Mota entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.POO.1A Pwoŋ Night (Cdn)
MP.PUGA.1 Puŋa Coral (Cdn)
OC.SAE.1 Sare Tear (Cdn)
FJ.SALA.2 Sara/sara To come or go in a body together. Problematic (Cdn)
EC.SALE Sale float, drift, soar with open wings. Problematic (Cdn)
MP.SALI.1 Sale Flow, run with water (Cdn)
OC.SALU.1 Sal Cut with a slashing cut (Cdn)
PN.SAMU.1A Samw/ai Useless remains, refuse (Cdn)
OC.SAQO Sao Take up fish in a net (Cdn)
EO.SAQU.2 Sau To lift up (Cdn)
FJ.QAA-SIO-SIO Ga/siosio Rainbow Problematic (Cdn)
MP.SIPA.2 Sipa Turn aside, err, go wrong (Cdn)
OC.SIWILI Sivure A parrot (Cdn)
EO.SUA.3 Sua To paddle, make a canoe voyage (Cdn)
EO.SULA Suar To present itself, appear, as a vision (Cdn)
MP.SULI Suliu Sucker from roots of a plant (Cdn)
OC.SUMU.2 Sumu/t Fish sp (Cdn)
AN.TAA.1B Tara Hew, chop, cut (Cdn)
OC.TAGO.A Tango Touch with the hand (Cdn)
MP.TAHI.1 Tas Sea (Cdn)
AN.TAHINA Tasi/u Younger sibling same sex (Cdn)
OC.TALAI Tara Hew, chop, cut (Cdn)
AN.TANU Tanu Bury with earth (Cdn)
OC.TEFE Teve Cut with a drawing motion (Cdn)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Tivitivi A fish (Chaetodon) (Cdn)
OC.TIKA.A Tipwa Blunt arrow for birds. (Cdn)
MP.TIRO Ilo See, know (Cdn)
FJ.TINI.1A Tiŋ To set a bound Problematic (Cdn)
EO.TOGA Togalau A northwest wind, over Ureparapara (Cdn)
MP.TOKA.2A Toga Dwell (said to derive from sit) (Cdn)
AN.TOLU Tol Three (Cdn)
AN.TUFU.1 Tov Spring below high-water mark (Cdn)
AN.TULI.1 Tul Earwax (Cdn)
AN.QURA Ura Crawfish (Cdn)
PN.QUNU Unu/v Sink in, be absorbed, of a fluid Problematic (Cdn)
CE.WAHO Vawo Above Problematic (Cdn)
MP.WAI.1 Pei Water (Cdn)
AN.WAKA.A Aka Canoe (Cdn)
PN.SIKI.1D Siki Quote, copy (Jsn)
OC.KEHE Gese That and nothing else (Cdn)
PN.WAO-A Vaoaa To be overgrown by weeds (Jsn)

141 entries found