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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan PN.TA-QIA Taaʔia Hit, strike (passive) Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan PN.TA-QIA Taia Make a net (passive) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.TA-QIA Taaia Kill it! Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.TA-QIA Ta/taia Written, tattooed
Sikaiana PN.TA-QIA Taia Hit, kick (passive of taa)
Niue PN.TOFI-QA Tofia The sea (implies a healthy respect for the sea) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan AN.TUUGI-A Tuungia (Passive of tutungi) Set fire to, kindle, light
Tongan PN.UE.B Ue/a, ue/sia, ue/ʔia To move or agitate mentally or spiritually
Ifira-Mele FJ.TALI.4 Tari/puusia Carry a lot of things (not necessarily all at once)
Tongan XW.FESI-QA Féhia To hate, abhor, dislike, hatred
Niue XW.FESI-QA Vihia-tia To be hated, disliked Phonologically Irregular
Samoan XW.FESI-QA Fai/fesia To apologize Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue AN.FILI.1 Vili To vote, to cast lots; to elect to make a special visit
East Futuna PN.FE-QILO-AKI Feʔilo Parent; cadeau (mariage, communion...) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian PN.FAKA-.4 Hoo/ʔole To deny, repudiate
Samoan XW.QUGA-QUGA Ugauga Partially grey, of hair; small [ex. house] Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan FJ.HILI Hili/fakia To be caught or stranded on top of something (e.g. ball in roof-gutter, falling fruit caught in branches)
Niue XW.MAALIE.C Maalie Often used in exclamations, such as showing appreciation for very good performances
East Futuna PN.TAOTAO Taʔotaʔoama Poisson: "poisson flûte" (Fistularia petimba)
Sikaiana PN.FANO-GA Halona A trip or journey away from Sikaiana or Solomon Islands by any conveyance Phonologically Irregular
Ifira-Mele PN.ONA-POO Napoo/fia Time, period
Tongan OC.SAQO Haʔo/fia To surround or sit round
East Futuna OC.SAQO Sao/fia Etre pris par la force; prendre d'assaut; attaquer sans risque (exx. fort, campement) Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese OC.SAQO Saʔo/hie, saʔo/hia (Lake) To help, support Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue AN.QATA Ata/ngia To be eclipsed (as the sun), to be shadowed, reflected
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QONO.2 Ano/hia Repair [ex. net] Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FEKAU.A Fakau/tania Send (vt)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.WILI.1A Fka/vili/kia Let something (e.g. a wheel) roll along
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAQELE Haele/akina, haele/angia Take care of children when they are small
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.FAO Fao/fao Tree sp. (Neisosperma oppositifolia)
Fijian XW.FEQATA.B Veata Kind of beche de mer, (Tethys trioniana)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAALIKI Hualiki/a, -hia Put leaves into something Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAKA-HUHU Hua/u/mia Breastfeed (vt)
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.IA.2 Ia This, that (postnuclear demonstrative pronoun)
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.KAFU.A Kavu/hia To cover Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.NEWA.B Neve/iange Flirt with, approach with sexual proposals Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QONO.2 No/no/hia Repair [ex. canoe]
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QONO.3 No/no/ia Notice, observe
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.QOLA Olo/hia Feel pain from [TAU] Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.SOLA Ol/ola Be left (of liauid); have some liquid left Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.MAHUKU Ta/muku/hia Be bushy, untidy
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TELE.3B Tele/kia Carry away (by a current)
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.QAA-TAEAO Ateiao Tomorrow
East Futuna PN.WAO.B Kaiki/vao Sauvage, méfiant
Tuamotu CK.TAE-WAO Taetaevao A savage, barbarian...forest-dwellers....refugees living in mountain valleys...
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.TUQU-TA Tuta/ia Regular; always Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.FAKA-KAA.2 Vakha/hia Burn (vt)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KONA.3 Va/kona/ia Trick (vt) Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QONO.2 Vak/ono/hia Repair (vt) Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.FITI.2 Ulu-fiti Crisp, curly hair, like that of the Fijians