Reconstruction Level: PN - Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
-TA First person singular affective possessive suffix
TAA.1C Tattoo (v)
TAA.2 Bunch of fruit, especially a hand of bananas
TAA.5A First person inclusive dual preposed subject pronoun
-TAA.5B First person inclusive dual possessive suffix: *-taa(ua)
TAE.1 Reach, arrive
TAQE-TULI.1 Ear wax
TAQE-TULI.2 A millipede or centipede
TA-FAGA.A Naked, bare, clear
TAFA-QAKI-LAGI Horizon (Clk): *tafaqa(ki)-lagi
TAFA-QULI A fish (Caranx sp.) (Rby)
TAA-FITI.A Somersault, leap over
TAFITO.A Base of a tree; foundation, origin, beginning, root, basis
TA-FULI Turn, overturn, capsize, turn round (intr.)
TAFUTI Run away (Clk)
TAGA.1B Drive into an enclosure; surround
-TAGA.4 Substantiviser
TAGAKI To open (v.t.), uncover
TAAGAKI Turn and look at
TAGALOA.A A principal god of the pantheon
TAGA-TAGA Loose; not firmly secured
TAGAQU A fish (Lutjanus sp.)
TAGO.B Grope, feel for; fish for octopus etc.; go about at night
TAGULU Deep-toned sound, as of thunder, snoring: *ta(a)gulu
TAGUTU Tree stump: *ta(a)gutu
TAIKO Sea-bird sp., probably petrel
TA-ILI To fan; to blow
TAKA.1B Be unmarried, single (Rby)
TAKA.2B Sandal (Rby)
TAKAFALU A small tree (Micromelum minutum)
TAKA-GA Group, flock, shoal: *ta(a)ka-ga
TAKAI Wrap around, encircle, surround
TAAKAI Anoint, rub with oil
TAKA-LILI Tremble, shudder
TAKA-MILO Go round and round
TAKAPAU Floormat (plaited from coconut fronds)
TAKE.2 Pointed end of coconut, the end broken off for drinking
TAAKELO Name of a month; a star name
TAKE-TAKE A seabird, probably a white tern
TAKI-.2 Distributive prefix
TAKOTO Lie down
TAKU.1 Mention (v), recite
TE-QA-KU First person exclusive singular A-class possessive: >> *ta((q)a)ku
TAKU-A.2 Reputedly, they say
TAKULUA A star and month name, probably Sirius, but with qualifiers the name is used for other stars
TALA.1 Sharp-pointed object, spine, prong
TALA.4 Tern species (Sterna lunata) (Thalassius bergii)
TARA The end wall of a house

1845 entries found