Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
NP.AE | ʔAe | Yes, consent, agree | (Pki) |
PN.QAQEWA | Aaewa | Sway, as a branch or sea-eddy | (Pki) |
FJ.QAFA.1 | H/aha/ | Net gauge | (Pki) |
NP.QAFA-TEA | ʔAhakea | Trees (Bobea spp.); wood used for canoe rims | (Pki) |
NP.AFE.1B | Ahe/ahe | Zephyr | (Pki) |
PN.QAA-FEA | Aahea | When (in the future, interrogative) | (Pki) |
AN.AFI | Ahi | Fire | (Pki) |
AN.AFIAFI | Ahiahi | Evening | (Pki) |
MP.AFO | Aho | Cord, especially fishing line | (Pki) |
CE.AHO | Aho | Breath; to breathe | (Pki) |
EO.QAFU.2 | Ahu | Altar, shrine, heap up, pile | (Pki) |
PN.QAAFUA | Aahua/one | Sandbank | (Pki) |
PN.QAAFUA | Aahua | Heap. mound, hillock | (Pki) |
AN.AGI.1 | Ani | Blow (of wind, breeze) | (Pki) |
PN.FAKA-AGI | Hoʔaani | To beckon, wave, signal; to let wind | (Pki) |
PN.AGI.2 | Aniani | Travel swiftly | (Pki) |
AN.QAHO | Ao | Day (not night) | (Pki) |
OC.QAHU.1 | Au | Gall | (Pki) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | Linking particle | (Pki) |
MP.QAI.2 | Ai | Coition | (Pki) |
CE.AAIO | ʔAioo | Wave that rises and falls without breaking | (Pki) |
AN.AKA.A | Aʔa | Small root | (Pki) |
MQ.AKE.B | Aʔe/aʔe | Banana variety with green and white striped fruit and leaves | (Pki) |
PN.AKIAKI | Aʔiaʔi | Fair, white, clear | (Pki) |
MP.AKO | Aʔo | Learn, teach | (Pki) |
OC.AKU | Waku | Scrape, grate, wear away by friction | (Pki) |
CE.AA-KUA-NEI | Auaneʔi, aʔuaneʔi | Soon, by and by, presently, shortly, just | (Pki) |
FJ.QARA | Ala | Awake | (Pki) |
CE.ARA-FATA | Alahaka | Plank bridge, trestle, ladder | (Pki) |
CE.ARAHURA | Alahula | A frequented and well-known path | (Pki) |
PN.AALAI | Aalai | Screen | (Pki) |
PN.ALEALE.B | Ale | Hollow or cavern on sea floor | (Pki) |
PN.ALEALE.A | Aleale | Wounded, pierced; sound, sore Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Pki) |
PN.QALELO | Alelo | Tongue | (Pki) |
CE.ARI | Alia | To wait, stop; usually as a command: stop! wait a minute! | (Ebt) |
PN.QALI.1A | Ali/ali | Crystal clear, white | (Pki) |
CE.TUU.3 | Kuu | Name for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth days of the month (Kuu kahi, Kuu lua, Kuu kolu, Kuu pau) | (Pki) |
PN.HAALIQA | Aalia | Pool where salt is formed; salt-bed | (Pki) |
PN.QARIKI | Aliʔi | Chief | (Pki) |
AN.QARO.A | Alo | Front, face, presence; upper surface, as of a bowl; leeward | (Pki) |
MP.QAROFA.A | Aloha | Love, pity, compassion | (Pki) |
PN.QAROFA.B | Aloha | Greetings, hello, goodbye | (Pki) |
PN.QAMIO | Amio | Pass in and out | (Pki) |
PN.QAMO | Amo | Carry a burden on the shoulders, lift weights | (Pki) |
PN.AMU | Amu(amu) | Curse, revile | (Pki) |
CE.ANA.1 | Ana | Post-posed particle, continuance of action or state | (Pki) |
PN.QANA.1 | Ana | Cave | (Pki) |
AN.ANE.A | Ane | A dermestid beetle that destroys feathers in feather-work; mites, as in chickens; insect-eaten, gnawed | (Pki) |
AN.ANE.A | Aane/a | Moth-eaten | (Pki) |
NP.AA-NEWA | Aanewa(newa) | Dizzy, unsteady | (Pki) |
2211 entries found