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363 Results matching "mate" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Uvea OC.A A Article marking animates. Special circumstances apply
Niue PN.QATI.3 Ati To build (traditionally to collect stones and material for building a house
New Zealand Maori EP.ATUA Atua(-mate-o-Hotu) The moon on the fifteenth day
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.QAAWAGA.A Avanga/ina Consummate (marriage)
Pukapuka OC.QEPA Epa/epa Sleeping mat best type of mat made from laukie material
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.LAGI.2 Ha/langi/langi Weather situation, climate
East Futuna PN.FAKA-QAFU-MATE Fakaafu-mate March (Burrows); fourth month
East Uvea PN.FAKA-QAFU-MATE Fakaʔafu/mate May-June
Tongan PN.FAKA-QAFU-MATE Fakaʔafu-mate Fifth month of the old calendar
Hawaiian PN.FAKA-MAQU Hoʔomau To make fast, as an anchor in sand; to snag; to cause to be retarded, grounded, wagered, stopped; to mate for the purpose of having children
West Uvea MP.FATA.1 Fata te mate Coffin (1880)
Tikopia PN.FEQAO Feao Material object giving spiritual protection (Firth 1967:210)
Takuu NP.FENUQU.A* Fenu/i Loose strand inserted into material being plaited
Tikopia NP.FUAAGA Fuaanga Ancestors of maternal patrilineage
Sikaiana SO.FUA-QI-TINO Huaitino Body of an animate being; trunk of a tree
Niue NP.FULU.3 Fulu- Nominal prefix indicating the characteristics, manner, or nature of a person or other animate being; productive only for a few words Problematic
Mangareva PN.SEGA.2 ʔEʔa mate Jaunisse, jaundice.
Penrhyn CK.KAA-FIRO Kaahiro Mix, blend, plait/braid materials of different colours
Pukapuka PN.KAINAGA Keinanga A maternal sub-lineage in a grouping of maternal lineages
Ifira-Mele OC.KAKA.1A Mu/kaka Clothlike fibrous material enclosing base of Coconut palm fronds
Tokelau OC.KAKA.1A Kaka Coarse, fibrous material at base of coconut fronds
Tikopia PN.KANA.1 Kana Marine material, probably sponge, said to drift to Tikopia
Nuguria NP.KANO-FI-MATA Kanomate Face
Marquesas CE.KAAPITI.1 Kaapiti. Kapiti (Lch) (Atl). Package, bundle, bolt (of cloth). Paquet, ballot, pièce d'étoffe, mise en rouleau (Lch). Coupon (de tissu), remnant (of material) (Atl).
East Uvea PN.KAU-WAKA Kauvaka Les matelots
Hawaiian PN.KEU.1 ʔEu Stir up, incite, animate, encourage
Niue PN.KINI.2A Kini To strike down, beat down, slash, cut down, trim (mainly plant material).
Rennellese NP.KIU.2 Kiu A thousand fathoms (approximately); ten thousand coconuts; figuratively, any great number
Nuguria EO.KUMETE Kumate Shell (big)
Takuu XO.QILAAMOTU.* Ilaamotu Reciprocal kinship term: classificatory mother's brother (maternal uncle), sister's child (nephew, niece)
Rarotongan NP.LAFI.1 Rairai Thin, flimsy (material, paper)
Tikopia PN.LAGA.2 Ranga Plait leaf materials into mat, basket
Samoan PN.LAGI-A La/lagi Place (esp.) banana or breadfruit leaves on hot stones to make them more supple (and therefore easier to use as wrapping material)
Niue MP.LAKA.1 Laka Step (n); step over something or somebody, overstep (often implies a 'cautionary' or 'ill-advised' action); to mate [exx. of animals]. To step, to cross over (McE).
Nuguria PN.RAQA-KAU.B Raakau, laakau Wood (material); log, stick
Tikopia OC.LAKI Raki Wind point, approximately west; westerly direction; monsoon season, characterised by weather from generally west direction; variable light winds between south-west and west, with alternating calms and occasional gales
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.RAMA Lama Torch, material for torches (usually dry parts of coconut leaves)
Rarotongan TA.PAA-REU Paareu Waist-wrap, kilt, dancing skirt; wrap around the waist; light floral cotton material from which pareu and dresses are made
Marquesas CE.ROGO.2 Oko/mate (MQN). 30e et dernier jour de lune ou mois kanak
Nuguria PN.LOLO.1A Te roro mate lenga Gelbwurzpaste
Hawaiian NP.LUA-NI Lua Companion, mate
Tahitian TA.RUNAGA Nuna Mixed, amalgamated Problematic
Takuu PN.MAGEHO.A Maneo Itch or sting due to an insect bite, coral or jellyfish sting, irritating plant material...; sexual excitement
Rarotongan MP.MALUU.A Maruu Soft and yielding (of materials)
Niue PN.MAALUU.1A Maluu Moist, damp (climate)
East Futuna PN.MA-MATE.1 Mamate/vaʔe Numb foot
Rarotongan PN.MA-MATE.1 Maamate Benumbed, paralyzed
Tokelau PN.MA-MATE.1 Mamate Numb
Tongan PN.MA-MATE.1 Mamate Numb
East Futuna PN.MA-MATE.2 Mamate Die (plural of mate)