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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria NO.MANU.2 Manu-saa Smell (v) of something going bad (fish and meat)
Sikaiana PN.POO-GIA Poonia To be caught at sea when it is night, under unusual or unpleasant circumstances; not to reach a destination by nightfall
Sikaiana PN.PORO-QAKI Poloaki To say goodbye
Takuu PN.PULE.2 Pure/pure Farewell, say goodbye
Luangiua PN.PUSAKI Pusaʔi Explode Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu SO.LAA-LAA Laaraa Fixed dorsal fin of sharks, whales, porpoises and all large fish
Sikaiana MP.SAQI Sai/sai To tie up, to bind, as in wrapping cord around a case
Takuu MP.SAQI Sai/sai Hug; (in wrestling) hold a opponent tight around the waist, then throw him to the ground
Takuu NP.PIKI-PIKI Saka/p/piki, saka/piki/piki (of hair) Curly, frizzy
Takuu PN.SAKO Sako Sprout of a young tree near the roots of its parent
Takuu NP.SANI.1 Sani (Wind) blow gently Problematic
Sikaiana SO.SANO Sano/sano (pass. sano/ia) To suspect
Rennellese SO.SANO Sano To suspect, guess; to trust, rely on, depend on
Tikopia SO.SANO Sano Call to mind, remember
Samoan SO.SANO Sano To long for, be intent upon
Sikaiana MP.SALA.3 Sala/sala To strip off the branches or vines from a tree, to prune
Takuu MP.SALA.3 Sara Remove (net, sail) from bindings
Samoan MP.SALA.3 Sala/i To cut fastenings
Takuu NO.SALAFALU Saravaru Tree sp. (timber used for canoes, net handles, house posts) Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana NO.SALAFALU Salahalu A plant species; used for making the rim {kaullie} of bird nets {seu}, flying fish nets {taetae}, and axe handles {kautoki}
Luangiua NO.SALAFALU Salahalu Small tree sp. used for house rafters
Takuu NO.KUPU.3 Sau/puku, sou/puku South, south wind [= kipu] Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria EO.SAU.6 Hau/makariri, sau/makariri Very cold
Takuu FJ.FUA-.2 Se/fua One thousand (coconuts)
Takuu FJ.FUA-.2 Se/hua One thousand (coconuts); one hundred kina (money)
Nuguria FJ.FUA-.2 He/hua, se/hua Thousand (counting money and coconuts) [Takuu word?]
Sikaiana PN.SIKI.2 Siki/siki The method of weaving/plaiting used for the end of a mat (vasa)
Sikaiana PN.PUSAKI Pusaki/na Air spout of a whale
Takuu PN.TAFE-GA Tafena Mouth of passage through reef
Rennellese PN.TAFETA.A Taaheta Salt-water pool, coastal pool; to be shallow or slightly full of liquid
Hawaiian PN.TAFETA.A Kaaheka Pool, especially a rock basin where the sea washes in through an opening and salt forms; salt pan
Ra'ivavae OC.ASI Ahi (obs) The sandalwood tree
Ra'ivavae TA.AISE Aaiha Rubbish, debris, flotsam
Ra'ivavae PN.QAMIO A/amio To contract and expand gently; said of the vaginal muscles
Ra'ivavae CE.ANO.1 Ano/ano Sacred, hallowed; very high, remote or deep
Ra'ivavae PN.QAROFA.B Arooha To salute at meeting or parting
Niue FJ.KAUTE Kaute Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, H. schizopetalus (ornamental cultivated varieties)
Ra'ivavae EP.FAAITO Faito (mod.) To be equal, the same in quantity or degree; a measure, quantity, amount; a likeness
Ra'ivavae NP.FAGO Faʔo Having a snuffling nasal impediment to thespeech, as when the soft palate is damaged Borrowed
Ra'ivavae OC.GALO.1 ŋaro To vanish, disappear, be lost; (frly) to die; to be hidden, unnoticed, forgotten; secret
Mangareva CE.GAKI.A Gaki S'efforcer, employer toute sa force; effort
Ra'ivavae CE.GAKI.B ŋaʔi To avenge, as an unprovoked asssassination or slaughter
Ra'ivavae PN.GAOFIE ŋohie Easy, facile, yielding; without difficulty; pleasant, agreeable; (frly) sure, infallible
Ra'ivavae MP.SAQA.1 Haa Sacred
Ra'ivavae NP.FAGO Haŋo Having a nasal impediment; snuffling, obstructed (as the voice)...
Ra'ivavae AN.FANO.1 Hano To go, proceed (the implication is to go over water, by sail, to a considerable distance; to go overseas); (frly) to sail; to fly, as a spirit
East Futuna PN.-RA La Là, donc. Cette particule se met souvent à la fin des mots ou des phrases, sans avoir de sens bien précis. Marque de fin de syntagme ou de fin d'énoncé, facultative, mais très souvent utilisée comme ponctuation dans le discours (Mfr).
Rennellese PN.I.2A I/ia/a/ia te Causative, instrumental, locative, ablative, and temporal preposition: because of, due to, by means of, acout, concerning, in, at, on
Ra'ivavae NP.KOLO-MAKI Haʔa/ʔoromaʔi To bear up under suffering, anguish or disaster; patient, enduring, long-suffering, brave under adversity
Ra'ivavae MQ.SOATA.4 Hooata To project light-rays above the horizon when below it; said of the moon; to become visible (as after being hidden or covered over)... Problematic