Reconstruction Level: PN - Polynesian
Reconstruction | Description |
TINA | Wedge |
TINIFU | Co-wife |
TINI-LAU | A mythical hero |
TINO.C | Material form, appearance; essence; to assume a form, be manifest |
TIPI.3 | Skim along surface of water |
TISE | Sneeze |
TITI.2 | Skirt or kilt worn in the dance |
TITI.5 | Strike, chip at (Ebt) |
TOO.1A | To plant |
TOO.3 | Fall (esp. of rain); set (of sun), descend |
TE-O-U | Second person singular possessive, o-class, your |
TOQO.1 | Take |
TOQA | Courageous, warrior |
TOAFA | Upland area of leached, infertile soil; desert |
TOFA.2 | Clear a path, begin a new enterprise |
TOFU.1 | Equally shared by all |
TOFU.2 | Calm, of sea |
TOQO-GA | Valuable, alienable property |
TOGA-FITI | Trick (esp. of foreigners) |
TOGI.1A | Engrave |
TOQI | Sap; to drip, stain |
TOKA.1 | Rock, as a submerged rock or reef; to run aground |
TOKA.2B | Become calm, of the sea or people, relief of pain |
TOKA.3 | Suffer a reverse, be defeated, fallen |
TOKAGA | Be diligent, apply oneself |
TOKO-RUA | Spouse, partner; couple |
TOKE.1A | Sea eel |
TOKO-.2 | Human prefix with numerals |
TOKO-MAHURU | Hiccough |
TOKO-TOKO | Walking stick |
TOLA.2 | Central leaf shoot of coconut palm: *tola(u) |
TOLE | Female genitals |
TOLO.1 | Throw |
TORO | Sugarcane |
TOLOA.B | Duck (Anas sp.) |
TOLOAKI | Litter, brood |
TOLOFI | To approach stealthily or unexpectedly; to crawl over |
TOLOGA | Enduring, longlived |
TOMO | Enter, penetrate, sink in |
TOO-MUQA | Be early, first (Rby) |
TOO-MURI | Late |
TONA.1 | Yaws |
TOTO.1 | Blood, sap |
TOTO.2 | A tree (Euphorbia sp.) |
TOTOGI | Price, payment, cost |
TOTO-TOTO | Suffused with blood |
TOOUA | Yolk of an egg (Clk) |
TUU.2 | Shake, shake dust off: *tuu(tuu) |
TUQU.3A | To cut |
TUA-.3 | Same generation kinship prefix |
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