Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.AE ʔAe Yes, consent, agree (Pki)
PN.QAQEWA Aaewa Sway, as a branch or sea-eddy (Pki)
FJ.QAFA.1 H/aha/ Net gauge (Pki)
NP.QAFA-TEA ʔAhakea Trees (Bobea spp.); wood used for canoe rims (Pki)
NP.AFE.1B Ahe/ahe Zephyr (Pki)
PN.QAA-FEA Aahea When (in the future, interrogative) (Pki)
AN.AFI Ahi Fire (Pki)
AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi Evening (Pki)
MP.AFO Aho Cord, especially fishing line (Pki)
CE.AHO Aho Breath; to breathe (Pki)
EO.QAFU.2 Ahu Altar, shrine, heap up, pile (Pki)
PN.QAAFUA Aahua/one Sandbank (Pki)
PN.QAAFUA Aahua Heap. mound, hillock (Pki)
AN.AGI.1 Ani Blow (of wind, breeze) (Pki)
PN.FAKA-AGI Hoʔaani To beckon, wave, signal; to let wind (Pki)
PN.AGI.2 Aniani Travel swiftly (Pki)
AN.QAHO Ao Day (not night) (Pki)
OC.QAHU.1 Au Gall (Pki)
OC.AI.1 Ai Linking particle (Pki)
MP.QAI.2 Ai Coition (Pki)
CE.AAIO ʔAioo Wave that rises and falls without breaking (Pki)
AN.AKA.A Aʔa Small root (Pki)
MQ.AKE.B Aʔe/aʔe Banana variety with green and white striped fruit and leaves (Pki)
PN.AKIAKI Aʔiaʔi Fair, white, clear (Pki)
MP.AKO Aʔo Learn, teach (Pki)
OC.AKU Waku Scrape, grate, wear away by friction (Pki)
CE.AA-KUA-NEI Auaneʔi, aʔuaneʔi Soon, by and by, presently, shortly, just (Pki)
FJ.QARA Ala Awake (Pki)
CE.ARA-FATA Alahaka Plank bridge, trestle, ladder (Pki)
CE.ARAHURA Alahula A frequented and well-known path (Pki)
PN.AALAI Aalai Screen (Pki)
PN.ALEALE.B Ale Hollow or cavern on sea floor (Pki)
PN.ALEALE.A Aleale Wounded, pierced; sound, sore Uncertain Semantic Connection (Pki)
PN.QALELO Alelo Tongue (Pki)
CE.ARI Alia To wait, stop; usually as a command: stop! wait a minute! (Ebt)
PN.QALI.1A Ali/ali Crystal clear, white (Pki)
CE.TUU.3 Kuu Name for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth days of the month (Kuu kahi, Kuu lua, Kuu kolu, Kuu pau) (Pki)
PN.HAALIQA Aalia Pool where salt is formed; salt-bed (Pki)
PN.QARIKI Aliʔi Chief (Pki)
AN.QARO.A Alo Front, face, presence; upper surface, as of a bowl; leeward (Pki)
MP.QAROFA.A Aloha Love, pity, compassion (Pki)
PN.QAROFA.B Aloha Greetings, hello, goodbye (Pki)
PN.QAMIO Amio Pass in and out (Pki)
PN.QAMO Amo Carry a burden on the shoulders, lift weights (Pki)
PN.AMU Amu(amu) Curse, revile (Pki)
CE.ANA.1 Ana Post-posed particle, continuance of action or state (Pki)
PN.QANA.1 Ana Cave (Pki)
AN.ANE.A Ane A dermestid beetle that destroys feathers in feather-work; mites, as in chickens; insect-eaten, gnawed (Pki)
AN.ANE.A Aane/a Moth-eaten (Pki)
NP.AA-NEWA Aanewa(newa) Dizzy, unsteady (Pki)

2211 entries found