Anuta entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.QAWE | Ave | To move one or a few objects from one place to another; to bring or carry a small number of objects | (Fbg) |
NP.FAKA-TELE | Pakatere/vaka | To sail a ship or canoe | (Fbg) |
OC.WELA.A | Vera | To burn (as to burn a person, or for an object to burn up) | (Fbg) |
OC.WELA.B | (Ve)vera | Hot; feverish, fever | (Fbg) |
PN.TUQU-LAKI | Turaki | Plural of tu 'stand' | (Fbg) |
XO.IKA-TAPU | Ika tapu | A kind of fish reaching perhaps five pounds; very hard fighter and very good to eat; with navy blue and gold markings (pompano?) | (Fbg) |
PN.SIKU-SIKU | Tikutiku | End of an object; tail of fish or other animal; end of an event (story, song, etc.) | (Fbg) |
SO.FAFA.3 | Papa | Rope for securing the mast of a canoe | (Fbg) |
XO.MATA-A-WAKA | Mataavaka | Bow of canoe or other vessel | (Fbg) |
PN.MAGEHO.A | Magio | To itch, cause itching | (Fbg) |
NP.OKO.2A | Oko | Spongy inside of mature coconut | (Fbg) |
SO.FAKA-FUA | Pakapua | Ocean waves | (Fbg) |
SO.TATA.2 | Tata | To pull coconut seedling out of the ground | (Fbg) |
SO.TAU-TALI | Tautari | Follow; obey; depend upon | (Fbg) |
AN.QANUFE | Unupe | Caterpillar | (Fbg) |
SO.SEPE | Tepe | To skin something with a knife | (Fbg) |
SO.QOTA.3 | Ota | Sago palm | (Fbg) |
PN.FAKA-MAA | Pakamaa | Be ashamed. Embarrassed, shy (Fbg). | (Yen) |
PN.PAKIA.1 | Pakia | To get cut | (Fbg) |
PN.PAA.2B | Pa | To land | (Fbg) |
PN.QUTI.1 | U/uti | To bite | (Fbg) |
NP.FAKA-KAA.2 | Pakaka | To burn, as in burning a piece of wood | (Fbg) |
NP.FAKA-KAA.2 | Paka/ka/kaa | To light (a fire) | (Fbg) |
XO.KOKO.3 | Koko | Flour made from pulp of sago palm or from turmeric root | (Fbg) |
NP.OLI.2 | Ori/tu | To "cross swords" (in this case using war clubs rather than sabres or foils) | (Fbg) |
PN.FAI-GA | Painga | Act, doing | (Fbg) |
PN.FAKA-TUQU | Pakatu | To stand something up, to cause to stand, to raise up | (Fbg) |
PN.AKO-NAKI | Akonake | To teach Phonologically Irregular | (Fbg) |
PN.LI-AKI | Riiki-na, riki/na/ke | Abandon, leave alone (not disturb), give up | (Fbg) |
NP.KAU-QALIKI | Kauariki | Tree with small, red edible fruit | (Fbg) |
OC.KOI.3 | Koi | Still, yet | (Fbg) |
PN.KA-E | Kae | But | (Fbg) |
PN.FAKA-QAROFA | Pakaaropa | Causing sympathy; designation of persons belonging to lower two of the four _kainanga_; "commoner" | (Fbg) |
PN.MAQU-LALO | Mauraro | Low (in rank) | (Fbg) |
PN.MA-FITI | Mapiti | For a seedling to begin to show itself above the ground | (Fbg) |
PN.MILI | Miri | To drill or bore a hole in something | (Fbg) |
OC.MITI.3A | Miti/miti | Hard candy or other object to be sucked | (Fbg) |
EO.TUFA.1 | Tupa | To divide, distribute (commonly used to denote the division of fish or vegetable food into separate parcels for each of the household units) | (Fbg) |
PN.TE-QA | Taa | Possessive pronoun: our, dual inclusive | (Fbg) |
PN.MAI.D | Mai | From | (Fbg) |
AN.-NI | E/ni | This, here, over here | (Fbg) |
PN.POLA-POLA | Poopora, porapora | Type of large basket | (Fbg) |
PN.PUI.A | Pui/pui | To shut (a screen or door) | (Fbg) |
PN.FAKA-QOTI.B | Pakaoti | Conclusion, ending | (Fbg) |
PN.FAKA-QOTI.C | Pakaoti | Completely, throughout, all, without exception | (Fbg) |
PN.TUKU-GA | Tuku/tukunga | Habit; custom, customary practice... | (Fbg) |
PN.APO | Apo(taki) | To hit something with a stick, axe or adze | (Fbg) |
PN.FAKA-TONU.A | Paka/to/tonu | Straighten | (Fbg) |
PN.FAKA-TONU.B | Pakatonu | Believe, make sure of, get straight, settle, confirm, verify | (Fbg) |
MP.FULU.2 | Puru/puru | To wash one's self | (Fbg) |
1431 entries found