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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Kapingamarangi PN.TERE.A Dele Sail a canoe, drive
Emae PN.TERE.A Tere (Ship) sail; (fish) swim
Nukuoro PN.TERE.A Tele Sail (canoe)
Luangiua PN.TERE.A Kele Sail, float
Penrhyn PN.TERE.A Tere Sail; swim (of fish)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TERE.A Tele Sail (v)
Rarotongan PN.TERE.A Tere Sail
Tokelau PN.TERE.A Tele Sail, travel under sail
Tuamotu PN.TERE.A Tere Sail
Tahitian PN.TE-TEA Tetea A person who remains always in the shade, and thereby becomes white; also a phantom said to appear at a spring of water
Tahitian PN.TEU.1 Teu To be naked, said contemptuously; a term applied to the menses Uncertain Semantic Connection
Luangiua PN.TILA Kila Mast. Top pole on sail
Takuu PN.TILA Tila Gaff of a canoe sail Problematic
Tikopia PN.TILA Tira Mast, spar of sailing canoe
Luangiua OC.SAE.1 Sai Spreizen [spread legs]
East Uvea PN.TOGA-FITI Togafisi Combinaison, calcul, plan, compter, calculer, deliberer; qui sait faire des combinaisons, qui a la connaissance de navigation, habile à naviguer
Niue MP.TOGO Togo Legendary tree, said to be the mangrove
Mota MP.TOKA.2A Toga Dwell (said to derive from sit)
Samoan FJ.TOLO.2A Tolo (pl. fe-tolo-fi) Crawl, swarm (said of animals found in numbers); (of animals) steal food, by moving up to it surreptitiously
Marquesas PN.TOTO.1 Toto Sang, saigner. Rouge, couleur de sang (Lch).
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TUQU.1 Tuu Stand, arise; (bird) alight; get up; (sail) hoisted; (penis) erect
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TUKE.1 Tukumu Without sail; not yet grown, not yet germinated (of coconuts) Problematic
Fijian FJ.TULE.2 Dule/wai A name for dragonfly (said to mean water-copulator)
Fijian PN.TUMU-TUMU Dumu To push up, out or open (as sail, umbrella) Problematic
Anuta AN.TUNA Tuna Freshwater eel (said to be extinct)
New Zealand Maori CE.TUU-ORO Tioro, Tuoro, Tuna Tuoro A fabulous monster which was said to bark like a dog
Marquesas MP.QULI.1 Uʔi (MQN), uki (MQS) Rudder. Gouvernail d'une embarcation; aviron de queue; diriger, conduire, gouverner. Aller au grand large; to sail with wind and tide (Atl).
Marquesas FJ.WELE Va/veʔe Sarcler, arracher les mauvaises herbes, couper les broussailles, défricher un terrain. Racler, débrousser (Lch).
East Uvea PN.WAI-MUQA Vai-mua Saison de l`année selon le calendrier traditionnel (février-mars): l'époque des vents fort et de pluie
East Uvea PN.WAI-MURI Vai-muli Saison de l`année selon le calendrier traditionnel (mars-avril); l'époque des vents fort et de pluie
Easter Island PN.WANA-WANA Vanavana Radiate, said of any object with its parts radiating horizontally from a central axis
Mangareva NP.WAWAO Vavao Emissaire; protéger, aider quelqu'un; être l'avocat de quelqu'un. Protect, aid, sustain (Tgr).
Arosi EP.WERI Weri Thick, black millipede said to squirt a dye that blinds
Nukumanu AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.TAU-RUA Vaka taurua Double sailing canoe
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.TERE.A Tere To sail
Rennellese EO.FAQU-LUA Haʔugua, haʔogua The double canoe in which Kaitu'u tsailed when he discovered Rennell and Bellona
Niuafo'ou AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Tongan PN.MA-KILA Matakila When the moon begins to appear, and is said to be seen by gods and only afterwards by men (Collocott)
Tupuaki CP.TONU.2 Tonu Fish sp. (Epinephelus sp.) similar to hapuu but larger, said to be man-eating
Tupuaki TA.KIE.C Ie [Sail]
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.FAKA-TELE Hakatele Sail (vi)
Tokelau NP.FAKA-TELE Fakatele Sail (a boat); make something move along
Hawaiian NP.FAKA-TELE Hoʔokele To sail or navigate, to steer, to drive (car) ; steersman, navigator
Pukapuka NP.FAKA-TELE Wakatele To sail; journey
Anuta NP.FAKA-TELE Pakatere/vaka To sail a ship or canoe
Ifira-Mele PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakatettere Practise sailing; learn to sail; try out new sail
Rarotongan PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE ʔAkateretere Sail along
Tokelau PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakateletele (Of pleasure craft and model boats) sail for pleasure
Tongan PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakateetee To sail (a boat); boat race(s), regatta