Penrhyn entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.MITI.3A Mete Lick; banana flower Problematic (Sta)
EC.MITI.4 Miti Salted coconut sauce (Sta)
EC.MITI.4 Miti/ore Fermented coconut sauce (Sta)
PN.MOQO Moo For (Sta)
PN.MOA.1 Moa Fowl. hen (Sta)
OC.MOA-MOA Moamoa Boxfish Ostracio spp.) (Sta)
PN.MOANA Moana Ocean; blue (Sta)
CE.MOEMOE-AA.* Moemoeaa Dream, longing (Sta)
XW.MOGA Monga Nostril, wing of nose Problematic (Sta)
MP.MOHE Moe Sleep (Sta)
PN.MOHE-GA Moenga Mat, sleeping mat (Sta)
FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Skink small lizard, spec. blue-tailed skink Emoicyanur), snake-eyed skink Cryptoblepharu boutoni) (Cbl)
TA.MOKORAA Mokoraa Duck (Sta)
PN.MOKOPUNA Moko(puna) Grandchild, relative of second descending generation (Cbl)
PN.MOLE.2 More/more Smooth, undecorated, bald (Sta)
NP.MOOLII Morii Lamp (Sta)
PN.MORI.A Haka/mori/ Worship act of worship (Sta)
MP.MOO-MONA Moomona Fat part of fish; delicious (Sta)
MP.MONO.A Moo/mono Plug (n) (Sta)
CE.MONO.B Mono Replace, relieve, represent (Sta)
CE.MOO-TEA Moo/te/tea Pale (Sta)
PN.MOTO.1 Moto Fight, box, punch (Sta)
CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro To meet a girlfriend at night in her sleeping room (Sta)
OC.MOTU.A Motu Be severed, snap; be cut, wounded (Sta)
OC.MOTU.B Motu (henua) Islet (Sta)
MP.MUU.2 Muu Snapper sp (Sta)
CE.MUU.4 Muu/muu Not sharp, blunt (of husking stick, scissors, knives, etc) (Sta)
OC.MUQA.A Mua Front, before (Sta)
NP.MUKA.1B (Niimata) muko/muko Maturation stage of coconut fruit (still has edible husk, no flesh inside) (Sta)
TA.MURA Mura To flame up (Sta)
CK.MUU-RARE Muurare Dumb (Sta)
MP.MURI.1A Muri Rear, back, behind (Sta)
PN.MURU Muru/muru Singe (of food animals) (Sta)
CP.MUNA Muna Secret (n) (Sta)
PN.MUSU.1 Musi/musi Whisper, murmur Problematic (Sta)
MP.MUTU.1A Mutu To end, cease; end (n). Blunt-ended (Bck). (Sta)
MP.MUTU.2 Koo/mutu/mutu Humbug dascyllus Dascylluaruanu) (Sta)
AN.-NA.1 Na Particle marking nearness to the second person (hearer, addressee). The particle lengthens the final vowel of the preceding word. (Sta)
PN.-RA Ra Locative particle marking remoteness both from speaker and hearer. This particle lengthens the preceding vowel... (Sta)
NP.NA.2 Naa Possessive particle (Sta)
PN.-NA.4 -na 3rd person singular possession marker (Sta)
PN.NAQA.1 Naa To cease ; to stop crying (Yda)
MP.NAMU.2A Namu Mosquito (Sta)
TA.NANA.2 Nana Erect (penis) (Sta)
NP.NANA.3 Naanaa Wild (animal) (Sta)
CE.NANE Nane To knead (Sta)
NP.NANEA Nanea Sufficient (Sta)
PN.NAO Noo Open tridacna shells, separate flesh from shell; shell opener, a pointed stick made from ngangie wood (Sta)
PN.NAO Noo/noo To grope a fish, put a hand into a hole in a rock to search for a fish (Sta)
CP.NAO-NAO Nao/nao Small fly, gnat, etc. (Sta)

1800 entries found