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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva MP.LAKA.1 Raka/ʔi Profaner un lieu saint
Mangareva PN.LAWE.2A Ra/rave Empêchement, obstacle; être difficile à saisir, qui empêche et présente des difficultés; empêcher
Mangareva NP.LOMA.2B Roma Ne pas abonder. Not in abundance, rather scarce (said only of large things) (Tgr). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas EO.TAKI.1 Taʔi, taki Retenir, faire rester, engager à rester; se saisir d'un objet, maintenir en place; porter, transporter, emporter, rapporter, ôter, enlever... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva TA.PEKE.1C Ta/peke S'accrocher (se dit de quelqu'un qui saisit un objet pour empêcher ou parer sa chute); saisir en l'air, prendre à la volée Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva TA.TAA-RERE Tarere S'élancer à une branche d'arbre saisie avec la main; se balancer; s'ingérer dans une conversation, une dispute qui ne regarde pas
Tahitian CE.TUU-PERE Tupere A shell of the cockle kind....said to be used by the scrape the souls of men for food
Easter Island PN.WOKE Uoke A supernatural being who traditionally traveled about the Pacific, destroying islands with a gigantic lever; he is said to have broken his lever at Easter Island and thus been unable to destroy it (Egt 1970:182)
Mangareva MQ.FUKE.B Umu/ʔuke Représaille; rancune; détester (se dit des enfants détestant leurs père et mère, et des fermiers leurs propriétaires)
Marquesas CE.UTU.1B Utu Parer un coup, l'éviter. Assaillir, attaquer (par surprise). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.TOLO.2B Toʔo Prendre, recevoir, accepter un objet; saisir, se saisir de, enlever... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niuafo'ou PN.KAU-WAKA Kauvaka Sailor
Luangiua PN.SAQELE Saile Go
Anuta PN.KAU.4 Kau rararo Boom supporting bottom of pandanus leaf sail
Rennellese OC.TIFA.1A Tiha To be or appear white, as some flowers, or sun-bleached *kie* leaves; said esp. of vertical objects Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Pakateetee/vaka, pakateretere, pakatere/vaka To sail a ship or canoe Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.TAKU.1 Taku vai ai? Who said that? (idiomatic expression)
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakateretere Practise sailing
Tuamotu PN.LAU-MANU Raumanu/hia Accompanied by aflock of hovering birds; said when birds follow and feed upon a school of fish
New Zealand Maori TA.TII-TOKO Tiitoko Pole used to stretch or extend anything: spreader, sprit (of a sail) etc.; stretch, extend with a pole or anything rigid; keep off or away; propel with a pole
Rarotongan CE.MOKE Moo/moke Legendary inhabitants of the underworld, said to have very fair hair and skin, and quivering eyes
Takuu CP.TUKU.A Tuku raa Lower a canoe sail
Kapingamarangi CP.TUKU.A Dugu di laa To lower the sail
Nukuoro CP.TUKU.A Dugu de laa Lower sail
Tongan CP.TUKU.A Toogoo To lower (a sail)
Samoan PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Faiaavaa Marry (said of a man only); (man) living with his wife's kin
Marquesas PN.SOLO.3 Hau To sail
Hawaiian CE.TOLO.4 ʔUpena kolo Immense bag net said to be from sixteen to twenty-four fathoms deep
Marquesas PN.TAAQOFI Maóhi (MQS) Toucher, saisir, prendre avec la main, retenir; adopter Phonologically Irregular
Takuu NO.PALALAMA Pama Storage platform above the outrigger on the ancient sailing canoe (Obs). Problematic
East Uvea PN.SOIFUA Hoifua A vos souhaits! (se disait quand le Roi éternuait)
Tongan XW.SAI Sai Good, good enough....suitable...well (in good health)...a good thing. Borrowed
East Uvea XW.SAI Kua sai C'est bien Borrowed
East Futuna XW.SAI Sai/a En avoir assez
Samoan XW.SAI Sai To be good looking (as a man, house, canoe &c)
Tuvalu AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Tuvalu FJ.LEPA.1 Lepa Flap (of sail)
Tuvalu NP.OLI.3 Olioli Prayers said on shore for the success of fishermen
Tuvalu PN.TERE.A Tele To sail
Tuvalu NP.FAKA-TELE Fakatele Sail (v)
Tuvalu SO.SIKI.1C S/siki To change position of a sail on a canoe or boat
Tuvalu SO.FAFA.3 Fafa The rope from the boom of a sail
Tuvalu PN.MASA-IA Masaia To be shallow, stranded by low tide
Tuvalu XW.SAI Sai To be shapely (of waist)