Nukuoro entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MALILI.2 Malili Goatfish sp. (Hpr)
MP.MALINO Malino Calm (weather) (Crl)
MP.MALO Malo Cloth, clothes (Crl)
PN.MAALOO.A Maalo Energetic, eager, wide-awake (Crl)
PN.MAALOSI Marohi Brave, strong (Crn)
MP.MALU.A Malu Shade (Crl)
MP.MALUU.A Maluu Soft (Crl)
PN.MAALUU.1A Maluu/lu Cool; cold (weather) (Crl)
XO.MAAMAA.* Maamaa Chew thoroughly (Crl)
MP.MAQA-MAQA.A Maamaa/ne Light in weight (Crl)
NP.MAMAE.1 Mmae Pain (Crl)
PN.MAMAQO Mmao Distant (Crl)
PN.MA-MATE.1 Made Numb, paralyzed (Crl)
PN.MA-MATE.2 Mmade Dead (plural of made) (Crl)
AN.MAMAWA Maava Yawn Problematic (Crl)
MP.MAMI Mami Taste of something (Crl)
OC.MANA.1 Mana Supernatural power. A miracle (Crn). (Crl)
PN.MANAKO Manako To want, to wish (Crn)
PN.MANATU Maanadu Think, thought (Crl)
MP.MANAWA.1 Manava The belly (Crn)
AN.MAANAWA.1 Manava Breath, breathe (Crl)
AN.MA-NIFI Manifi/nifi Thin (Crn)
RO.MANINI.1 Manini Fish sp., Convict Tang (Crl)
PN.MANO Mano Thousand. One hundred (Crn). (Crl)
OC.MANOGI Manongi Fragrant, fragrance (Crl)
FJ.MANOKO Manogo Goby (Crl)
TA.MANO TINI Mano-tini A very large number Problematic (Crn)
AN.MANU.1A Manu Animal, plant (flora); coral head. A tree (generically) (Crn). (Crl)
AN.MA-QANU Maanu Float in place (Crl)
PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Fortunate, lucky, blessed (Crl)
OC.MANUKA.1 Maanuga Wound or large sore (on the body) (Crl)
PN.MANU-LELE Manu lele Bird (Crl)
NP.MANU-MANU Manumanu Insect sp (Crl)
SO.MA-QOFA Maoha Broken (Crl)
AN.MAQOHA M/moa Cooked (Crl)
PN.MAQOLI Maoli Suspicion which proves true (Crl)
MP.MASA.1 Masa Empty, low tide (Crl)
PN.MA-SAE Masae Torn (Crl)
PN.MAA-SAGA Maasanga Twin (Crl)
FJ.MASALA Masaara Alert, intelligent (Ebt)
AN.MASI.1 Masi To scrape or peel breadfruit when the breadfruit is ripe (Crl)
AN.MASI.1 M/masi The ripened condition of the fruit of the pandanus (when the keys begin to fall) (Crl)
AN.MASI.1 Masi Bad-smelling (Crn)
PN.MASI-MASI Masimasi Dolphin (Crl)
PN.MAASINA Maa-sina Moon (Crl)
EO.MASUI Masui Left (not right) (Crl)
AN.MATA.1A Mada Face (Crl)
EO.MATA.1C Mada Point, tip (Crl)
AN.MATA.2A Mada Uncooked (Crl)
FJ.MATA-.4 Mada Prefix indicating ten of (Crl)

1649 entries found