Penrhyn entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.PAA-SAKA Paasaka Temporary hut, low shed; house without walls Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
PN.PA-SEKE Paseke Slip, be slippery, slimy (Sta)
EP.PASII Pahii Boat, ship Problematic (Sta)
CP.PASU.1A Pahu To beat Problematic (Sta)
CE.PASU.1B Pahu Drum, slit drum Problematic (Sta)
FJ.PASU.2 Pahu Join together (usually for good) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
FJ.PASU.2 Peehua Throw Phonologically Irregular (Sta)
EO.PAASUA Paasua Tridacna shell; elongate clam (Tridacna maxima) and similar clams (Sta)
OC.PATA.1A Pata/pata To rain (Sta)
PN.PATA.1B Pata Dot, spot; dotted, spotted (Sta)
PN.PATA.3 Pata Bit, esp. a bit of food Problematic (Sta)
TA.PATA.4 Pata Marble game; to play marbles; shoot at; catapult (Sta)
TA.PAA-TARATARA Paatara Zigzag-hemmed; saw-toothed decoration for pandanus works... (Sta)
CE.PAATARI Paatari/tari To lead, entice (Rmn)
NP.PAATEE.1 Paatee Slit drum, slit gong; to beat (Sta)
EP.PAA-TEFE Paatehe Be castrated (Sta)
NP.PATI.2 Pati/pati Play (Sta)
CE.PAA-TIA Paatia Stab, thrust, inject; spear, javelin, lance (Sta)
CE.PAA-TIKI.* Paatiki Flatfish (Sta)
TA.PAA-TITI Paatiti Drive (nail) (Sta)
TA.PAA-TOKI Paatohi To oppose Phonologically Irregular (Sta)
AN.PATU.1A Patu Kill pig or chicken ; hit, beat (Bse)
TA.PATU.3 Patu Build a coral lime or concrete house; coral lime or concrete wall (Sta)
FJ.PAATUKI Paatuki Handfish, red-spotted hawkfish (Cirrhites spp.) (Sta)
CE.PAU.1E Pau/roa All (Sta)
PN.PEE- Pee- (in peeia, peenaa, peeraa) Like this/that (Sta)
CK.KORARE Koorare Spear; man's club (Sta)
OC.PEQE Pee Crushed; rotten but not smelling bad yet; ripe and about to suppurate; weak, lazy (Sta)
NP.PEE-FEA Peehea How? (Sta)
PN.PEE-HENA Peenaa Do like that, do as you are doing (Sta)
PN.MATA.2B Nii/mata Maturation stage of coconut: fruit has no edible husk and is best for drinking (Sta)
CE.PEKA-PEKA.2 Pekapeka Have a trouble, argue, quarrel; trouble, argument (Sta)
TA.PEKE.1A Peke Climb; ride piggy-back (Sta)
CE.PERERAU Pererau Wing (Sta)
OC.PELU.A Pe/peru Turn back, turn up in making clothes and pandanus works (Sta)
OC.PENU.A Penu Pandanus drupe. Hard outer ends of pandanus fruit (discarded) (Bck). (Sta)
OC.PEPE Pepe Butterfly, moth (Sta)
CE.PEEHAU Peehau Wing, flipper Problematic (Sta)
NP.PESE.1 Pese Chant (n), originally to tell who the singer was, where he came from... (Sta)
NP.PEQE-SI.B Pee/hua Throw (Sta)
TA.PEU.2 Peu Culture, custom (Sta)
PN.PEWA Peva Tail fin of various fish spp. (Sta)
CE.PII.1 Pii Unripe (Sta)
CE.PII.1 Pii/saa Young fish, esp. young mackerel (Sta)
MP.PII.2A Pii Sprinkle, spray, perfume (Sta)
MP.PIA.1 Pia Local arrowroot; tapioca; starch (Sta)
MP.PIA.2A Pia/pia Discharge from eyes, mucus (Sta)
CE.PIIGAO Piingoo Dragonfly (Sta)
MP.PIKI.1A Piki Cling to, stick to (Sta)
MP.PIKO.A Piki Bent, crooked Phonologically Irregular (Sta)

1800 entries found