West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
MP.HAGAFULU | Tar/agafuru/ | Ten | (Dty) |
OC.HAKE.B | Ake | Up, upwards | (Dty) |
PN.HAKU | Aku | Kind of fish. Barracuda (Fkm). (Sphyraena spp. [barracuda]) (Rve) | (Dty) |
CP.TUAKI | Tuo-gia (ANI) | To disembowel | (Cpl) |
SO.ALI.2 | Ari/-a | Hollow out, clear out, cut or scrape out in a curve | (Dty) |
SO.ALI.2 | Ari-a | To cut in a curve, as the middle of a canoe | (Cpl) |
EO.HAMA | Ama | Outrigger float, pontoon | (Dty) |
PN.HAPI | Api | Variety of fish (Sea Surgeon?) | (Dty) |
PN.HEKE | Eke | Rest upon, alight on, perch on | (Dty) |
OC.HIFO.B | Ifo | Downwards | (Dty) |
MP.HIKO-FI | (I)kofi, koufi | Large wooden tongs for removing stones from oven | (Dty) |
PN.HIGOA | E/igoa | Name | (Dty) |
AN.HIWA.1 | Iva | Nine | (Dty) |
OC.HOGE | Oge | Hunger; hungry | (Dty) |
AN.HUHU | U | Breast. Sein, téter (Rve). | (Dty) |
OC.HURU.A | Uru | To enter by crawling, as into a native hut | (Cpl) |
NP.LEWA.1 | Tu/leva | Change about; not rest in one place | (Cpl) |
PN.KA.1 | Ka | Prefix of futurity, indef. or inceptive | (Dty) |
PN.KA-E | Kaie (FUT), Kaia (ANI) | But Problematic | (Dty) |
MP.KAFA.1 | Kafa | Fibrous husk as of chestnut or coconut; rope made of husk fibres, sennit | (Dty) |
OC.KAFIKA | Kafika | Malay apple, rose apple (Syzygium malaccense) | (Dty) |
PN.KAFU.B | Kafkafu | Diaphragm [Aniwa Dialect] | (Dty) |
MP.KAHA.1 | (H)ka | To burn, to be burned | (Dty) |
AN.KAI.1A | Kai (trans. kei/na) | Food, eat. Manger, manger féculents (Rve). | (Dty) |
NP.KA-KAI | Mta/kai. mta/kei (Cpl). | Sharp. Etroit (nez) (Rve). | (Dty) |
FJ.KAILE.1 | Kaire | Wild yam | (Dty) |
OC.KAKA.1A | Kaka, faka (ANI) | Spathe of the coconut palm. Coconut cloth [Aniwa Dialect] (Cpl). Tissus fibreux, ius. feuilles (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.KA-KAHA | Hka | Heat, hot | (Dty) |
NP.KAKAI.2 | Hkai | Story, tale, legend; to tell tales | (Dty) |
PN.KA-KANO.1 | Xkano (WFU) | Body, ‘soul’ | (Dty) |
PN.KAKE | Kake (WFU), kage (ANI) | Upwards | (Dty) |
EO.KALAE | Karae | Bush hen | (Dty) |
OC.KALAKA | Karaka | Fruit tree (with small fruit) | (Dty) |
PN.KALA-MISI | Káramisi | Crab sp | (Cpl) |
TA.KARAPOGA | Farapoga, forapoga (ANI) | Glutton; surfeit Problematic | (Cpl) |
PN.KALEQA | Karea | Sea-snail, conch...; shell axe fashioned from the conch shell. Térèbre (Rve). | (Dty) |
XO.KALI.3 | Kari | Penis (profane) | (Dty) |
NP.KALI-KAO | Karikau | Top shell, a common, edible shellfish with pyramid-shaped shell with purplish tint. Trochus shell spp. (Clk). | (Dty) |
FJ.KALOLO | Karo/ji | Bow string Phonologically Irregular | (Dty) |
PN.KALU.C | Karu/karu | Murky, cloudy; mucky, icky | (Dty) |
PN.KALU.B | Karu/paua | Pudding with coconut stirred into it | (Dty) |
PN.KAMA-KAMA.1 | Kam(a)kama | Species of small bluish sea crab; generic term for sea crab | (Dty) |
MP.KANAHE | Kanae | Mullet. (Mugil [Moolgarda] seheli [Bluespot Mullet]) (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.KANIWA | Kaniva | The Milky Way | (Dty) |
OC.KANO.1A | Kano | Taste (n,vi). Body, soul [Aniwa Dialect] (Missionaries deliberately interchanged the meanings of ata and kano.) | (Dty) |
FJ.KANU | H/kanu | Ring, stripe; striped, ringed, coloured, patterned, marked | (Dty) |
OC.KAO.3 | Keo | A bird | (Dty) |
PN.KAPE.1 | Kape | Banana sp | (Dty) |
PN.KAPE.2 | Kape/a | To extract or clean out. Oter épine enfoncée à l'aide d'une aiguille; vider abcès (Rve). | (Dty) |
MP.KASI.1 | Kasi | Cockle shell; scraper made of cockle shell (esp. for scraping green bananas). Vénus (coquillage); rape à coco (Rve). | (Dty) |
1908 entries found