Fijian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.KI.2 | E | By (instrument), with Problematic | (Cpl) |
OC.KIATO | Ikaso | Outrigger boom | (Cpl) |
XW.KIE-KIE.A | Kiekie | A mat of very fine plait worn by older women over other dresses at funerals | (Cpl) |
NP.KIE-KIE.B | Kiekie | Plant sp. (Pandanus thurstoni) | (Cpl) |
AN.KIKILA | Kila | Know, understand, feel, perceive Problematic | (Cpl) |
MP.KILA.2 | Kila | Know, understand, feel, perceive | (Cpl) |
AN.KILI.1 | Kuli | Skin | (Cpl) |
AN.KILI.2 | Qili | Twist or rub in hands Problematic | (Hkt) |
OC.KILI-KILI | Qereqere | Gravel Problematic | (Cpl) |
EO.KIMAA- | Kema- | First person exclusive plural (dial.) | (Cpl) |
PN.KI-MO-UTOLU | Kemudou | Second person trial pronoun | (Cpl) |
EO.KINA.1 | Qina | Echinus sp | (Cpl) |
OC.KINI.1 | Kini | Pinch with the nails | (Cpl) |
NP.KIO.1B | Kio/kio | Small birds, chickens | (Cpl) |
PN.KIO-KIO | Qioo | Shark sp Problematic | (Cpl) |
FJ.KITA.2A | Kida | Twitch suddenly, of the muscles; tetanus | (Cpl) |
EO.KITAA- | Keda- | First person (non-singular) inclusive | (Cpl) |
FJ.KITIKITI-VAI | Kisikisi-wai | Damsel-fly (Lakeba) (Wise) Problematic | (Cpl) |
FJ.KITIKITI-VAI | Caicai-wai | Dragonfly Problematic | (Bgs) |
PN.KIWI.2 | Kivi | Glance to one side | (Cpl) |
FJ.KO.1 | Ko | Specifier particle (Preposed) | (Cpl) |
PN.KOO.2C | Ko | Gargle | (Cpl) |
AN.KOE | I/ko/ ~ ko | Second person singular, thou | (Cpl) |
CP.LAU-TOLU | Drautolu | Generic name for the legumious creepers and climbing plants with thre leaflets, such as Vigna marina, Canavalia maritima etc. | (Cpl) |
OC.ASI | Yasi/yasi | Tree sp. (Syzygium seemanium) | (Cpl) |
EO.MILO.1 | Mulomulo | Tree sp. (Thespesia populnea); top | (Cpl) |
FJ.KOFE.A | Kove/kove | A grass and a plant (Wollastonia stringulosa) | (Hkt) |
OC.KOFU.1A | Kovu | Tie up fish, etc., in banana leaves | (Cpl) |
OC.KOFU.2 | Kobu/ta | Misty | (Cpl) |
OC.KOFU.2 | Qovu | Light clouds over land seen from out at sea | (Cpl) |
FJ.PENA.1A | Bena-a | Daub, dress hair with oil or ashes | (Cpl) |
OC.KOHO | Kosova | Cut with a koso shell Problematic | (Cpl) |
FJ.KOI.1 | I/koi/ | Tun-shell (Dolium olearum) | (Cpl) |
EO.KOKA | Koka | A tree (Bishofia javanica) | (Cpl) |
AN.KOKO.1 | Qoqo-ta | Gather up in handfuls | (Cpl) |
OC.KOKOO | Kokoo | Cluck | (Cpl) |
PN.KORA.1 | Kora | Refuse of scraped coconut | (Cpl) |
PN.KORA.1 | Kora/vula | Oil expressed from coconuts by drying or baking, not boiling | (Hzd) |
CP.KOLI.2 | Qori | A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) | (Cpl) |
OC.KOLO.1 | Koro | Village | (Cpl) |
FJ.KORO.2 | Kodro | To bark (of a dog) | (Cpl) |
PN.KONA.3 | Ya/qona/ | A plant (Piper methysticum) and intoxicating drink made from it | (Bgs) |
AN.KOTI.1 | Koti | Clip, shear | (Cpl) |
AN.-KU.1 | -qu | First person singular possessive | (Cpl) |
OC.KUKA.1 | Kuka | Small red and black mangrove crab | (Cpl) |
CP.KUKU.1A | Ququ/ca | Hold in hand, cleave to | (Hzd) |
OC.KUKU.2 | Kuku | Mussel sp | (Cpl) |
OC.KUKU.3 | Ququ | Dragged along, as anchor over a sandy bottom | (Cpl) |
PN.KULA.1A | Kula | Red Fijian parrot | (Cpl) |
PN.KULA.1B | Kula(kula) | Collared Lory (Phigys solitarius), Red-headed Parrot-finch (Erythrura cynanovirens) | (Gty) |
1176 entries found