Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
AN.QAA.1 | Aa | Surround | (Btl) |
NP.AE | Ae | Yes | (Chl) |
PN.QAA-FEA | Ahea | When | (Chl) |
PN.QAA-FEA | Ahé | When? (future) | (Fts) |
AN.AFI | Ahi | Fire | (Fts) |
AN.AFIAFI | Ahiahi | Late (of day); afternoon | (Wbr) |
OC.QAFI-GA | Haʔiŋa | Armpit Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
MP.AFO | E/aho/ | Fishing-line | (Tgr) |
EO.QAFU.2 | Ahu | Megalithic construction considered for a long time as a funeral monument...consists of one or more chambers with a platform cover meant to support one or more moai.. Swelling (Wbr). | (Fts) |
NP.QAFULU | Hahuʔu | Goatfish sp. Problematic | (Rdl) |
PN.AGI.2 | Aŋi | Be certain, know Problematic | (Kvt) |
NP.QAGO.A | ʔAŋo/ʔaŋo | Demacrado, enjuto, enflaquecido (por el hambre) | (Bxn) |
AN.QAHO | ʔAo | Anochecer [sic] | (Fts) |
AN.QAHO | ʔAo popohaŋa | Dawn, daybreak | (Fts) |
NP.QAO-ATEA | ʔOotea | Dawn, morning, morrow | (Fts) |
OC.QAHU.1 | ʔAu | Bilis | (Bxn) |
OC.QAHU.1 | Au | Gall | (Fts) |
AN.QAHU.2 | ʔAu | Humo | (Bxn) |
AN.QAHU.2 | Au | Humo ; smoke | (Fts) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | (Fts) | |
MQ.AKU-AKU | Akuaku | Diablo; duende; espíritu. Devil, ghost, spirit Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Fts) |
MP.QAI.2 | Ai | Coition, coitus, copulation, sexual intercourse | (Fts) |
MP.QAI.2 | ʔAi | Coito, copular | (Bxn) |
PN.QANA-NEI | (I)aŋani/raa | Today (past) | (Fts) |
AN.AKA.A | Aka | Root | (Fts) |
PN.AKIAKI | Kiakia | A sea bird (Gygis alba); also given to another variety known as Albus royanus Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
MP.AKO | Ako/ako | Ensayar un canto repetidas veces Problematic | (Fts) |
OC.AKU | ʔAkui | Ungir, untar Problematic | (Fts) |
FJ.QARA | ʔAra | Despertarse, abrir los ojos, levantarse | (Bxn) |
FJ.QARA | Ara | Awake | (Fts) |
PN.QALELO | ʔArero | Lengua (organo e idioma). Language (Wbr). | (Bxn) |
PN.QALELO | Arero | Tongue | (Fts) |
EP.QARIGA | ʔAariŋa | Face | (Kvt) |
PN.QARIKI | ʔAriki | Chief, king, lord, headman in general. Rey. | (Btl) |
AN.QARO.A | ʔAro | Parte delantera, frente, lado | (Bxn) |
AN.QARO.A | Aro | Facade, forefront, front, side | (Fts) |
MP.QAROFA.A | ʔAroha | Commiseration, compassion, condolence. Grief, sorrow, sadness; regret, be sorry; pity (Wbr). | (Fts) |
LO.AAROTE | ʔAarote | Plough, to plough | (Fts) |
EO.QALU.A | ʔAruʔaru | To pursue | (Chl) |
PN.QALUGA.2 | ŋaruʔa | Pillow Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
PN.QAMO | ʔAmo | Carry on the back or shoulders | (Fts) |
PN.QAMO | ʔAmo | Lleva algo a cuestas, cargar en hombros | (Bxn) |
EP.ANA.2 | Ana | If | (Fts) |
PN.QANA.1 | ʔAna | Cueva, caverna | (Bxn) |
PN.QANA-.2 | (I)aŋa/taiáhi | Yesterday | (Fts) |
PN.QANA-.2 | Aŋa/taiahiéra | The day before yesterday | (Fts) |
PN.QANA-FEA | Aŋahé | When? (past) | (Fts) |
NP.ANAKE | An/anake/ | Everybody, everyone | (Fts) |
NP.ANAKE | Anake | Unique | (Chl) |
PN.QANA-POO | Aŋapó | Anoche | (Fts) |
1651 entries found