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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau PN.TAFETA.A Taafeta Pool of rain water which collects in a hole on a rock
Rennellese PN.TAFETA.A Taaheta Salt-water pool, coastal pool; to be shallow or slightly full of liquid
Hawaiian PN.TAFETA.A Kaaheka Pool, especially a rock basin where the sea washes in through an opening and salt forms; salt pan
Luangiua OC.TAPAKAU Kapaʔau Coconut leaf floor mat
Ra'ivavae MP.QAFI Ahi To brood over, protect with the wings, as a mother bird; hence to gather into the arms, shelter
Ra'ivavae OC.ASI Ahi (obs) The sandalwood tree
Ra'ivavae MP.AFO Ahoo Fish line
Ra'ivavae AN.KALI.2 Ari To undermine, scoop, wash out underneath, as waves undermine the shore
Ra'ivavae MP.QAROFA.A Arooha To feel love...grieve show sympathy...feel kindness, to be generous...
Ra'ivavae PN.QAROFA.B Arooha To salute at meeting or parting
Ra'ivavae AN.QATA Ata Cloud; shadow, reflection; semblance, form, appearance; to appear momentarily, as the moon from behind clouds
Ra'ivavae AN.AKA.A Aʔa The root of trees or plants
Ra'ivavae OC.FAANAKO Faanaʔo To be lucky, have good fortune Borrowed
Ra'ivavae NP.KALE.1 ŋare To float on the surface; to flood over, overflow the surface of Problematic
Ra'ivavae NP.LEKA.1 ŋaa/rea/rea To have a gay, noisy time; a good time, enjoyable racket
Ra'ivavae NP.NATI ŋati To tie with a noosed rope, tie tightly; constrict, grip tightly; noose...
Tuamotu CE.GAKI.A ŋaki To occupy oneself with, apply oneself to the completion of; to cherish, nourish, take good care of; to serve devotedly...
Ra'ivavae EC.FOTU.3B ŋootu The cunnus (a vulgar form) Phonologically Irregular
Ra'ivavae CE.TII-SAE Piihae To tear, separate a leaf into strips by running the fingernail through it longitudinally; to split bamboo into strips; to split or strip off by means of anything sharp
Ra'ivavae AN.FANA.1 Hana To recoil, spring back straight, as a released bow; (frly) to shoot an arrow
Samoan NP.LAU.1B Lau Classifying particle used with numerals in reference to fish large enough for cooking in plaited coconut leaf wrappings
Penrhyn PN.O Oo, o Marking subordinate possession, of by
Mangareva PN.O O Possessive marker: of; of the. It is used before the names of husband, wife, food, &c. Marque la possession dominante [sic] (Rch).
Rarotongan PN.O Oo, o Preposition. Belonging to, of. Used where the relationship is (or is conventionally regarded as) inalienable, part-to-whole, non-agentive
Niue PN.O Oo Possessive marker, rarely used. Of
Ra'ivavae OC.SAPE.A Hape Crooked, twisted (as of a foot)
Tahitian NP.KO-LAA I ʔoo ra Problematic
Marquesas CE.KA-KORE Kakore, kakoʔe, ʔakoʔe, ʔaʔoʔe. ʔAkore (1ŋ04). ʔAkoʔe (MQN), ʔaʔe (Lch). ʔAaʔooʔee (Mtu). Non, point du tout. Ne...pas, nullement. Particule négative. (Lch). No (Mtu).
Ra'ivavae PN.FAALOO.A Haroo To tighten the final lashing of a canoe by taking three to four turns of the lashing around a small forked levering-stick, and pulling the lashing taut
Ra'ivavae MP.FATA.1 Hata The altare of a marae; a roost; to roost
Ra'ivavae NP.FATA.2 Fata Loose, gaping open
Ra'ivavae OC.FATI.A Hati Break off, broken off; struck down; turned aside (as leader of a school of fish, into a net); dispersed, routed
Mangareva PN.TE-QA Ta A genitive particle in matters relating to food, wife, and Husband (a-class)
Ra'ivavae CE.FAKA-PAGO Haʔapaʔo Take care of, look out for; pay attention to...obey...act with care... Phonologically Irregular
Ra'ivavae PN.SAKI Haʔi To hurl a stone or missile; to loose, let go
Ra'ivavae CK.KOO-FATU.* ʔOohaʔi Stone, rock Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.TE-QA-U Haau/Ha/Hoo Second person singular possessive pronoun
Takuu PN.TE-QA-U Too/ta-au Second person singular possessive pronoun, singular possessum. /ta-au/ = inalienable possession
Tahitian PN.TE-QA-U Too Second person singular possessive pronoun, neutral
Tuamotu PN.TE-O-U Toou/tooʔu Your, thy; the possessive second singular
Takuu CE.TOO.4 Too Your, singular possessor, singular object, neutral
Tuamotu CE.TOO.4 Too Thy, the possessive
Ra'ivavae TA.HEI Hei To be encircled, caught, enmeshed (as in a net); hooked, as a fish; to encircle; to catch fish
Ra'ivavae CP.SELE.1A Here A slip-noose, running knot; to ensnare, surround; tie up, fasten with cords...
Tahitian PN.TE-O-NA Toona Third person singular possessive, strong possession. His her, hers
New Zealand Maori PN.TE-O-NA Toona Third person singular possessive, singular object, O-class
Rarotongan PN.TE-O-NA Toona Possessive pronoun. His, her(s).
Penrhyn PN.TE-O-NA Toona/tona 3rd person, singular, definite, subordinate possessions: his, her, its; his, hers, its
Tuamotu PN.TE-O-NA Toona Loc. His, her its c/f taana
Ra'ivavae CE.KOO-SII ʔOohii To gush, spurt out, spout up