Tokelau entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CP.PUUPUU.1 Puupuu Rinse (the mouth) (Sma)
FJ.KAUTE Aute The flower or the shrubs of genus Hibiscus Borrowed (Sma)
PN.QAA-.2 Aa- Prefix occurring in adverbs referring to future time (Sma)
SO.QAA-TAEAO Aataeao Tomorrow morning (Sma)
PN.QILO-GA Iloga Be marked out, distinct, well known (Sma)
PN.FAKA-QILO Fakailo/a Make something known, show, tell (Sma)
PN.FAKA-QILO-GA Fakailoga Sign, mark, label; indication, evidence; to mark, discriminate (Sma)
PN.FIA-KAI Fiakai Hunger; be hungry (Sma)
NP.PALE.3B Pale Veer, reverse, turn (Sma)
PN.PALE.2 Pale Wreath (generally a long string of artificial flowers) (Sma)
PN.MA-TALA.B Matala (Of mind) be sharp, be keen (Sma)
PN.TAFOLA.2 Tafola Flat part of reef on ocean side (Sma)
PN.LOO-LOO Lo/loo Steep (v), plunge; dip (Sma)
PN.LOO-LOO Loo/loo (Of a fisherman cathing skipjack with a rod) have the tip of one's rod dragged down into the water by a fighting skipjack (Sma)
NP.SAWANE Havane Blue-line Sea Perch (Lutjanus kasmira) (Sma)
NP.SUGALE Hugale Six-barred Wrasse (Thalassoma hardwickei) (Sma)
OC.KULAPO Kulapo Yellow Parrotfish (Scarus harid) (syn. ulafi) (Sma)
PN.KUMIKUMI-A Kumikumia A fish species similar to the Yellow Moorish Idol (Sma)
PN.MAMANU Mamanu Ocean Parrotfish (Scarus chorodon) (Sma)
PN.MATA-QELE Mataele Flag-tailed Sea Bass (Cephalopolis urodelus) (Sma)
NP.MALALI Molali Fish sp., Trilobed Maori Wrasse (Cheilinus trilobatus) Phonologically Irregular (Sma)
PN.MALE Male A small cough made as if to clear one's throat, but actually to make on'es presence known... (Sma)
OC.TAKUA.1 Takuo Very large yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) (Sma)
PN.PATI.1 Pati Clapping, cheer, applause; to clap (Sma)
SO.TEQE-AI Heeai Be none, be not present; no (in reply to question) (Sma)
PN.AI.2 I ei There (is, was), be there (Sma)
PN.FAKA-NOFO Fakanofo Allow or encourage a woman to marry a man; appoint a pastor to be minister of a church (Sma)
PN.TAU.3 Fai/tau Read, count (Sma)
NP.PAU.1C Pau End, finish, stop (Sma)
PN.TUQA.1B Tua Space or position behind something, back part of something; underside or 'wrong' side of something (leaf, carpet, etc.) (Sma)
NP.FAKA-TELE Fakatele Sail (a boat); make something move along (Sma)
PN.FAKA-TERE-TERE Fakateletele (Of pleasure craft and model boats) sail for pleasure (Sma)
CP.TAGI.B Tagi Sound (Sma)
PN.FAAQOA Faaoa Canoe crew members (Sma)
SO.POI.B Hee po/poi Not hesitant, not afraid (to do something) (Sma)
PN.SE-SEGI Hegi Shy, timid, wild (Sma)
PN.SEGI.B Hegi/a Shocked, startled; have a sudden fright Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sma)
PN.TAUSI Tauhi Look after, take care of, maintain, uphold, keep (Sma)
FJ.QASA A/aha Wade through water; make one’s way through bush; come through difficulties (Sma)
PN.MEQA.B Mea ake Show me! Let me see! (Sma)
SO.OSO Oho (of water) Overflow (Sma)
FJ.SAGA.1B Haga Pay attention to, apply oneself to, occupy oneself with, be heedful (Sma)
PN.TULA Tula Bald (Sma)
PN.TUQU-LAKI Tuulaki Stand up, get on one’s feet; get up and leave a formal gathering before it is ended (Sma)
EC.PA-LAFA Paalafa/lafa Flat (of tables, boards etc. but not of land) (Sma)
PN.TAFA-TAFA Tafatafa Side (= tafa); polite word for latrine, toilet (Sma)
EC.MAGA-MAGA.B Magamaga/alima Space in between the fingers or between the thumb and the index finger (Sma)
EC.MAGA-MAGA.B Magamaga/avae Place in between one's toes (Sma)
SO.FAFA.3 Fafa (of a sail) Mainsheet (Sma)
PN.TALA-TALA.A Talatala Have thorns, be prickly, be rough (Sma)

2175 entries found