Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.QAA.1 Aa Surround (Btl)
NP.AE Ae Yes (Chl)
PN.QAA-FEA Ahea When (Chl)
PN.QAA-FEA Ahé When? (future) (Fts)
AN.AFI Ahi Fire (Fts)
AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi Late (of day); afternoon (Wbr)
OC.QAFI-GA Haʔiŋa Armpit Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
MP.AFO E/aho/ Fishing-line (Tgr)
EO.QAFU.2 Ahu Megalithic construction considered for a long time as a funeral monument...consists of one or more chambers with a platform cover meant to support one or more moai.. Swelling (Wbr). (Fts)
NP.QAFULU Hahuʔu Goatfish sp. Problematic (Rdl)
PN.AGI.2 Aŋi Be certain, know Problematic (Kvt)
NP.QAGO.A ʔAŋo/ʔaŋo Demacrado, enjuto, enflaquecido (por el hambre) (Bxn)
AN.QAHO ʔAo Anochecer [sic] (Fts)
AN.QAHO ʔAo popohaŋa Dawn, daybreak (Fts)
NP.QAO-ATEA ʔOotea Dawn, morning, morrow (Fts)
OC.QAHU.1 ʔAu Bilis (Bxn)
OC.QAHU.1 Au Gall (Fts)
AN.QAHU.2 ʔAu Humo (Bxn)
AN.QAHU.2 Au Humo ; smoke (Fts)
OC.AI.1 Ai (Fts)
MQ.AKU-AKU Akuaku Diablo; duende; espíritu. Devil, ghost, spirit Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fts)
MP.QAI.2 Ai Coition, coitus, copulation, sexual intercourse (Fts)
MP.QAI.2 ʔAi Coito, copular (Bxn)
PN.QANA-NEI (I)aŋani/raa Today (past) (Fts)
AN.AKA.A Aka Root (Fts)
PN.AKIAKI Kiakia A sea bird (Gygis alba); also given to another variety known as Albus royanus Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
MP.AKO Ako/ako Ensayar un canto repetidas veces Problematic (Fts)
OC.AKU ʔAkui Ungir, untar Problematic (Fts)
FJ.QARA ʔAra Despertarse, abrir los ojos, levantarse (Bxn)
FJ.QARA Ara Awake (Fts)
PN.QALELO ʔArero Lengua (organo e idioma). Language (Wbr). (Bxn)
PN.QALELO Arero Tongue (Fts)
EP.QARIGA ʔAariŋa Face (Kvt)
PN.QARIKI ʔAriki Chief, king, lord, headman in general. Rey. (Btl)
AN.QARO.A ʔAro Parte delantera, frente, lado (Bxn)
AN.QARO.A Aro Facade, forefront, front, side (Fts)
MP.QAROFA.A ʔAroha Commiseration, compassion, condolence. Grief, sorrow, sadness; regret, be sorry; pity (Wbr). (Fts)
LO.AAROTE ʔAarote Plough, to plough (Fts)
EO.QALU.A ʔAruʔaru To pursue (Chl)
PN.QALUGA.2 ŋaruʔa Pillow Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
PN.QAMO ʔAmo Carry on the back or shoulders (Fts)
PN.QAMO ʔAmo Lleva algo a cuestas, cargar en hombros (Bxn)
EP.ANA.2 Ana If (Fts)
PN.QANA.1 ʔAna Cueva, caverna (Bxn)
PN.QANA-.2 (I)aŋa/taiáhi Yesterday (Fts)
PN.QANA-.2 Aŋa/taiahiéra The day before yesterday (Fts)
PN.QANA-FEA Aŋahé When? (past) (Fts)
NP.ANAKE An/anake/ Everybody, everyone (Fts)
NP.ANAKE Anake Unique (Chl)
PN.QANA-POO Aŋapó Anoche (Fts)

1651 entries found