Anuta entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.QAWE Ave To move one or a few objects from one place to another; to bring or carry a small number of objects (Fbg)
NP.FAKA-TELE Pakatere/vaka To sail a ship or canoe (Fbg)
OC.WELA.A Vera To burn (as to burn a person, or for an object to burn up) (Fbg)
OC.WELA.B (Ve)vera Hot; feverish, fever (Fbg)
PN.TUQU-LAKI Turaki Plural of tu 'stand' (Fbg)
XO.IKA-TAPU Ika tapu A kind of fish reaching perhaps five pounds; very hard fighter and very good to eat; with navy blue and gold markings (pompano?) (Fbg)
PN.SIKU-SIKU Tikutiku End of an object; tail of fish or other animal; end of an event (story, song, etc.) (Fbg)
SO.FAFA.3 Papa Rope for securing the mast of a canoe (Fbg)
XO.MATA-A-WAKA Mataavaka Bow of canoe or other vessel (Fbg)
PN.MAGEHO.A Magio To itch, cause itching (Fbg)
NP.OKO.2A Oko Spongy inside of mature coconut (Fbg)
SO.FAKA-FUA Pakapua Ocean waves (Fbg)
SO.TATA.2 Tata To pull coconut seedling out of the ground (Fbg)
SO.TAU-TALI Tautari Follow; obey; depend upon (Fbg)
AN.QANUFE Unupe Caterpillar (Fbg)
SO.SEPE Tepe To skin something with a knife (Fbg)
SO.QOTA.3 Ota Sago palm (Fbg)
PN.FAKA-MAA Pakamaa Be ashamed. Embarrassed, shy (Fbg). (Yen)
PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia To get cut (Fbg)
PN.PAA.2B Pa To land (Fbg)
PN.QUTI.1 U/uti To bite (Fbg)
NP.FAKA-KAA.2 Pakaka To burn, as in burning a piece of wood (Fbg)
NP.FAKA-KAA.2 Paka/ka/kaa To light (a fire) (Fbg)
XO.KOKO.3 Koko Flour made from pulp of sago palm or from turmeric root (Fbg)
NP.OLI.2 Ori/tu To "cross swords" (in this case using war clubs rather than sabres or foils) (Fbg)
PN.FAI-GA Painga Act, doing (Fbg)
PN.FAKA-TUQU Pakatu To stand something up, to cause to stand, to raise up (Fbg)
PN.AKO-NAKI Akonake To teach Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
PN.LI-AKI Riiki-na, riki/na/ke Abandon, leave alone (not disturb), give up (Fbg)
NP.KAU-QALIKI Kauariki Tree with small, red edible fruit (Fbg)
OC.KOI.3 Koi Still, yet (Fbg)
PN.KA-E Kae But (Fbg)
PN.FAKA-QAROFA Pakaaropa Causing sympathy; designation of persons belonging to lower two of the four _kainanga_; "commoner" (Fbg)
PN.MAQU-LALO Mauraro Low (in rank) (Fbg)
PN.MA-FITI Mapiti For a seedling to begin to show itself above the ground (Fbg)
PN.MILI Miri To drill or bore a hole in something (Fbg)
OC.MITI.3A Miti/miti Hard candy or other object to be sucked (Fbg)
EO.TUFA.1 Tupa To divide, distribute (commonly used to denote the division of fish or vegetable food into separate parcels for each of the household units) (Fbg)
PN.TE-QA Taa Possessive pronoun: our, dual inclusive (Fbg)
PN.MAI.D Mai From (Fbg)
AN.-NI E/ni This, here, over here (Fbg)
PN.POLA-POLA Poopora, porapora Type of large basket (Fbg)
PN.PUI.A Pui/pui To shut (a screen or door) (Fbg)
PN.FAKA-QOTI.B Pakaoti Conclusion, ending (Fbg)
PN.FAKA-QOTI.C Pakaoti Completely, throughout, all, without exception (Fbg)
PN.TUKU-GA Tuku/tukunga Habit; custom, customary practice... (Fbg)
PN.APO Apo(taki) To hit something with a stick, axe or adze (Fbg)
PN.FAKA-TONU.A Paka/to/tonu Straighten (Fbg)
PN.FAKA-TONU.B Pakatonu Believe, make sure of, get straight, settle, confirm, verify (Fbg)
MP.FULU.2 Puru/puru To wash one's self (Fbg)

1431 entries found