Anuta entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.SUMU.2 | Tumu | Triggerfish | (Fbg) |
EO.TAA.1A | Ta(a) | Strike, hit; an implement used for striking (i.e. a club) | (Fbg) |
AN.TAA.1B | Ta(a) | To chop down; to cut; to build [ex. canoe] | (Fbg) |
PN.TAA.5A | Ta | First person inclusive dual preposed subject pronoun | (Fbg) |
PN.-TAA.5B | -ta(ua) | First person inclusive dual possessive suffix | (Fbg) |
AN.TAQE.1 | Tae | Excrement; entrails | (Yen) |
PN.TAQE-TULI.1 | Taeturi | Earwax | (Fbg) |
OC.TAFA.2 | Tapa | Circumcise | (Yen) |
OC.TAFE | Tape | Tide, current | (Yen) |
SO.TAFE-A | Tapea | To drift | (Fbg) |
PN.TAFITO.A | Tapito | Root, base. The base of an object; basis, source, reason; leader; beginning; to start (Fbg). | (Yen) |
NP.TAFO-LAQA.* | Taporaa | Whales, dolphins | (Fbg) |
FJ.TAFU.A | Tapu | To put wood on a fire so that it will burst into flame, for purpose of cooking etc. | (Fbg) |
PN.TA-FULI | Tapuri | Capsize | (Fbg) |
OC.TAGA.1A | Tanga | Bag. Sack, suitcase; stomach (as an internal organ) | (Yen) |
MP.TAGATA | Tangata | Man, person; male | (Fbg) |
AN.TAGI.A | Tangi | To cry, moan | (Fbg) |
MP.TAHI.1 | Tai | Water covering the reef | (Fbg) |
SO.TAINA | Taina | Sibling or sibling-in-law of the same sex | (Fbg) |
PN.TAKA.1B | Taka | Unmarried person | (Fbg) |
PN.TAKA-LILI | Takariri | Shake as in shivering or convulsion | (Fbg) |
NP.TAKALO | Taakaro | The game of making string figures ("cat's cradle") | (Fbg) |
FJ.TAKAPE | Takape | Lutjanus carponotatus | (Hpr) |
FJ.TAKELE.A | Takere | Bottom, or base or underside of a canoe, box or bowl, but not such objects as a house, bottle, or solid piece of wood | (Fbg) |
EO.TAKI.1 | Taki | To lead (either physically or in the sense of giving directions or orders); to troll (for fish); a kind of dance | (Fbg) |
PN.TALA.1 | Tara | Barb of spear, fish-hook etc | (Fbg) |
FJ.TALA.2 | Tara/nga | Language, speech | (Fbg) |
FJ.TALA.3 | Ta/tara/ | To open something; to untie (a box, door, parcel, or similar object); to turn on (tape recorder, radio); to forgive | (Fbg) |
SO.TALAFA | Tarapa | Beard | (Fbg) |
AN.TALI.3A | Tari | A kind of plaiting | (Yen) |
AN.TALI.3A | Tari | Sennit cord used for lashing canoes | (Fbg) |
AN.TALIGA | Taringa | Ear | (Fbg) |
AN.TALO.1 | Taro | (Colocasia esculenta) | (Yen) |
PN.TAMA.2 | Tama | Turmeric grater | (Fbg) |
PN.TAMA-FAFINE | Tama papine | Female child | (Fbg) |
PN.TAMA-I | Tamai | Father Problematic | (Fbg) |
XO.TAMAKI.2 | Tamaki | Very much, extremely, too much | (Fbg) |
PN.TAMA-RIKI.A | Tamariki | Children (plural) | (Fbg) |
NP.TAMA-QA-LOA | Tamaaroa | Bachelor | (Fbg) |
AN.TAMA-NA | Tamana | Father | (Fbg) |
PN.TAA-MATE-A | Ta mate | To kill (strike dead); to extinguish something such as a light or fire | (Fbg) |
TO.TAMA-TIQI.* | Tamati(i) | Child (young person) Problematic | (Fbg) |
PN.TANE | Tane | A skin disease. A type of fungus infection characterized by light-colored patches on the skin | (Yen) |
OC.TANIFA | Tanipa | Large shark sp. | (Yen) |
AN.TANU | Tanu | Bury | (Yen) |
MP.TAO | Tao | Spear | (Yen) |
EO.TAQO.1 | Tao | Bake in earth oven | (Fbg) |
OC.TAPAKAU | Tapakau | Woven coconut frond floor mat | (Yen) |
SO.TAPI.1B | Tapi | For a woman to wash her genitals | (Fbg) |
OC.TAPU | Tapu | Sacred, holy, forbidden | (Fbg) |
1431 entries found