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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Ra'ivavae PN.FIA-KAI Hiaʔai To hanker for food and drink
Ra'ivavae NP.FIFI.3 Hihi The lashes of the eye; rays of the sun or moon, when above the horizon
Ra'ivavae NP.FITI.1B Hiti To rise, as the sun, moon, stars; to shine upon, as the light off the sun, moon, stars
Ra'ivavae CE.SOO-.1 Hoo/mai To give; to suggest a course of action
Ra'ivavae PN.SOLO.3 Hoo/atu To run; to drift Phonologically Irregular
Ra'ivavae CP.SOA Hooa Friend, comrade, chum; spouse, mistress, lover
Ra'ivavae PN.FAKA-SOA Haʔahooa To make friends with, become a comrade of
Ra'ivavae MQ.SOATA.4 Hooata To project light-rays above the horizon when below it; said of the moon; to become visible (as after being hidden or covered over)... Problematic
Ra'ivavae EP.SOATA.3 Hooata The second or third night of the lunar month, according to one or another calendar
Ra'ivavae OC.GUU.1 Hoo/ŋuu/ŋuu Plaintive, twittering, as the cry of the curlew
Ra'ivavae EC.FOO.3 Ho/hoo To make a fishing sweep smaller by doubling up the leaf-drag
Ra'ivavae PN.MA-FOLA Mahora To be spread or opened out, unfurled, unrolled; loose or undone, as hair
Ra'ivavae FJ.FALAU Hoorau A canoe-shed
Ra'ivavae PN.SOLO.4 Horo To move in a continuous line or direction; to run, swarm (as a school of fish)...
Ra'ivavae PN.FOLO Horo To swallow food
Niue PN.TE-O-KU Hooku 1st person singular possessive pronoun, can only be preposed. It is an old form rarely used.
New Zealand Maori PN.TE-O-KU Tooku (Determiner) my (referring to one item) - a possessive often followed by a noun but can stand without one
Rarotongan PN.TE-O-KU Tooku My, mine possessive pronoun
Penrhyn PN.TE-O-KU Toku/tooku 1st person, singular, definite, subordinate possession: my, mine
Tahitian PN.TE-O-KU Tooʔu Strong first person singular possessive, my mine
Tuamotu PN.TE-O-KU Tooku Loc. my
Ra'ivavae SO.FOTA.2 Hota A coral rock which rises above the level of lagoon waters
Ra'ivavae PN.FOKI.2 Hoʔi Too, also; indeed, so it is, truly; as it happened
Ra'ivavae AN.FUFU.1 Huhu A variety of small black bee-like woodboring insect
Tongan MP.SULI Huli Shoot, sprout, twig, or sucker; scion, descendant; to send out shoots or suckers
Ra'ivavae MP.FULU-FULU Huruhuru Hair; fur, wool; feathers; fine thread-like fibres of the mo'omo'o leaves
Ra'ivavae PN.MA-FUTI Mahuti To be uprooted, pulled or drawn up or out; to uproot (as a wind or natural force)
New Zealand Maori CE.KAA-TASI Kaatahi anoo... ka... Particle: then, only just, now for the first time, finally
Ra'ivavae MP.IA.2 Ia That one (referring to something understood or previously mentioned); then, there; so then, therefore...
Ra'ivavae PN.HIGOA Iŋooa A name, appelation
Ra'ivavae AN.IPU Ipu A calabash bowl; a ti-leaf food wrapper ('ama'a) upon which a cupped fire-sofftened banana-leaf, filled with arrowroot or other semi-liquid food, has been placed
Ra'ivavae EP.KOQILO ʔOoiro A variety of whitish edible eel
Mangaia FJ.POKA.4 Mboka Tear out by the roots
Anuta PN.POLA-POLA Poopora, porapora Type of large basket
Samoan PN.SUO Suoo Spade, hoe, shovel
Samoan PN.PUI.B Pui/pui Door, partition
Anuta PN.PUI.A Pui/pui To shut (a screen or door)
Nuguria SO.KANAPU.1 Kanapu Red-footed booby
Nuguria SO.KANAPU.1 Kanapu/tekerekere Brown booby
Takuu SO.KANAPU.1 Kapana Brown booby Phonologically Irregular
Nukumanu SO.KANAPU.1 Kanapu Red-footed booby
Nukumanu XO.KATOKO Ha/katoko Brown booby
Nukumanu PN.TALA.4 Tara/auri Sooty/bridled tern
Nukumanu CP.GOGO.1 Te/noo Brown noddy
Nukumanu CP.KAALEWA Manu/kareva Oriental cuckoo
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.FAKANAVA Hakanava Type of wood used for firestick
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.MAGA.1 Maga hanaa Notched bottom of te puke mast boom
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.RAU.3 Lau Roof slat & wall slat of house
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.TOGO Togo Tall mangrove tree; wood used for head of ndaipakapaka arrow
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KATOA Ko takoto katoa Full moon