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61242 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Anuta SO.MAQAA Ma Brother-in-law
Anuta PN.MAQA.2 Ma Preposition: for... (maaku, ma(a)u, ma(a)na)
Anuta NP.MAA.7 Ma Dark fish with very tough skin...
Anuta PN.MA-RAMA.C Roto/maarama Intelligent
Anuta PN.MAALIE.B Maarie Slowly, softly, gently; wait, take it easy (command)
Anuta PN.MAALOLO Maaroro Flying fish
Anuta AN.MATUQA.A Maatua(a) Old; an old person; kinship title for father-in-law, son-in-law; parents
Anuta PN.MA-WETE Maavete To untie
Anuta MP.MAKA-LILI (Tau)maariki Cold, chilly (of environment) Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.MAA-KONA.1 Ma(a)kona Full (with food), satiated
Anuta PN.MAMAQO Mamao Far, distant
Anuta AN.TAMA-NA Mana Father (term of address or kinship title)
Anuta OC.MANA.1 Mana Power; almighty
Anuta PN.MANEQA Ma/ne/nea To play; walkabout; any object employed for recreational purposes
Anuta PN.MANIA.1 Ma/ni/nia Lustful; to lust after something Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta PN.MANIA.1 Ma/ni/nia Fingernail, toenail Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta AN.MAANAWA.1 Ma/noo/noa To breathe rapidly, pant
Luangiua PN.QUFI.3 Uhi/uhi Zudecken [cover (oven)]
Luangiua NP.MASALO.B Maasaro, ma/masaro Erstaunt [astonished]
Luangiua XO.FAA-ITE.C Haike Versuchen [try]
Anuta AN.MAGA.1 Manga Hook part of traditional fishing lure
Anuta EO.MAGA.2 Manga/i Spread one's legs
Anuta PN.MA-AGI Mangi/angi Windy; for the wind to blow
Anuta MP.MAGO Mango A kind of fern
Anuta PN.MAFI Mapi An energetic or industrious man; a man who is constantly doing work
Anuta PN.MA-FOLA Mapora Spread out (of a large number of objects spread out on the floor of a house and ground outside)
Anuta PN.MAPU Mapu To whistle through folded tongue, alternately breathing in and out, as in playing a harmonica
Anuta FJ.MALU.B Maru(u), maru/maru Dry (as the inside of a well constructed house when it is raining)
Tikopia SO.MALIGA Maringa/ringa Hair at border of temple
Tikopia SO.MALIGA Maringa Small pinnules at base of palmate leaf etc.
Anuta SO.MALIGA Maringa/ringa Side of head in front of ear
West Futuna SO.MALIGA Mariga/riga Cheek
West Futuna SO.MALIGA Mari/maringa Joue, côté du visage
East Futuna SO.MALIGA Maliga/liga Style de coiffure (tous les cheveux en haut du front, d'une oreille à l'autre)
Samoan SO.MALIGA Maaliga/liga The temples
Nukuoro SO.MALIGA Malinga/linga Sideburns (of hair)
Kapingamarangi SO.MALIGA Malinga/linga Temple (of the head); the edge of the bow and stern of a canoe (where it slopes downward to the keel)
Anuta CP.TAQAKI Ma/taaki To pull up out of the ground
Anuta EO.MATA.1C Mata(a)/ivi A type of small traditional fish hook made of fish bones
Anuta CE.MATA-KAINAGA Matakainanga Large patrilineal descent group Problematic
Anuta PN.MAATA-KI Mataki (atu) To look, observe
Anuta PN.PALA.3 Mata/para Blind (lit. ulcerated eyes)
Anuta FJ.MATA.3 Mata/tau A line of men in battle formation
Anuta AN.MATAQU.2 Matau Right (side)
Anuta MP.MATA-WAI Matavai Spring source (the spot where a spring comes out of the ground)
Anuta PN.MATI.1 Mati (Ficus septica)
Anuta PN.MASI-MASI Matimati Dolphin (fish)
Anuta PN.MATUQA.B Matua Important, major, primary; adult; mature, ripe
Anuta XW.MA-TUKU Matuku To disband
Anuta PN.MAA-UNU Maunu To untie a strip of bark-cloth, so that a *popora*-type basket falls from a woman's back