Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MA-MALU Mamaru Easy of access, as a lewd woman Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
NP.KAFA-KAFA.* Ahaaha A fish remarkable for its rapidity in swimming (Dvs)
PN.KAA-FAKI ʔAafaʔi Transporter, porter (des personnes ou des objets) (Lmt)
OC.KAFIKA ʔAhiʔa Pomme tahitienne (Eugenia malaccensis) (Lmt)
OC.KAFIKA ʔAhiʔa ʔavaʔava (Oxalis corniculata) (Hpr)
PN.KAFO Aho/aho Détresse, perplexité, ennuis; s’inquiéter Problematic (Lmt)
MP.KAFU.A ʔAhu Étoffe, vêtement (Lmt)
EP.KAA-FUI.* Ahui To collect various articles of property into one place Problematic (Dvs)
CE.KAAFURU Ahuru Barbillon, poisson de la famille des Mullidae (Parupeneus barberinus) etc. Problematic (Lmt)
CE.KAGA Aa To provoke, banter, insult (Dvs)
MP.KAHA.1 ʔAa Etre cuit à point; étre allumé (Lmt)
AN.KAI.1A ʔAi Manger (Lmt)
NP.KAI.1B ʔAʔai Ronger (se dit des ulcères, des plaies) (Lmt)
PN.KAI.4 ʔAi Dans un jeu de société, s’emparer d’une carte ou d’un point, se rendre maître (Lmt)
EO.KAI.5 Ai/ani A shameless beggar Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
TA.KAI-FAKA-RUAKI ʔAi-faʔa-ruaʔi A monster at Motue`a on Taha`a island (???)
PN.KAAIGA.A Aia A country or place where one makes his abode; inheritance, portion of land (Dvs)
PN.KAAIGA.A ʔAaiʔa Pays natal (Lmt)
PN.KAI-HAQA.A ʔEiaa, ‘iiaa Voleur, voler (Lmt)
PN.KAI-HAQA.A Eiâ To steal; a theft, a thief (Dvs)
PN.KAINAGA Einaa The female attendants of the queen or chief woman, principally young girls (Dvs)
TA.KAIORE Aiore Abortive; fallen off (as fruit not ripe) (Dvs)
PN.KAI-SAU Aihau To enjoy peace and tranquility (Dvs)
NP.KA-ITOQA Aitoa Denoting satisfaction on account of something disastrous that has happened to another (Dvs)
CE.KAI-UU ʔAiuu Petit enfant, nourrisson (Lmt)
OC.KAKA.1A Aa The fibrous substance that grows on the cocoa nut tree; the husk or covering on the young branches of the breadfruit tree; the integuments inclosing the sugar-cane, bamboo, hoi, &c.; the scarf on the skin of a new born infant or other young animals; the skin inside of animals to which the fat about the kidneys adheres; a sieve, or strainer, such as is used for the pia or arrowroot (Dvs)
OC.KAKA.1A Aʔa Infrabase fibreuse à la naissance des palmes de cocotier Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
OC.KAKA.1A ʔAʔa Membrane fibreuse de couleur brune située à la base des palmes de cocotier (Aca)
OC.KAAKAA.1A ʔAʔaa Parrot sp. (Wte)
OC.KAAKAA.1A Aʔa/taevao Parakeet (Cyanorhampus zelandicus) (Clk)
OC.KAAKAA.1A Aa The name of a bird of the paroquet kind, or small parrot; there are two sorts, the one called aa taevao, which has fine red feathers, the other, aa mahu, has no red feathers (Dvs)
CE.KAA-KAFU ʔAʔahu Etoffe, vetement (Lmt)
NP.KAKAI.2 Aai A tale or fabulous relation (Dvs)
NP.KAKAI.2 ʔAʔai Conte, histoire, légende (Lmt)
NP.KAKAI.2 ʔAʔamu Conte, histoire, légende Problematic (Lmt)
PN.KAKALA Aara Sweet, odoriferous as herbs; the sweet or fragrant scent of herbs (Dvs)
PN.KAKALA-LUU Aararû The name of a small beetle (Dvs)
PN.KAKAMIKA ʔAmiʔa (Siegesbeckia orientalis) (Whr)
PN.O O Possessif, devant un complément de nom, exprime la possession forte (Lmt)
PN.QA A Devant une forme nominale: possessif, exprime la possession faible devant les compléments de nom (Lmt)
PN.KA-KANO.1 Aano Sperm or seed of certain fishes; seeds; the red berries of the hauou or pua tree; seeds of gourds, pumpkins, melons, and cucumbers (Dvs)
CE.KAAKASO.* ʔAaʔeho Roseau (Miscanthus floridulus) Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
TA.KAKU.2 Paa/ʔaʔu Râteau; ratisser, effleurer, épousseter, enlever les toiles d'araignée, écumer (Lmt)
PN.KA-KAU.2 ʔAaʔau Manche d’un outil; anse pour tenir un objet; pétiole de feuille, pédoncule de fleur, de fruit (Aca)
PN.KAKE ʔAʔe Monter, escalader (Lmt)
NP.KAKII.* ʔAʔii Cou (d'un etre humain) (Lmt)
TA.KAKU.2 Au To scrape together or heap up rubbish (Dvs)
PN.KALAA Arâ A species of hard black stone (Dvs)
PN.KALAA ʔAraa Pierre de basalte noir très dure (Aca)
CE.KARAEA Araea Red earth, bricks, red crockery ware, reddish colour (Dvs)

2772 entries found