Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
CE.KAAPITI.1 | ʔAapiti | Unir (deux elements), mettre en double, seconder | (Lmt) |
FJ.KAPO.1 | ʔApo | Attraper à la volée | (Lmt) |
FJ.KAPO.1 | Apo | To catch a thing thrown to a person | (Dvs) |
MP.KAPU.1A | ʔApu | Coque, coquille, crâne; cavité, concavité | (Lmt) |
CE.KAAPUA | Apua | Manche d’une lance indigène | (Lmt) |
CC.KAPU-LOLO | ʔApu roro | Crâne humain | (Lmt) |
MP.KASI.1 | ʔAhi | Palourde (coquillage comestible) (Asaphis tahitensis) | (Lmt) |
PN.KASI.2 | ʔA/ʔahi | Thon (Thunnus albacarea) | (Lmt) |
PN.KASIKASI | Ahiahi | A wound; scars of a warrior; bruises | (Dvs) |
AN.KASO.1 | ʔAho | Chevron (dans une charpente) | (Lmt) |
PN.KATA.1 | ʔAta | Rire, sourire | (Lmt) |
MP.KATA.2 | ʔAta | Tige de l’igname, de la vanille, du manioc, de la patate; bouture de ces plantes ou du taro | (Lmt) |
CE.KAA-TARA | Atara | A species of bread fruit; the name of a fish Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvs) |
CE.KATAU.* | ʔAtau | Droit (opposé à gauche) | (Lmt) |
OC.KATEA | ʔAtea | Tribord, sur les pirogues, le côté opposé au balancier | (Aca) |
AN.KATI | Ati | To bite with the teeth, to sting | (Dvs) |
NP.KA-ATI-RA | ʔAatiiraa | Assez, ça suffit | (Lmt) |
EP.KATO.2 | Ato | To rip or pluck off; to pluck leaves or flowers | (Dvs) |
PN.KATOA | Atoʔa | Tous, toutes (après une forme nominale); aussi (après une forme verbale) Phonologically Irregular | (Lmt) |
CE.KATOTO | Atoto | A small gummy shrub | (Dvs) |
NP.KATULI | Aturi | A running plant of a sour taste, like sorrel | (Dvs) |
EO.KAU.1 | ʔAu | Nager (sauf pour les poissons pour lesquels on emploie tere) | (Lmt) |
PN.KAU.2B | Au/tahua | The company of priests | (Dvs) |
AN.KAU.3 | Au | A mountain tree of sweet odour | (Dvs) |
OC.KAU-QAHE | Auae | The inner part of the lower jaw | (Dvs) |
NP.KAU-QALIKI | Auarii/roa | One of the trees said by tradition to be destined to hold up the sky; the leaves resemble those of the oak. Arbrisseau indigène (Jsn). | (Dvs) |
TA.KAU-ATI | Auai | A piece of soft wood on which the point of another piece called aurima is rubbed, to procure fire by friction Phonologically Irregular | (Dvs) |
CE.KAUFAU | Aufau fetii | The genealogy of a family | (Dvs) |
CE.KAUFAU | ʔAufau | Payer; impôt, taxe Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Lmt) |
PN.KAU-HAGA | Auhaa | The female genitals Phonologically Irregular | (Dvs) |
TA.KAUII.* | ʔAui | Gauche (opposé à droit) | (Lmt) |
TA.KAURAKA | Auraa | Not, do not | (Dvs) |
PN.KAU-QULI | Auri | Young saplings of the uru, ahia, mape and vi trees; iron of all sorts | (Dvs) |
PN.KAU-QULI | ʔAauri | Fer, acier | (Lmt) |
CE.KAU-RIMA | ʔAurima | Morceau de bois avec lequel on frotte un autre morceau appelé 'au'ati pour obtenir du feu | (Aca) |
CE.KAU-RIMA | Aurima | Bois qui frotte un autre bois pour avoir du feu | (Jsn) |
NP.KAULU | Auru | The top ends of small twigs or branches; the end, extremity, or point of a thing | (Dvs) |
CE.KAU-NATI.* | Aunati | A piece of wood used for friction | (Dvs) |
NP.KAUPAPA | Aupàpà | The flatness of the roof of a house, or of a tree that grows flat | (Dvs) |
FJ.KAUTE | ʔAute | Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), autrefois (Broussonetia papyrifera) dont on faisait un tapa brun | (Lmt) |
FJ.KAUTE | ʔAute ʔuʔumu | (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) | (Hpr) |
PN.KAU-WAKA | Auvaa | A fleet of canoes going together; the young brood of the fish fai, or stingray; the wreck of a canoe or boat | (Dvs) |
OC.KAWA.1A | Ava | The name of a plant...of which an intoxicating liquor is made; the juice or liquor made of the ava plant; also all kinds of spirituous and intoxicating liquors | (Dvs) |
OC.KAWA.1A | ʔAva | Boisson forte, alcool | (Lmt) |
NP.KAWA.1B | Ava/ava | Sour, acrid, bitter, saltish | (Dvs) |
NP.KAWA.1B | ʔAva/ʔava | Acide, amer, salé; tabac | (Lmt) |
CP.KAWA.3 | ʔAvaʔava | (Malacanthus hoedtii). Short-nosed tilefish (Malacanthus brevirostris) (Bct). | (Rdl) |
TT.KAWAKE | ʔAavaʔe | Lune, mois | (Lmt) |
CE.KAWA-PUSI.* | Avapuhi | An odoriferous plant, used for giving a pleasant scent to a native cloth called puhi ava | (Dvs) |
EC.KAVAU | Avau | To scold, reprove; use ill language | (Dvs) |
2772 entries found