfish, marlin
Rarotongan MP.SAKU-LAA Akuraa taamaru Pacific Sailfish (Istophorus orientalis)
Takuu MP.SAKU-LAA Sakuraa General term for swordfish, sailfish, marlin
Tikopia MP.SAKU-LAA Sakura Sailfish (Istiphorus platypthurus) or (I. gladius)
Takuu EC.SALE Sare Walk, go somewhere on foot, sail a canoe
Tahitian FJ.SALU.2 Haru Attraper, arrêter (état d'arrestation), saisir de force, violer. To rob; seize by violence; to catch (Dvs).
Takuu EO.SAQU.2 Sau Lift, carry; shunt, move sail from one end of canoe to the other; (of outrigger float) rise out of the water while sailing; raise the height of something (e.g. a taro mound)
Mangareva MQ.SEA-GA ʔEaga Représailles n., vengeance; victime
Takuu CC.SEMA.2 Sema Jellyfish sp., Sailor-in-the-wind [Velella sp.]
Marquesas CP.SEU Seu Catch bonito etc. with rod and spinner, also said of birds (I) Problematic
Tahitian CP.SINA.2 Hina The name of the first woman, according to a Tahitian tradition, the wife of Ti, and by some said to be still in the moon; a species of small spider
West Futuna EO.SINU.2 Sinu A tree whose sap said to cause blindness
Tikopia PN.SIWA.1 Siwa Dance said to be a dance of the spirits
Tikopia OC.SOAKA Soaka Variety of banana, said formerly (1928) to be used as funeral food, now planted as general food
Fijian FJ.SOKA-I Cokai Forked pole to hold out canoe sail
Hawaiian PN.SOLO.3 Holo Run; sail, ride, go
Pukapuka PN.SOLO.3 Yolo To sail swiftly (of a canoe)
New Zealand Maori PN.SOPO.D Hopo Become apprehensive (said of thoughts, heart)
Marquesas PN.SOPU.1 Hopu Embrasser, saisir au corps, à bras le corps. Adopter (Lch). Enlacer, embrace (Atl).
Samoan PN.SU-GALU Sugalu Said of things which are old but still good.
Tuamotu OC.SUMU.2 Humu Fish sp., said to be poisonous
Marquesas PN.TA-FAGA.A Tahaka/haka. Tafana/fana (1ŋ04). Clair, ouvert, découvert. Terrain sans broussailles; éclairer, éclaircir (Lch).
Tahitian PN.TAGALOA.A Taaroa The great god of the Polynesians in general, he was said to be the father of the gods, and creator of all things, yet was scarcely reckoned an object of worship
Tuamotu CE.TAKAO Kao Cry, croak, said of the heron Problematic
Hawaiian FJ.TAKAPE Kaʔape/ʔape(haa) A deep-sea fish said to resemble the moano
West Futuna FJ.TAKELE.A Takere/vaka Bottom of the canoe; said of big men
Tongan PN.TAKU-A.2 Tokua They say, it is said, so they say, reputedly, it seems
Marquesas PN.TAAQOFI Taaohi Catch (I). Saisir, prendre, toucher; chercher à s'accrocher, à se retenir à; retenir, refuser de rendre
Takuu OC.MAGOO Manoo Constellation said to resemble a shark (Hwd).
East Futuna OC.TAPU Tapu Saint, sacre; defendu, illicite, interdit
Mangareva OC.TAPU Tapu Prohibited. Saint, sacré; interdit.
Marquesas OC.TAQU.1 Tau Year consisting of ten moons. Année de dix lunes. Saison [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Tahitian OC.TAQU.1 Tau Temps, époque, saison
Tuamotu TA.T-AUA Taua That, the aforesaid
Mangareva PN.TAA-WILI Taviri Coil, twist (said of climbing plants)
Anuta PN.TERE.A Tere/tere Sail
Easter Island PN.TERE.A Tere Sail
Hawaiian PN.TERE.A Kele Sail v
Kapingamarangi PN.TERE.A Tere Sail, float