Reconstruction Level: PN - Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
TAALAKI To open; type of net
TALAKISI Fish sp. (Holocentridae)
TALA-MEA Crown-of-thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci)
TALA-QA-MOA A bush (Caesalpinia sp.): *tala(tala)-qaa-moa
TALAAO Fish sp, grouper (Epinephelus sp.): *talaao(a)
TALA-TUPUQA Myth, traditional story (Clk)
TALAWA Squid: *ta(a)lawa
TALA-WAI. Juice, liquid medicine
TALE Cough: *ta(l,r)e
TALI.2A Receive, accept, welcome
TALITALI-QULI Pilotfish, Remora (Echeneis naucrates (Hpr))
TAMA.2 Turmeric grater
TAMA-FAFINE Female child
TAMA-I Father
TAMAKI.1 Unpleasant or unfortunate; unfortunate circumstance: *ta(a)maki
TAMA-RIKI.A Children
TAMA-TAMA A plant (Achyranthes sp.)
TAA-MATE-A Kill, extinguish: *ta(a)mate
TAA-MAU Fasten, secure (Clk): *taa-ma(q)u
TANE Skin disease, tinea
TANE-TANE A shrub (Polyscias multijuga)
TAAQOFI Hold back, restrain
TAQO-KAWE. Coconut variety
TAQOKETE.A Older sibling of the same sex
TAQO-KUPU Hip, waist: *taq(o,u)(puku, kupu)
TAOTAO Fish sp. (Fistularia and Aulostomus spp.) (Hpr.1994): *ta(')ota(')o(ama)
TAPA.1A Bark-cloth
TAPA.4 Announce, proclaim, give or use a name
TAPA.3 Shine, flash
TAAPOO A kind of net: *taa-poo
TAPU-TOKI A tree (Alectryon sp.)
TAPU-WAQE Footprint, sole of foot
TATAA Canoe bailer; to bail out water from a canoe
TATAU.1 Tattoo
TATAU.2 Equal, the same as; to match, fit (Rby)
TATAU.3 Wring out, squeeze out, express (Rby)
TAATELA. A shark
TATUU Agitated or uncontrolled movement
TAU.2 Hang, be suspended
TAU.3 Count, tell; read (Ebt) *(ta)tau
TAU.4 War, fight, make war
TAU-.7B Prefix indicating reciprocal kin relation
TAU.8 Song
TAU-QA War, war-party
TAAU-GA.B Hanging basket for storing cooked food (Clk): *(tau)tau-ga
TAU-QI Pay, repay, compensate (Rby). Exchange, change.

1844 entries found