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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna NP.TEE-IA.* Leia Déterminant nominal: là-bas (démonstratif éloigné); là (éloigné, mais visible du locuteur et de l'interlocuteur); en question (anaphorique) Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva OC.PEQE Pee/pee Introduire des morceaux de lard dans la chair de poisson, dans la viande
Rarotongan TA.TAPI-TAPI Tapitapi To swear, curse [Northern group dialect]
Pukapuka CE.TAPI.1C Ta/tapi To suffer from diarrhoea Problematic
Mangareva PN.TAA-WILI Taaviri S'entortiller, s'enlacer comme les lianes; fermer une porte à clef; clef
Rapa OC.WELA.B Vera/ia Warm
Rapa OC.TAQU.1 Tau/era ia Summer [warm season]
Rapa EP.MATA-SIAPO Matahiapo Eldest (son)
Rapa PN.OLA.1 Ka/ora/ora Doctor, physician
Rapa AN.FIHA.A E/hia/kea How much, how many?
Rapa MP.INU Inu/ia To drink
Nukumanu AN.TUI Laakau e tutuia Thorns
Nukumanu NP.TAI-QAO Te aho taiao raa The next day
Nukumanu PN.MAA-TINO Haka/maatino (Official) seal
Samoan EC.AA.1 Aa By way of (particle occurring before certain locative bases, espcially /tai/ and /uta/)
Fijian OC.MITI.2 Miti micilo Polynesian Starling (Aplonis tabuensis) (Lau)
Nukumanu PN.QO N/o Sequential same-actor verbal conjunction
Niue NP.NAPAQA Napaa/tia Accidental (due to an accident)
Takuu EC.KAFUSU.* Kaavusu, kaavisu Tree sp. (Barringtonia asiatica), fruit used for fish poison
Sikaiana SO.KAI-MAALIE Kaimalie To give generously to another, used especially for children who share food
Niuatoputapu PN.SAFOLE Haafole (Kuhlia mugil)
East Uvea TO.MERARI Meai Nom de poisson, Bodianus perditio Borrowed
Niuatoputapu MP.MUTU.2 Mutu (Abudefduf septemfasciatus)
Niuatoputapu MP.NOFU Nofu (Scorpaenopsis diabolus)
Niuatoputapu PN.PONE Pone (Ctenochaetus striatus)
Niuatoputapu CP.TUAHI Tuʔahi Bivalve sp. (Laevicardium biradiata) Phonologically Irregular
Niuatoputapu FJ.KALIA Kalia Double canoe
Tahitian NP.TAATAI.1 Tatai The covering or matting with which the ends of rafters in a Tahitian house are covered Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori CE.TAI Tai/kuia Old woman; middle-aged woman (with some tribes)
West Futuna PN.HOKO.1 Faka/uku/tshia To join rope ends; adjoin, be close to Phonologically Irregular
Takuu CP.LIALIA Haka/riaria Be in a bad or unpleasant state; (of an illness) worsen
Takuu PN.FAKA-SOA Hakasoa Associated with, like friends or mates; be or act as a companion...
Takuu NP.TAKA.1C Taka Assume lifelong responsibility for someone; guardian, sponsor
Takuu NP.TAKA.1C Haka/taka-ria Adopted....
Takuu NO.ISE.2 Ise Shoo, chase, drive away (especially of chickens)
Rennellese SO.KANO-KANO Kanokano Social wasps, Polistes sp.
Sikaiana PN.KAPI.B Kapi The harnesses of the back‑strap loom {mea tau} used to hold the strands of material taut
Sikaiana NO.KUNU Kunu A species of oyster, popular food on Sikaiana
East Futuna EC.MA-FAGA Mafaga Petit morceau d'écorce de murier brute et tapée servant à compléter ;es deix couches principales du "siapo" Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria EC.NAI Punaa/nai A kind of shellfish, giant one, edible; it is farmed on the atoll
Takuu NO.NAKOFU Nakohu Giant clam (Tridacna gigas)
Takuu NO.NAKOFU Nakofu Shellfish sp.: giant clam
Nukuoro EC.NAI Ngae Giant clam sp. Phonologically Irregular
Takuu OC.NOFO Naa n/noho Wives in a plural marriage (in fables)
Sikaiana CP.NOQA N/noo (pass. noo/tia) To tie a knot
Nuguria CE.PAPA-ARIGA Paiaha Cheek Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria NP.PAKI-AKA Patiaka Surface root Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.POO-GIA Poonia Continue past dark, be overcome unexpectedly by darkness
Tokelau PN.POO-GIA Poogia Be benighted, be late
Sikaiana PN.POO-GIA Poonia To be caught at sea when it is night, under unusual or unpleasant circumstances; not to reach a destination by nightfall