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61243 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Anuta CP.SEA.2 Tea A kind of dance
Tikopia MP.MAKA-LILI Sau/mariki Be damp Phonologically Irregular
Anuta MP.TIRO Tiro/tiro Camera
Anuta PN.TITI.2 Titi rau ti A cordyline leaf waist garment
Anuta CP.SI-SII Titii To hiss, to attract one's attention or admonish him about improper behavior...
Anuta CE.TII-TII Titi/ngauta A kind of bird Problematic
Anuta CE.TII-TII Titi/vao A kind of small bird (or insect?) Problematic
Anuta NP.TII.3 Ti/ti/ngi To shine (the sun, a flashlight, etc.)
Anuta MP.TIRO Ti/tiro To photograph; photography
Anuta PN.TOQO.1 To mai Bring here (command)
Anuta PN.TOQA Toa Warrior; strong man; adversary in a fight or test of strength; to choose an opponent in a battle
Anuta AN.TOA Toa Ironwood (tree)
Anuta CP.SOA Toa/ki To help
Anuta OC.SOKA.1 Toka To push or thrust as in stabbing...; to push one object into another
Anuta PN.TOKO-.2 Toko Particle used with numbers in enumerating human beings
Anuta MP.MURI.1A Toko/muri To back up, go backwards
Anuta PN.TE-O-KU Toku 1s possessive pronoun: my
Anuta PN.TE-O-NA Tona 3s possessive pronoun: his, her, its
Anuta OC.TOHO.A To/ngi To pull
Anuta PN.SOPO.A Topo To jump or climb on something; to lift something
Anuta PN.TOKO.1C To/toko To masticate betel and lime to prepare it for an old person whose teeth have become bad Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta FJ.TONU.1A To/tonu Straight
Anuta PN.TE-O-U Tou 2s possessive, singular possessed
Anuta PN.TAU.2 Tou/tou/taringa Ear ring, traditionally made from turtle shell
Anuta PN.SUQA.C Tua A pudding in which sago flour is one of the ingredients
Anuta PN.TUQA-A-KOI Tuaakoi Stone for marking garden boundary
Anuta PN.TUQA.1B Tua/a/nima The back of the hand
Anuta CE.URU.1 Tuaaru (?tua/uru) South, southerly wind Problematic
Anuta OC.TUAI Tuei Old, ancient; wait [= (taking a long time)]
Anuta OC.TUAI Koi tuei Not yet
Anuta FJ.TUI-TUI.2 Tui A kind of plant Problematic
Anuta PN.SUI Tui/kaki To change; to translate
Tikopia PN.TUKE.1 Tuke Projection on body (applied to genitalia in improper speech)
Tahitian TA.PUUAI Puuai Fort, puissant, impétueux, dynamique
Anuta AN.TUNU Tunu To roast something over an open fire; roasted
Anuta EO.TUFA.1 Tupa/ki To preach
Tikopia EO.TUFA.1 Tufa/ki Instruct; command; arrange; (mod.) preach
Anuta PN.TULI.3 Turi To chase
Anuta FJ.LOGO Tu/ro/ronga Quiet, noiseless Phonologically Irregular
Anuta FJ.SULU.1B Turu Cloth of European manufacture; anything made of cloth
Anuta MP.SULU.1A Turu/turu Sprigs of attractive or aromatic leaves stuck in back of one's waistcloth to adorn oneself at dance or ceremony
Tikopia MP.SULU.1A Suru/suru Personal decoration of spray of leaves worn in girdle at back, esp. in dancing, and by males
Anuta OC.TUSI Tuti To write
Anuta MP.SUKI.A Tu/tuki To dig a hole in the ground Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta AN.TUTU.3 Tutu/nga "Anvil" for pounding bark cloth or pandanus leaf
Tikopia AN.TUTU.3 Tu/nga Wooden slab on which bark cloth trad. beaten
Anuta MP.SUKI.A Tuuki To stab
Anuta PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/ti To cut
Anuta PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/tuu/ti To slice something with a knife or adze
Anuta AN.TOSI.1 Toi (rau kie) Split (pandanus leaf)