Penrhyn entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.A | A | Personal article | (Sta) |
MP.AFE.1A | P/ahe/ | To deviate, detour, turn | (Rmn) |
PN.QAA-FEA | Aahea | When in the future | (Sta) |
AN.AFI | Ahi | Fire | (Sta) |
PN.QAFII | Aahii | To wear clothes Problematic | (Sta) |
AN.AFIAFI | Ahiahi | Evening | (Sta) |
MP.AFO | Aho | Cord, especially fishing line | (Sta) |
CE.AHO | Aho | Breath | (Sta) |
EO.QAFU.2 | Ahu | Erect stone, pile of stones, cairn | (Sta) |
PN.QAAFUA | Aahua | Small islet | (Rmn) |
NP.QAGA.2 | Anga | Shell; empty container, anything like a shell | (Sta) |
PN.AGE | Ange | Direction away from speaker and hearer | (Rmn) |
AN.AGI.1 | Angiangi | Blow; light breeze | (Sta) |
PN.AGI.2 | Angiangi | Thin and light object, e.g. paper | (Rmn) |
PN.AGO.2 | Ango | Imitate | (Sta) |
AN.QAHO | Ao | Day | (Sta) |
OC.QAHU.1 | Au | Bitter bladder (of tridacna shell) | (Sta) |
AN.QAHU.2 | Au | Smoke | (Sta) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | Then, therefore, so | (Sta) |
AN.AKA.A | Aka | Root; sprout | (Sta) |
PN.AKE.A | Ake/ake | Seed of puka tree | (Sta) |
MP.AKO | Ako | Give a sermon, preach | (Sta) |
CE.AA-KUA-NEI | Aakuanei | Later on today | (Sta) |
FJ.QARA | Ara | Wake | (Sta) |
PN.AALAI | Aarai | Hinder; curtain | (Sta) |
OC.QALAWA | Aarava | Kind of shark with white-tipped fins, dangerous (Carcharinus albimarginatus) | (Sta) |
CE.AAREA | Aarea | Barren expanse of land, where there is no coconut tree | (Sta) |
PN.ALEALE.B | Areare | Hollow, empty, thin. | (Rmn) |
NP.ALEALE.C | Vai areare | Clear water, with nothing mixed in | (Sta) |
PN.ALEALE.A | Areare | Empty stomach | (Rmn) |
PN.QALELO | Arero. Alelo (Bck). | Tongue | (Sta) |
CE.ARI | Aaria | To wait | (Sta) |
PN.HAALIQA | Aaria | Water pathway, narrow passage, that is a stretch of water between two islets, which is shallower and narrower than a passage (ava), which...even a small boat cannot normally go through. | (Sta) |
PN.QARIKI | Ariki | Chief | (Sta) |
MP.QALILI | Ariri | Turban snail (Turbo sp.); calyx of coconut | (Sta) |
AN.QARO.A | Aro | Front. Anterior (of a person) (Bck). | (Sta) |
MP.QAROFA.A | Aroha | Love | (Sta) |
LO.AAROTE | Aarote | Plough | (Sta) |
EO.QALU.A | A/aru | Go and take a person, get something, fetch | (Sta) |
EO.QALU.A | Aru/aru | Chase | (Sta) |
PN.QAMO | Amo | Carry on shoulder | (Sta) |
CE.ANA.1 | Ana | Particle marking continuity | (Sta) |
PN.QANA.1 | Ana | Cave | (Sta) |
PN.QANA-FEA | Nahea | When in the past | (Sta) |
FJ.AA-NINI | Aanini | Reel, stagger, feel dizzy | (Sta) |
NP.QANU.1 | Anu | Cold | (Sta) |
EP.AA-NUANUA.* | Aanuanua | Rainbow | (Sta) |
AN.QANUFE | Anuhe | Caterpillar | (Sta) |
NP.AO.2 | Aao/a | Undergrown and malformed coconut fruit that has no inner shell and contains neither flesh nor water Problematic | (Sta) |
EP.AO.4 | Ao | The world | (Cbl) |
1800 entries found