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1056 Results matching "mai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Pukapuka NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaiti Child
Rapa NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaiti Male child (?)
Rarotongan NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaiti Boy, child
Samoan NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaiti Children
Samoan NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaitiiti Small child (not in Mnr)
Tahitian NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaiti Fils, neveu
Tikopia NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaiti Child (Gaimard)
Tokelau NP.TAMA-QITI Tamaiti Child; offspring; childhood, youth; immature, young
Marquesas PN.TAMAKI.1 Tamai Querelle, dispute
Niue PN.TAMA-RIKI.A Tamaikiiki Children
Rarotongan PN.TAMA-RIKI.A Tamariki Children (pl. of tamaiti); be a child
Tongan PN.TAMA-RIKI.A Tamaiki Plural of tamasi'i: children, young people (Cwd)
Tongan AN.TAQANE Taʔane Male (of animals mainly), to be married (of royalty)
Mangareva OC.TAQO.2A Tao/mi Presser avec la main en foulant; empêcher quelque chose de se gonfler, ou de surnager, si c'est en mer. To squeeze, to press upon with the hand; to sink a thing; to fill a thing with stones so that it should not swell up and float (Tgr).
Kapingamarangi NO.MAILAPA Mairap Aquila
Tahitian CE.TAA-PEKA Taapeʔa Agripper, tenir, retenir, maintenir; détenir, arrêter
Marquesas MQ.TAAU-GA.A Tauka (MQN), tauna (MQS) Couple (manière de compter les fruits à pain, les cocos en prenant un fruit de chaque main et le jetant sur le tas, et après avoir ainsi jeté deux fois on dit: E tahi tauka une fois quatre).
Rarotongan CE.TAPUTAPU-ATEA Taputapuatea One of the main royal courts
Tongan MP.TAU.5 Tau Be or remain at anchor; arrive (esp. by sea or air); (of road) reach or extend to
Sikaiana AN.TAQUFUFU Tauhhu Main ridgepole of house, central roof beam
East Futuna FU.TAUNAPU Tauwa pou Arm-rings (Le Maire 1616)
Hawaiian PN.TAQO-PATU Kaupoku ʔiole Second ridgepole placed aboce the main ridgepole
Samoan PN.TAAU-POQOU Taaupoou Virgin village maiden
Tongan PN.TAAU-POQOU Taaupoʔou Virgin, maiden, nun
Tahitian PN.TE.1 Te Article défini (relativement à la grammaire tahitienne); se traduit suivant les cas par: le, la, les, du, des, de la...
Sikaiana SO.TELE.3A Tele Run; travel by foot along the reef between the main island {Hale} and the small islands on the western side of the atoll {Muli Akau}
Tahitian PN.TE-TEA Tetea A person who remains always in the shade, and thereby becomes white; also a phantom said to appear at a spring of water
Hawaiian PN.TEU.1 Keu Remaining, excessive, additional, spare, surplus, extra, too much Problematic
Marquesas CE.TII-KARO Tikao. Tikaʔo (Lch). Creuser, curer, extraire en perçant, ou en fonçant la main, les doigts ou autre objet dans une cavité
Marquesas CE.TIKI.1 Tiki Idole, statue sculptée, sculpture. Nom du dieu mythique qui engendra les premiers humains; emblème des îles Marquises; sculpter, dessiner, tatouer (Lch).
New Zealand Maori CE.TIKI.2 Tiki Fetch something (with atu), bring (with mai)
East Uvea PN.TILI.1A Sili Peche avec un filet a petites mailles
Nukuoro MP.AFE.1A Ahi-mai To return
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TINA-NA.A Nana- [TAU] Mother (mainly used by children)
Hawaiian OC.TINO.A Kino Body, person, individual, self; main portion
Pukapuka OC.TINO.A Tino Body ; trunk of tree. Main part of canoe without outrigger (Sby).
Rarotongan OC.TINO.A Tino Human body (mainly in songs and regarded as Tahitian) Borrowed
Sikaiana OC.TINO.A Tino Body, trunk, main section of some object; main body of outrigger canoe
Rarotongan OC.TINO.A Tino The body; the bulk, the main part
Nuguria PN.TOQO.1 Too/mai Bring, fetch, get (generic)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TOQO.1 Too Hold, carry in hand, give, take, maintain
West Uvea PN.TOQO.1 Too-a Prendre; porter; apporter, amener (tooa mai)
Anuta EO.TOE.1A Toe Remainder. To remain, be left (over), be excluded... (Fbg).
Easter Island EO.TOE.1A Toe Be left over, remain
East Futuna EO.TOE.1A Toe Remainder; still, yet; child
Hawaiian EO.TOE.1A Koe Remainder, surplus, excess
Kwara'ae EO.TOE.1A Ore Remainder
Moriori EO.TOE.1A Toe Remain
Mangareva EO.TOE.1A Toe Reste; être de reste (se dit de tout ce qui reste). To remain, be in surplus; overplus (Tgr).
Niue EO.TOE.1A Toe To be left over, remain