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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.ALA Ala/fia To be hurt by joining in another’s quarrel, or through one’s own fault Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan PN.LAWE.2A Faʔa/lave/lave Important occasion; accident, danger, trouble (anything which interferes with normal life and calls for special activity)
Samoan PN.MAALOSI Ivi maalosi Tibia
Samoan PN.TATAA Manava tataa Diarrhoea
Samoan PN.MILO.2A Milo/sia Strained (tendon)
New Zealand Maori PN.QAMO-GA Amonga (= amoranga) The heart of one clain in battle, or other sacred food for conciliating an atua Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island PN.FETUQU-AFIAFI Hetuʔu ahiahi Lucero de la tarde
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.MULIFAA Miria A month name marked by the star Tautoru (Buck 1932)
Hawaiian PN.TUQU.3A Kuu Abruptly, rudely, defiantly, unceremoniously, without observance of taboos or niceties, brusque Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan AN.IA.1 I´a. A/ia. The pronoun he; also the possessive pronoun his.
Tongan OC.QANA-NAFI Aniafi Yesterday
Tongan OC.QAO.1 Aˈoochia To grow cloudy
Niue TO.MEQE Mee An organised traditional dancing or singing party or performance for a special function
Tongan FJ.PUA.A Booa A kind of flower resembling the Jiali, but yellow
Tongan PN.PUTU.2 Bootoo Burial ceremony
Tongan FJ.KALIA Calia A double sailing canoe
Tongan PN.KANAGA Cananga Any phrase, proverbial expression; cant word
Tongan PN.KAPA.1 Capa/chia To assault, to besiege
Tongan PN.TIQAKI Chiagi To throw away, to leave, to separate from a wife or husband, to divorce
Tongan PN.KO-IA Coia Well done! that's right! truly
Tongan MP.IA.2 Co/ia That (relative pronoun)
Tongan PN.KOTE Cote Gibberish, jargon, chattering of birds; the speech of foreigners [including Fijians but not Samoans]
Rennellese PN.FAQA.3 Haʔa/sia To be cut, as feet on coral or stone
Tongan CP.FIA- Fia Want, being without; to want, to desire to be, or to have
Tongan PN.FIA-FIA Fia-fia Delight, gladness, joy; pleased, delighted; conceit or pride arising from rank, abilities, extraordinary actions, &c.
Tongan PN.FIA-KAI Fia-ky Hunger, hungry
Tongan PN.FIU Fioo To satiate, to have enough of; satisfied, tired of
Tongan PN.FAU.B Fau Fibre from the bark of the giant hibiscus...used for squeezing or wringing...
Tongan TO.KIA.2 Gia The gorge or throat, the neck
Tongan PN.KIE.B Gië A kind of wearing mat, used chiefly in canoes, as they are not liable to be spoiled by sea-water...
Tongan PN.GIGILA Gnignila Bright, polished, brilliant
Nukuoro PN.FAKA-SIKU Hagasugi Shorten, abbreviate; abbreviation, acronym, nickname
Tongan MP.SAU.1 Ha/hów. How-chia. The dew; a fog, a mist, a haze. Misty, foggy, cloudy.
Tongan OC.SAE.1 Hai. Haichia. To tear, to cut. To tear to pieces.
Tongan CP.NOQA Naw hele. Naw-gia. To snare (with a string), to noose. To strangle.
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.SOLO-QI.* Olo/ia Wipe
Tongan CP.TIA.1B Jia To entangle; a place to catch birds
Tongan MP.TIRO Jiaw/ta A looking-glass
Tongan PN.KAI-HAQA.A Kyhá. Kyhachia. To thieve, to steal. Stolen.
Tongan AN.LAGI.2 Langi The sky; also the name of the burial place of Tooitonga during the time of burial, the ceremony itself also
Tongan PN.LEA Lea Speech, voice, language, pronunciation
Tongan CP.LIALIA Lia-lia Disagreeable to the sight, abominable, brutal, filthy
Tongan PN.LI-AKI Liagi To abandon, to throw away; the name of a game
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LULU.3 Lulu/ia Shake (vt)
West Futuna PN.LULU.3 Ruru/ia Shake, tremble. Secouer; tourner dans tous les sens pour arracher (Rve).
Tongan PN.MALA-QIA Maláia Unlucky; a public calamity
Tongan PN.MOKO.3 Moko/sia To be cold (subjectively), feel cold, be affected by the cold
Tongan EO.NOA.1 Noa Trivial, trifling
Tongan PN.UQU Oó-oó. Oo/chia. To bite, to peck, to sting. To bite; stung.
Tongan EO.TAA.1A Ta. Tá-tá. Té/ia. To strike or beat. A mallet or hammer. To belabour, or beat.