Anuta entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.TASI.1 Tai One Problematic (Fbg)
PN.TATAA Tataa Bail a boat or canoe; canoe bailer (Fbg)
SO.TATAQO Tatao To chase; to steer with a paddle (tatao te poe) (Fbg)
PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattoo (Yen)
PN.TATAU.3 Tatau? tatao? To squeeze; to express coconut cream using hibiscus fibe (Fbg)
NP.-TA-TOU -tatou First person inclusive plural possessive suffix (Fbg)
NP.TAA-TOU Ta(a)tou We (inc.) (Fbg)
PN.TAU.3 Ta/tau Count, read (Fbg)
PN.TAU.4 Tau War (Fbg)
MP.TAU.5 Tau/ranga Formal friendship relationship between an Anutan and a Tikopian; individual or group involved in such Problematic (Fbg)
PN.TAU-MULI Taumuri Stern of canoe or other vessel (Fbg)
OC.TAQU.1 Tau Year (Fbg)
NP.TAA-UA.1 Taaua We two (inc.) (Fbg)
AN.TAQUFUFU Taupupu Ridgepole (Yen)
PN.TAU-QI Taui, (tau vi?) Exchange, purchase; price, pay (Fbg)
PN.TAU-LA Taura Anchor (Fbg)
PN.TAU-LEKALEKA.B Taurekareka Beautiful (Fbg)
FJ.TAU-NAMU Tainamu Mosquito net (Fbg)
NP.TAU-SINU.* Tau unu A tree (Tournefortia argentea) Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
EO.TAU-TAHI Tautai Sea expert (Fbg)
PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic Bird (Fbg)
PN.TAWAKE Toake Tropic Bird (Fbg)
PN.TE.1 Te Definite article singular (Fbg)
TO.TEQE.1 Tee Excrement Problematic (Fbg)
CP.TEA Tea White (Yen)
SO.TEFA.2 Tepa/tepa Stagger (as when wounded, drunk, famished) (Fbg)
PN.TEGA.1C Tenga Seed (Fbg)
PN.TEKI.2 Teki Jump or twitch, as when bitten by an ant (Fbg)
PN.TERE.A Tere/tere Sail (Yen)
MP.TII.1 Tii (Cordyline fruticosa) (Yen)
PN.TIALE Tiare Floral necklace; a shrub (Gardenia sp.) (Yen)
OC.TIFA.1A Tipa Pearlshell (Fbg)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Tipitipi A kind of fish (Fbg)
OC.TIKA.A Tika A type of dart made from a reed shaft about four feet long, with a heavy hardwood head; a contest in which men compete to see how far they can throw their *tika* darts...; to throw something after the fashion of throwing a reed dart (Fbg)
CP.TIKO.A Tiko Defecate (Yen)
PN.TILI.1A Tiri Fish-trap (Yen)
PN.TILI.1B Tiri A kind of net used in Tikopia but no longer in Anuta (Fbg)
MP.TIRO Tio Look Problematic (Yen)
AN.TIMU.1 Timu Light rain, drizzle (Fbg)
AN.TINA-NA.A Tinana Mother (Yen)
OC.TINO.A Tino Body (Yen)
MP.TIO.2 Tio Shellfish sp. (Yen)
PN.TITI.2 Titi pau Skirt for men and women worn for dancing. Barkcloth sheet hung in front of the church (Fbg). (Yen)
PN.TOO.1A Too To plant (Yen)
PN.TORO Too Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
NP.T-OO.5 Too (Fbg)
EO.TOE.1A Toe Remainder. To remain, be left (over), be excluded... (Fbg). (Yen)
AN.TOFI Topi Garden, orchard (Fbg)
EO.TOGA Tonga East to south-east; wind from that quarter; season during which such winds are common (trade-wind season) (Fbg)
OC.TOHO.A To/ti Pull or carry a canoe out to sea, lift, bring Problematic (Fbg)

1431 entries found