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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rennellese OC.TIFA.1A Tiha To be or appear white, as some flowers, or sun-bleached *kie* leaves; said esp. of vertical objects Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta AN.NAMU.1A Na/namu To have an unpleasant odour, to stink; sour, pungent or other disagreeable odour, such as the smell of *ma*, or rotten fish
Anuta AN.QONE One(one) Beach; beach sand
Anuta OC.PAA.3A Pa(a) Traditional fishing lure with pearl shell "spoon" and turtle shell or green snail hook; necklace made from same
Anuta PN.FAKA-TAU- Pakatau/tara To disagree, have a falling out; to object, disobey Problematic
Anuta PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Pakateetee/vaka, pakateretere, pakatere/vaka To sail a ship or canoe Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.WAATIA Paka/vatia A pudding made from sago flour and coconut cream
Anuta OC.HURU.A Pa/uru To reach the passage
Anuta CP.FIA- Pii- Prefix indicating disposal towards a particular state
Anuta MP.PIKI.1A Piki Stick sap (as that of breadfruit, Calophyllum and *mami* tree); glue; plastic, object made of plastic
Anuta MP.FIRI.1 Piri/piri Sacred necklet, worn by chiefs or persons who are the object of some special honor
Anuta PN.POU-MULI Poumuri A kind of tree (Securinega flexuosa)
Anuta OC.LIU.2 Riu/ara Path (esp. in moral contexts); passage, carfare [may be a TIK word]
Anuta AN.TAHINA Taina Sibling of same sex; sibling-in-law of opposite sex
Anuta PN.TAKU.1 Taku vai ai? Who said that? (idiomatic expression)
Anuta SO.MAQAA Tau ma Term of address for sibling-in-law of same sex
Anuta PN.FAANAU.A Tau panau Siblings of same sex
Tikopia MP.MAKA-LILI Sau/mariki Be damp Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.TOQA Toa Warrior; strong man; adversary in a fight or test of strength; to choose an opponent in a battle
Anuta PN.SUQA.C Tua A pudding in which sago flour is one of the ingredients
Tahitian TA.PUUAI Puuai Fort, puissant, impétueux, dynamique
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakateretere Practise sailing
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.OLA.1 Haka/ora, aka/ora To save, revive
Penrhyn CE.KAE Sae/kae Saliva, slaver
Penrhyn SO.SAUSAU-LELE Taareeree sau Spotfin lionfish (Pterois antennata) Problematic
Penrhyn EO.SAU.6 Haka/sau/sau To expose oneself to the wind and get cold
Penrhyn MP.MASA.1 Mai/masa Growth stage of coconut fruit (between *sakari* and *uto*); flesh still white and still contains some liquid
New Zealand Maori CK.GUTU-PAA Ngutu Mouth, entrance. "In the entrance of a *paa*, the *ngutu* were the two side passages leading from the main outer entrance into the *paa* itself."
Fijian PN.QALU.C Yali Go, come (old Ra usage) (JW) Problematic
Marquesas PN.TALAAO ʔEiao kiki Loche sanguine (Cephalopholis sexmaculata) Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn OC.MALAQE Mara, marâ Sacred ground
Penrhyn NP.SAKALI Sakarè Old dried coconut
Penrhyn PN.SOGI Shungè, shungai, shungae Salutation; parting kiss
Penrhyn PN.MAA-KONA.1 Ma kona Satisfied; eaten enough
Penrhyn PN.FUHI.B Huie atua [the gods] Sacred, consecrated, taboo
Penrhyn MP.TAHI.1 Oa tiè! It is salt!
New Zealand Maori CE.RAU-KAWA Raukawa An aromatic plant used as a scent (Nothopanax edgerleyi); the scent from same
Tahitian CE.RAU-KAWA Rauava The *miro* or *amae* leaves used in the marae for various sacred purposes
Tuamotu PN.LAU-MANU Raumanu/hia Accompanied by aflock of hovering birds; said when birds follow and feed upon a school of fish
Tuamotu CE.RAU-KAWA Raukava Some part of the sacred regalia of a chief or high priest
Penrhyn AN.RAKU Saku-hia To scrape Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn AN.RAKU Sa/saku To be scratched, have got many scratches. Scratching (Bck). Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori TA.TII-TOKO Tiitoko Pole used to stretch or extend anything: spreader, sprit (of a sail) etc.; stretch, extend with a pole or anything rigid; keep off or away; propel with a pole
New Zealand Maori CE.FAKA-TURI Whakaturi Love token, keepsake
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.MAAORO Maoro Stroking movements in massage
Penrhyn TA.MAAORO Maaoro-hia To rub, massage
Rarotongan TA.MAAORO Maaoro Massage (v)
Mangaia TA.MAAORO Maaoro Rub, massage, make smooth (of matting material *paapaa*)
Pukapuka TA.MAAORO Maaolo Press, massage Borrowed
Rarotongan CE.MOKE Moo/moke Legendary inhabitants of the underworld, said to have very fair hair and skin, and quivering eyes