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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau PN.TATAU.2 Tatau Be fitting, proper, necessary; must, etc.
Tokelau PN.TOKO.1C Toko The pole of which the top end is tied to the tilatuu (main sprit) to support the sail when sailing; to support something with something
Tokelau PN.TOLOA.B Toloa Grey Duck (Anas superciliosa)
Tokelau PN.TOTOGI Totogi Pay for; wages, salary; cost, price
Tokelau OC.TUSA Tuha Be the same, equal; be about, roughly about; according to, in accordance with
Tokelau PN.WETE.2 Vete Goatfish (Mulloidichthys samoensis)
Nukumanu XO.SAMONO Samono Constellation: Big Dipper
Pukapuka NP.LEMO.2 Lemo/yia Oily, slippery, hence pleasant tasting
Pukapuka FJ.LEPA.1 Lepa (of sail) Flap in the wind
Pukapuka PN.MAALIE.A Malie Good, pleasant
Pukapuka PN.TALA-A-TUQA Tala tua Dorsal spine of fish
Pukapuka FJ.TUI-TUI.2 Tuitui Candlenut fruit brought from Yiva (Marquesas) (in chant)
Pukapuka FJ.TUI-TUI.2 Tuitui Candlenut fruit brought from Yiva (Marquesas) (in chant)
Nukumanu MP.KAMI.1 Kami Use fingers to press hard and massage in order to relieve pain or cramp Uncertain Semantic Connection
Waya CP.LIALIA Lialia Foolish, stupid; mad, insane
Tongan CP.LIALIA Lia-lia Disagreeable to the sight, abominable, brutal, filthy
Rarotongan CE.RUFI.2 Roʔi Tired, weary, sated, bored... Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka SO.TAINA Taina Sibling or classificatory sibling of same sex as speaker
Rennellese PN.GANA.2B Ngana/ngana Talk a lot, complain, make trouble, disapprove
Samoan PN.GANA.2B Gana/gana To be talked about, to be the subject of conversation
Lau AN.QONE One Sand
Mangareva PN.SOGI ʔOgi ki te iʔu S'embrasser en se touchant mutuellement le nez (le salut traditionel)
Mangareva CP.TAA-PUI Tapuui Cérémonie au cours de l'ordination des pretres du culte polynésien; mettre de la poussière sur quelqu'un ou le salir en s'essuyant les mains sur lui; enduire, barbouiller Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva EC.TURUMA ʔAka/turuuma Etre assis près de son travail, et revenir sans avoir rien fait Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rapa PN.TOQA Tangata toa Savage
Rapa EC.MITI.4 Miti Salt; sauce
Rapa SO.TAKA-WIRI Takariri Eel (saltwater) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nukumanu PN.KOLE Kore Say (falsely), deny Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nukumanu OC.SAE.1 S/sae Tear
Nukumanu NP.SAA-WALE Sa/savare Spit (plural)
Nukumanu PN.QO N/o Sequential same-actor verbal conjunction
Takuu EO.FAKA-.1 Faka- Causative prefix
Takuu SO.SAAFEA Sahe(a) Slip, lose one's footing; trip
Takuu PN.HAGA.2 Ana sara Crooked
Takuu SO.MASAGI Masani Rise, begin to move
Tokelau PN.KALO-AMA Kalo Bait goatfish (Mulloidichthys samoensis)
Samoan SO.MASAGI Masagi High, lifted up, as the eaves of a house. Rebound, fly up (Mnr).
East Futuna SO.MASAGI Masagi Etre indécent (vêtement qui laisse voir le ventre)
Niuatoputapu OC.WALU.2 Valu (Gymnosarda unicolor)
Niuatoputapu MP.TAHI.1 Tahi Salt water; shallow salt water lagoon
Niuatoputapu MP.KASI.1 Kahi Bivalve sp. (Asaphis violascens)
Niuatoputapu AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Takuu CE.TAI Naa tai A number of canoes constructed at the same time
Pukapuka CE.TAI Tai/tangata Generation; birth class, group born in same year, a fellow member of the group
Takuu CP.LIALIA Haka/riaria Be in a bad or unpleasant state; (of an illness) worsen
Takuu NP.KIWI.1* Kivi/aitu Shore bird with black rings around the eyes; said to cry during times of human misfortune
Takuu FJ.KOFE.A (Sa)kofe Plant sp.
Sikaiana SO.MAQAA Maa Same-generation in‑laws (everyone spouse calls taina or kave; anyone who is a married to a taina or kave). (a respect relationship). Some speakers generalize this term to include all in‑laws, regardless of generation.
Takuu NO.MATA-PUKU Matapuku Fish sp., Papuan Trevally (Caranx sansun) [second largest growth stage]
East Futuna SO.FUA-QI- Fua ʔi ʔone Grain de sable