Fijian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.KI.2 E By (instrument), with Problematic (Cpl)
OC.KIATO Ikaso Outrigger boom (Cpl)
XW.KIE-KIE.A Kiekie A mat of very fine plait worn by older women over other dresses at funerals (Cpl)
NP.KIE-KIE.B Kiekie Plant sp. (Pandanus thurstoni) (Cpl)
AN.KIKILA Kila Know, understand, feel, perceive Problematic (Cpl)
MP.KILA.2 Kila Know, understand, feel, perceive (Cpl)
AN.KILI.1 Kuli Skin (Cpl)
AN.KILI.2 Qili Twist or rub in hands Problematic (Hkt)
OC.KILI-KILI Qereqere Gravel Problematic (Cpl)
EO.KIMAA- Kema- First person exclusive plural (dial.) (Cpl)
PN.KI-MO-UTOLU Kemudou Second person trial pronoun (Cpl)
EO.KINA.1 Qina Echinus sp (Cpl)
OC.KINI.1 Kini Pinch with the nails (Cpl)
NP.KIO.1B Kio/kio Small birds, chickens (Cpl)
PN.KIO-KIO Qioo Shark sp Problematic (Cpl)
FJ.KITA.2A Kida Twitch suddenly, of the muscles; tetanus (Cpl)
EO.KITAA- Keda- First person (non-singular) inclusive (Cpl)
FJ.KITIKITI-VAI Kisikisi-wai Damsel-fly (Lakeba) (Wise) Problematic (Cpl)
FJ.KITIKITI-VAI Caicai-wai Dragonfly Problematic (Bgs)
PN.KIWI.2 Kivi Glance to one side (Cpl)
FJ.KO.1 Ko Specifier particle (Preposed) (Cpl)
PN.KOO.2C Ko Gargle (Cpl)
AN.KOE I/ko/ ~ ko Second person singular, thou (Cpl)
CP.LAU-TOLU Drautolu Generic name for the legumious creepers and climbing plants with thre leaflets, such as Vigna marina, Canavalia maritima etc. (Cpl)
OC.ASI Yasi/yasi Tree sp. (Syzygium seemanium) (Cpl)
EO.MILO.1 Mulomulo Tree sp. (Thespesia populnea); top (Cpl)
FJ.KOFE.A Kove/kove A grass and a plant (Wollastonia stringulosa) (Hkt)
OC.KOFU.1A Kovu Tie up fish, etc., in banana leaves (Cpl)
OC.KOFU.2 Kobu/ta Misty (Cpl)
OC.KOFU.2 Qovu Light clouds over land seen from out at sea (Cpl)
FJ.PENA.1A Bena-a Daub, dress hair with oil or ashes (Cpl)
OC.KOHO Kosova Cut with a koso shell Problematic (Cpl)
FJ.KOI.1 I/koi/ Tun-shell (Dolium olearum) (Cpl)
EO.KOKA Koka A tree (Bishofia javanica) (Cpl)
AN.KOKO.1 Qoqo-ta Gather up in handfuls (Cpl)
OC.KOKOO Kokoo Cluck (Cpl)
PN.KORA.1 Kora Refuse of scraped coconut (Cpl)
PN.KORA.1 Kora/vula Oil expressed from coconuts by drying or baking, not boiling (Hzd)
CP.KOLI.2 Qori A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) (Cpl)
OC.KOLO.1 Koro Village (Cpl)
FJ.KORO.2 Kodro To bark (of a dog) (Cpl)
PN.KONA.3 Ya/qona/ A plant (Piper methysticum) and intoxicating drink made from it (Bgs)
AN.KOTI.1 Koti Clip, shear (Cpl)
AN.-KU.1 -qu First person singular possessive (Cpl)
OC.KUKA.1 Kuka Small red and black mangrove crab (Cpl)
CP.KUKU.1A Ququ/ca Hold in hand, cleave to (Hzd)
OC.KUKU.2 Kuku Mussel sp (Cpl)
OC.KUKU.3 Ququ Dragged along, as anchor over a sandy bottom (Cpl)
PN.KULA.1A Kula Red Fijian parrot (Cpl)
PN.KULA.1B Kula(kula) Collared Lory (Phigys solitarius), Red-headed Parrot-finch (Erythrura cynanovirens) (Gty)

1176 entries found