Niue entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
TO.MO-MOHO Momoho Ripe, mature; very old (of people), worn (with age) (Sph)
TO.QUAGA Uanga Worm, maggot, parasite (McE)
AN.QUTI.2 Ute Tail part of a shellfish; core, cause (Sph)
PN.TA-FOKI Tafoki To turn round (Sph)
XW.TALA-NOA Tala noa To gossip (Sph)
FJ.TEI.2 Tei(tei) Inceptive (pre-verbal aspect marker): Nearly, just about, almost (Sph)
PN.GAOGAO Gaogao To be few [people] (Sph)
XW.PAQOGO Paaogo A type of floor mat (woven with wide double strips of pandanus) (Sph)
PN.OI.2 O(o)i To groan, moan, sigh. (interj.) Alas! (McE). (Sph)
PN.KAAKAA.2 Kaakaa To be boastful, to be cheeky, to be outspoken (refers to a harsh, aggessive way of boasting) (Sph)
PN.GAGAU Gagao Sick, ill Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
PN.LOTO-GA Lotoga To be halfway, halfway in between; middle, halfway (Sph)
XW.MAASIMA Maatima Salt (traditionally from the sea, dried on pandanus leaves) (Sph)
XW.PAUQU Pauu To boast. Boastful (Tongan) (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
PN.TUA.4 Ufi tua A yam variety (round, medium-sized tubers, purple flesh) (Sph)
PN.TUTUE Tutue To be sore (of eyes) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
AN.MATA.2A Niu mata Copra (not dried properly) (Sph)
PN.NAMU-AQA Namuaa Smell of fish or the sea (vi) (Sph)
CP.TEKE.4 Faka/teke To go against one another, to oppose (Sph)
PN.NOA.2 Noa Just, only (post-verbal particle). Without cause, in vain, uselessly, without purpose; free, unrestrained, boundless (McE). (Sph)
FJ.TUFU.2 Tufu A parrotfish (Scarus sp.)... (Sph)
PN.PANI.3 Pani/gaa To pray (archaic) (Sph)
MP.KAHA.1 Ka/kaa To burn [subj. fire] Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
MP.MUTU.2 Mutu/mutu A small grey fish with dark vertical bands and a yellowish patch on the back (Sph)
MP.PALALAFA Palelafa Midrib of the coconut frond Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
MP.PAPA.1A Papa Washing-board; type of wooden club (weapon) (Sph)
PN.PUSAKI Puhaki Sigh, gasp (Sph)
MP.SAFE.2 Hafe Beard Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
EO.INO-QI Hi/hino To look sad, to look pale Problematic (Sph)
MP.TAUTU Toutu Porcupine fish (Diodon sp.) (rarely caught) (Sph)
PN.TOKO-TOKO Tokotoko Walking-stick, staff (Sph)
OC.QUTO Uto/uto Verbal intensifier used with momoho [ripe] and kula [red] Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
OC.SAQO (H)ao/fia To be hampered, to be in danger; to be affected. To affect everyone, apply to all (McE). (Sph)
MP.SINA.1 Hina White; blank (Sph)
MP.SINA.1 Ulu-hina Grey-headed (McE)
PN.TAGO.B Tamo To feel around, to grope; a game (with bindfolds) Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
OC.TEFE Tefe/kula Young man in the prime of his life Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
MP.FIRI.1 Faa fii Coastal pandanus (Pandanus odoratissimus), considered the best variety for general weaving (Sph)
PN.PAKO Motie pako A common weed (Cyperus cyperoides) (Ykr)
PN.FAFAI (Fa)fai Break off and remove (esp. leaves from stem, or new growth from tree) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
PN.FAKA-QATU.A Fakaatu Put in a row (Sph)
PN.FAKA-QILO-GA Faka/ma/iloga Sign, symptom Problematic (Sph)
PN.FAKA-RIKI Fakaiki/iki To make small (usually refers to quantity) [ex. chop into small pieces] (Sph)
PN.FAKA-SEKE Fakaheke To slip or slide on purpose (Sph)
PN.FETE.1 Fete To be extrovert, show-off... Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)
MP.FULU-FULU Fulufulu Hairy (Sph)
NP.MUU-FEKE Muufeke Squid (Sepia spp.) Problematic (Sph)
NP.KANO-FI-MATA Kanomata Corner where upper and lower eyelids meet at the nose, lacrimal duct (Sph)
PN.KAU.7 Kau To team up, act in an organized way (Sph)
PN.KAWE.3 Kave To carry an ill-feeling Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sph)

2724 entries found