Tokelau entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
FJ.TINI.1A Tini Finish line, goal, end; goal, aim; pass the finish line, reach the goal; (of goal, wish etc) be fulfilled, be carried out (Sma)
PN.TINI-LAU Tinilau Male personal name (Sma)
NP.TII-PUTA Tiputa A rugged (sic) covering from shoulder to waist worn by women improvised from any suitable material Borrowed (Sma)
PN.TE-O-U Too 2nd person singular possessive pronoun, o-class (Sma)
AN.TOA Toa A kind of tree (Sma)
PN.TOQA Toa Warrior, hero, brave person (Sma)
EO.TOE.1A To/toe Remain, be left over (Sma)
XW.TOE.1B Toe Again, once more, still (Sma)
PN.TOFU.1 Tofu Have one each, receive or give one each (Sma)
PN.TOGA-FITI Togafiti Treat medically; remedy, treatment, device, invention, idea; magical trick or illusion (performed in a show) (Sma)
NP.TOGI.1B Togi Peck, strike with a beak (Sma)
MP.TOGO Togo Mangrove (Sma)
PN.TOKA.1 Toka Coral head; be grounded, run aground (Sma)
MP.TOKA.2A Toka Become solid, as water freezing Problematic (Sma)
PN.TOKA.2B Toka Calm (of ocean, wind, etc.); settle down; be peaceful (Sma)
SO.TOKA-.4 Toka Human prefix with numbers two to ten (Hwd)
PN.TOKO-RUA Tokalua Spouse, husband or wife (Sma)
PN.TOKE.1A Toke Tail of an animal Problematic (Sma)
??.TOKE.3 Toke Tail of an animal (Sma)
MP.TOKE-LAU Tokelau North; wind from the north (Sma)
AN.TOKI Toki Adze, axe (Sma)
EC.ATU-MATA Atumata (of net making) Row of eyes or openings of the network (Sma)
PN.TOKO-MAHURU Tokomaunu Hiccough (Sma)
PN.TOLE Tole Clitoris (Sma)
FJ.TOLO.2A Tolo (of crabs, insects, etc.) Crawl about in big numbers, swarm; drag something on the ground (Sma)
PN.TORO Tolo Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) (Whr)
PN.TOMO Tomo Sink into a hole, fall into a cavity (Sma)
NP.TONA-TONA Tona Anus (Sma)
FJ.TONU.1A Tonu Correct, straight, just, fair; decision, resolution (Sma)
CP.TONU.2 Tonu Coral Trout (Plectropomus leopardus) (Hpr)
XW.TOQO-TOQOGA Tootooga Part, organ (Sma)
FJ.TOU.2 Ki taatou First person inclusive plural subject clitic Problematic (Sma)
AN.TUQU.1 Tuu Stand (Sma)
AN.TUQU.1 Tuu-lia Be perched upon by birds (Hpr)
NP.TUQA-.3 Tua- Classifying prefix used with numerals: unit of ten (crabs or crayfish) (Sma)
EO.TUQA.1A Tua Back of a person (Sma)
PN.TUQA.1C Tua Ocean side of atoll land areas (Sma)
PN.TUQA-.2A Tua- Prefix to numerals with reference to layers, strands, repetitions, etc. (Sma)
PN.TUA-FAFINE Tuafafine Sister (of a man) (Sma)
OC.TUAI Tuai Lateness; being late (Sma)
PN.TUQA-A-KOI Tuaakoi Boundary, limit; neighbours (Sma)
PN.TUQA-SIWI Tuahivi Ridge (of mountain, house etc.) (Sma)
PN.TUQA-A-TINA Tuaatina One's mother's brother (Sma)
PN.TUFUGA Tufuga Craftsman (Sma)
PN.TUGA.B Tuga Pimple (Sma)
PN.TUQU-GAQA Tuugaa (Of a place or position of an abscess or boil on one's body) be very delicate and sore; (of a night) be very late, be far advanced (Sma)
SO.TUGAKI Tugaki Give a sign by nodding the head either up or down, to signify 'yes' or 'come over' (Sma)
PN.TUUGAKI Tuugaki Bonfire made to attract attention (ie. by people on outer islets needing help, or to let expected ocean travellers know where the land is) (Sma)
FJ.TUGU.2 Tugu A hollow dug out of the trunk of a coconut palm as a water receptacle (Sma)
PN.TUKE.1 Tuke Underside section of crab's carapace (Sma)

2174 entries found