Manihiki-Rakahanga entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CP.SELE.1A Here Snare (Bck)
PN.SII.1 Hii/hii Fishing (Bck)
OC.SIKA.2 Hika Make fire by friction (Bck)
OC.SIKA.1 Hika Net needle (Bck)
MP.SIKU.A Hiku Tip of pandanus leaf (Bck)
CE.SIKU.B Hiku Tail (of fish) (Bck)
PN.FINA-GALO Hinangaro Want (Krk)
FJ.SINU.1 Hinu Oil (Bck)
MP.FIRI.1 Hiri Three-ply braid (Bck)
PN.FIRO.1 Hiro Colours mixed (Bck)
MP.SUKI.A Hiuki To make a small hole in a coconut in order to drink it (Krk)
PN.FOFOGA Hohonga The eyes, the face (Sve)
PN.SOGI Ho/hongi Press noses (Bck)
PN.FOKI.2 Hoki Also (Krk)
AN.FONU.2 Honu Turtle (Krk)
EP.SOPE.2 Hope/nga Point of no return. End (Osn). (Krk)
OC.SOPU.2 Hopu Dive; (sun) set (Krk)
OC.SOPU.2 Hopu/hopu, hopu vai Swim, bathe (Ttr)
CO.SALIKI Horiki Canoe platform Problematic (Bck)
PN.FOHU Hou Drill (Bck)
PN.FUA.5A Hua Nothing; post-verbal particle (Krk)
AN.FUA.3A Hua raakau Fruit (Krk)
PN.FUGOWAI.* Huangai Father or mother in law Phonologically Irregular (Bck)
MP.QUHILA Huira Lightning Phonologically Irregular (Krk)
MP.FUKE.A Huke Take something out of the oven (Bck)
NP.SUUMAALIE Huumaaria Calm; beautiful, good (Bck)
NP.FUNE.2 Hune Ringworm (Bck)
EP.FUNAOGA.* Hunonga Son or daughter in law (Bck)
EO.TAA.1A Hua/taa To hit (Krk)
NP.SUE.1 Hue Fish sp (Bck)
EO.FULA.3 Hura (pl huhura) Get out of here, run away (Krk)
MP.FULI.1 Huri To turn (aside), turn around (Krk)
MP.SULU.1A Huru Additional separate leaflets added to plaiting (Bck)
MP.FULU-FULU Huruhuru Feather. Hair (Sve). (Krk)
AN.FUTI.1 (Hu)huti (pass. hutia) To pull (rope), jerk off (Krk)
EP.I.1 I Past tense (Krk)
AN.IA.1 Ia He (Krk)
OC.ISE.1 Ihe Fish sp. (Bck)
OC.HIFO.B Iho Directional: down (Krk)
PN.IO.2 Iho rauru Strand of hair Phonologically Irregular (Bck)
AN.ISU.1 Ihu Nose; bow of canoe (Bck)
AN.IKA.A Ika Fish (Krk)
PN.QINAFO Inaho A school of tuna fish (Krk)
MP.INU Inu To drink (Krk)
PN.HIGOA Ingoa Name (Krk)
CE.IPO Ipo Lover (Krk)
AN.IPU Ipu Coconut shell (Krk)
PN.QILAAMUTU Iraamutu Nephew, niece (Krk)
AN.QITI Iti Few, small (Bck)
NP.IWI.A Ivi Bone (Krk)

1161 entries found